Pipeline HUB Release Notes
Kesley Price
David Lafleur (Unlicensed)
Febin Mathews
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.03.07
HUB Platform
Added ability to select ‘Derated Design Factor’ per B31.8 to the following modules and calculation (TT-11772):
Pipeline Crossings (Gas)
Pipeline Crossing Highway
Pipeline Crossing Railroad
CEPA Grid Load
CEPA Wheel Load
CEPA Track Load
Compressors (Gas)
Compressor Station Piping - Pipe Wall Thickness
Corrosion (Gas)
ANSI B31G-1991 Evaluation of MAOP in Corroded Area (PRG)
Design & Stress Analysis (Gas)
Bending Stress Caused by a Fluid Flowing Around Pipeline
Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Coating Requirements
Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Weights Spacing
Design Pressure - Steel Pipes (PRC)
Hoop & Longitudinal Stress
Internal Pressure % SMYS
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length (PRC)
Pipe Anchor Force Analysis
Requirements to Move Unpressured Pipe
Unrestrained Pipeline Stress Analysis (PRC)
Wall Thickness - Steel Pipe (PRC)
Regulators & Meters (Gas)
Regulator & Station Piping Sizing
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in OBS, Level 2 - Batch Run where the plots were not being produced correctly when only one parameter was added to the batch (TT-11134, TT-11559).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.02.28
HUB Platform
Piper chatbot has been updated to give summaries from the API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway applications:
After hitting ‘Calculate’ on the case, Piper chatbot will open split and prepare a summary on the case inputs & outputs.
Summaries will inform users of the case analysis inputs & outputs, implications of their design, and recommendations.
Cases that have failures in calculated stresses vs. respective allowable values will have a summary that gives a failure analysis and actionable steps to get compliance below safety margin.
A Sensitivity Analysis study can be created from the Piper chatbot to dig deeper into case input permutations to help reach compliance.
A ‘New chat’ button has been added to Piper.
API Toolbox
Users have the capability to check/uncheck sections in Report Write-up and add new sections. Name of sections can also be edited. This has been done for all API modules (653, 510 and 570).
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation Fault Current in Mitigation tab where parallel mitigation wire was not editable unless clicking out into another section (TT-11853).
The following sub-modules and applications now show a validation banner when the sonic and/or erosional velocities exceeds the fluid velocity (TT-11754):
AGRA & GPRA > Accidental Gas Release Full Bore Pipeline Rupture
ALR > Accidental Release from Liquid Hydrocarbon Pipeline
Compressor > Compressor Station Piping – Gas Velocity
Facilities > Hot Tap Sizing
Hydraulics > All applications
Pumps > Pump Station Piping Average Flow Velocity
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway where GRI/Cornell Recommended Safety Factors were not displaying default values for new cases (TT-11847).
Fixed the following issues in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Railroad (TT-11847):
Applied Surface Design Pressure was retaining saved values from previous cases when new cases are created.
GRI/Cornell Recommended Safety Factors were not displaying default values for new cases
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.02.21
API Toolbox
Report layouts in API 653, 570, 510 have been updated for Tank, Process Piping, Pressure Vessel data pages to show in new format in the report respectively.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where results for the case were not retained after save (TT-11808).
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool where there were unnecessary page breaks in reports (TT-11754).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.02.14
HUB Platform
Updated new wiki links across the Platform (TT-11805).
Updated Location Class 1 with Division 1 and Division 2 for B31.8 standards for the following modules
Hydrotest PowerTool
API Toolbox
API 653 checklist converted to new UI, providing user the capability to choose specific sections and subsections with dynamic adjustments of numbering order. Checklist report is also updated to reflect UI changes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where only jpeg format for images was being printed in the reports (TT-11807).
Hot Tap Fixes
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the calculation engine crashes upon selecting fluid as liquid and volumetric option by NOT allowing the user to make these selections (TT-11654).
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where some parameters were not printed in the report (TT-11808)
Fixed an issue where the pull load calculation was incorrect when left or right turn curves were configured (TT-11799)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.02.07
HDD PowerTool
% Deflection calculation has been added to the following PE Pipe applications:
Pull Force & Installation Stresses
Pull Force & Installation Stresses (Specific Radius of Curvature)
Replaced Corrosion Coating Density option “Thin Film” with “FBE Coating” having a value of 89.3 lb/ft3 in Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Coating Requirements in Design & Stress Analysis Gas and Liquid (TT-11778).
The Trust at Blow-off calculation in Design & Stress Analysis has been redone to be inline with API 520 (TT-11585).
% Deflection calculation has been added to the HDD Lite > PE Pipe > Pull Force & Installation Stresses application
Reports for Levels 1-4 now show case details with 95 max character limit (Notes, etc.) (TT-11697).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in OBS Level 3 where drop-downs in the Pipe Calculation were not properly implementing unit conversions (TT-11768).
Issue fixed for Dynamic report not generating for Level 3. It generates now.
Bug Fix
Data getting lost after saving is fixed (TT-11636).
Sectioning restriction up to 200 is lifted, now can have more than 200 sections (TT-11816)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.01.31
AC Mitigation
A new calculation method for sections has been implemented and is available for use on AC Mitigation Steady State (TT-11517, TT-11562, TT-11666, TT-11672).
Users will be able to choose between this method and the current method in calculations done for their case.
The current method for section calculations will be phased out permanently on 04/01/2025.
Negative distance, angles and local earth impedance approximation has additionally been updated.
Average section distance is now being calculated for the distance between the reference line and the surrounding lines
A detailed release note is linked to the application and available for review here: https://pipelineengineeringsoftware.com/Content/Downloads/Sectioning.pdf
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Level 3 analysis where dynamic reports had page numbers overlaying on the report content (TT-11590).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue Design & Stress Analysis > Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Weights Spacing where the following inputs were incorrectly mapped in the report (TT-11783):
Corrosion Coating Thickness
Unit Weight of Corrosion Coating
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.01.24
API Collector
App now has the capability to calculate tmin for Shell Crs 1 for tanks
Angle ‘a’ calculation has been added to the app for horizontal tanks
Updated the UI and the report to display Pass/Fail in table format by comparing between allowable and calculated values in Polyethylene pipes gas and liquid modules for the following calculations (TT-9903)
PE Pipe Directly Beneath a Surcharge Load
Pipe Not Directly Beneath a Surcharge Load
Aircraft Load on Buried PE Pipe
AASHTO H20 Load on Buried PE Pipe -12” Thick Pavement
AASHTO H20 Load on Buried PE Pipe - Unpaved or Flexible Pavement
Cooper E-80 Railroad Load on Buried PE Pipe
Distributed Surface Load on Buried PE Pipe - Unpaved Road Only
Multiple Wheel Over Pipe - Concentrated Point Load
Multiple Wheel not over Buried PE Pipe - Concentrated Point Load
Single Wheel over Buried PE Pipe - Concentrated Point Load
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in Hydraulics Gas – Weymouth calculations:
Pressure results subtracted to base pressure are now considered to be the gauge pressure at 14.73 psia (TT-11734)
Velocity was incorrectly calculated (TT-11734)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.01.17
Asset Management
Data for additional fields (Cr, tmin for shell and head and pressure vessel data) is getting pushed to Asset from 510 module. This includes updating the date for type of inspections.
AC Mitigation
Added an ability for the user to enter Cut-off Voltage and Cut-off Current in the Fault Current calculation to visualize the cutoffs in the Unmitigated and Mitigated plots.
Bug Fixes
The following issues have been fixed in the AC Mitigation module:
The 2nd section in AC Mitigation – Steady State would not delete unless the user right-clicked repeatedly (TT-11753).
This occurred particularly after importing data.
The Fault Current report was not reporting the Arc Distance (TT-11749).
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow with Plastic Pipe equipment cases where the Reference Impact Factor method was not being retained on calculation or saving of the case (TT-11754).
Hydrotest PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where pipe entity data wasn’t imported if a pipe was selected from the Hierarchy (TT-11084).
The following applications in Design & Stress Analysis have been updated (TT-11072):
Buoyancy Analysis
Concrete Weights Spacing
Labels for the following have been adjusted in naming to be in line with industry standards:
“Unit Weight of Concrete” has been named to “Density of Weight”
“Volume of Concrete Weight” has been named to “Volume of Weight”
“Concrete Weight Spacing” has been named to “Weight Spacing”
A calculation for Negative Buoyancy has been added to the applications and associated reports.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Polyethylene Pipe applications where unit conversions for pipe catalogs for Modulus of Elasticity were not reporting correct values in Metric units.
Fixed an issue in the Mueller Low Pressure Hydraulics calculations where the delta pressure must be in inches of water column units (TT-9386).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.01.10
API Collector
The following enhancements have been added to the API Collector:
The Floor MRT calculation has been added for API 653
A search-ahead feature has been added for all drop-downs
API Toolbox
The API 570 Final Report Builder import template has been updated to support ST & LT age columns
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in AC Mitigation Steady State application:
Section lines were not visible while creating bonds (TT-11753)
Application sub-tabs were overlapped by the ESRI Map inside the application (TT-11740)
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with the Hierarchy where cases could not be opened on an open calculation tab (TT-11419).
Hydrotest PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Hydrotest PowerTool where pipe entity data wasn’t overwritten on a section if a pipe was selected from the ESRI Map application or Hierarchy (TT-10133).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2025.01.03
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the mitigation was not displayed in maps when sections were over 1000 (TT-11736).
Fixed an issue where there was significant delay in entering data in the powerline properties (TT-11722).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Zero Out – Display with Table was not generating the calculated results in the table (TT-11739).
Hydrotest PowerTool
Released a new feature which gives the user the added ability to import an Excel file for pipe and ground elevation which is displayed in the plots for a comparison between calculated elevation from the shape file vs Excel imported data (TT-11739).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.12.27
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the profile would be cramped and not expand over the screen (TT-10543).
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the begin and end points would swap after case is saved (TT-11426).
Updated validation for CVN and UTS in the calculation (TT-11725).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.12.20
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the Hierarchy where entities selected in the configuration were not showing up properly (TT-11426).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Hydraulics applications where Standard Steel Pipe - SCH No. in the pipe catalog did not match the catalog chart (TT-11208).
Hydrotest PowerTool
Added feature to import a maximum of 5 files (pdf, doc, jpg, png) which can be generated as part of the pdf report.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.12.13
HUB Platform
A training dashboard to the Training HUB has been added.
Users can search all Self-Paced and Previous recordings and view their courses they’re enrolled in
All upcoming live virtual trainings are displayed for a user to enroll in
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Bonding data was not correctly saving/loading for cases (TT-11517)
Fixed an issue where the units on the results page plot were incorrect if the case units were set to Metric (TT-11548)
API Toolbox
Interpolation methods for pipe calculations in API 510 in the following applications:
Cylindrical Shell
Conical Shell
Formed Head
Spherical Shell
Toriconical Head
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool > Steel Pipe > Pull Force & Installation Stresses where the units in the Excel profile import were applied incorrectly (TT-11298).
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool > Polyethylene Pipe > Pull Force & Installation Stresses (Specific Radius of Curvature) where the units in the Excel profile import were applied incorrectly (TT-11298).
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool > Cables in Conduits > Installation of Cables in Conduits and Pipes where the units in the Excel profile import were applied incorrectly (TT-11298).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Polyethylene Pipe application, Live Load: Cooper E-80 Railroad Load on Buried PE Pipe (Gas), where Vertical Pressure due to Cooper E-80 Live Load was not labelled properly in the reports (TT-11714).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.12.06
HUB Platform
Piper chatbot has been updated to open like a tabbed application and be able to push back into its chatbot format on the side.
API Toolbox
Users are now able to add more than 8 courses on shell calculation. This can be done for individual shell calculations and through report builder.
Asset Management
Message added on top of reports for the type of inspection search conducted.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where the Impact Factor was not loading properly for pipes on CEPA Equipment Analyses (TT-10505).
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in HDD PowerTool:
Unit conversions were not being done properly for Apparent Modulus and Safe Pull Stress in Plastic Pipe > Pull Force & Installation Stresses (TT-11106).
The “Prepared By” footer in the report for application was incorrectly saying “Pipeline Toolbox” (TT-11286).
Purging Calculation applications have removed Method B calculation.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the Pipeline Facilities > Relief Valve: Reaction Force where unit conversions were not being done properly (TT-11444).
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue PRCI Thermal Analysis application where input validations for pipe wall thickness were not being done correctly for Reduced Wall Thickness (TT-10430).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.11.29
API Toolbox
Users now have the capability to add additional courses in shell calculation in 653 module
Bug Fixes
Special characters in report name causing report not to generate is fixed (TT-11658)
AC Mitigation
Added functionality for the user to specify cutoff voltage and current density to be viewed in the plot (TT-11426)
Bug Fixes
First and last section not showing sometimes when using scroll bar is fixed (TT-11364)
Added Keifner’s crack-like defect calculation to RSTRENG non-PRCI calculations section (TT-3333)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the Pipeline Crossings modules where the validation message was not displayed appropriately when the same calculations were open from the gas and the liquid modules (TT-11209)
Fixed an issue where the Crossings Workflow cases were not generating reports when combination of Steel and PE pipes were selected (TT-10303)
Fixed an error where the incorrect nominal diameters were removed from the API 5L pipe catalog (TT-11681)
HDD Powertool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the HDD pull forces and installation stress report were not displaying decimal digits for section length D-E as per the UI standard (TT-11631)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.11.22
API Toolbox
The following enhancements have been done for API 510:
Users are now able to enable/disable specific subsections in the Checklist that are suitable to their inspection requirements.
Sections that are disabled will not show in the final report and vice-versa.
Shell calculations now provide interpolation for table values associated to A/B based off of the entered diameter, thickness, and length.
These values are interpolated of the A vs. B logarithmic curve for Carbon or Alloy Steels of SMYS >= 30,000 psi.
B is calculated by interpolation automatically if a user chooses ‘CS-2’ for their X-chart.
A is calculated automatically looking at the ratios of Do/t and Do/L.
Asset Management
Users are now able to open all active action items for their tanks and pipe inspections.
This was previously only available for pressure vessels.
AC Mitigation PowerTool
The Fault Current application has been updated to show users the name of the faulted tower in the ESRI Map after they run the calculation (TT-11624).
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in the Steady State application:
The case header menu would become incorrectly disabled if a user had an open tab of the ESRI Map with an inactive session (TT-11668).
The scroll bar in the Section Lines Overview menu would not be visible if the user was not scrolling and the bar was not visible enough (TT-11606).
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool > Steel > Pull Force & Installation Stresses calculations where users were incorrectly allowed to enter in >= 90 degree bends (TT-10436).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite > Steel > Pull Force & Installation Stresses calculations where users were incorrectly allowed to enter in >= 90 degree bends (TT-10436).
Fixed an issue in Surge Analysis – Water Hammer where the report would not generate if the user had a large amount of data in their case (TT-11643).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.11.15
API Toolbox
API 653 users are now able to add a number of data points for Internal bottom settlement.
Asset Management
The following has been updated to Process Vessels (TT-11620):
A checkbox option called ‘Tube Bundle Inspection’ to show search results matching tube bundle inspections
A new inspection record called ‘NB Insp’ has been added
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow application where photos and pdf’s were not being attached to the report (TT-11640).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.11.08
API Toolbox
Users in Asset Management are now able to export their asset data to Excel (TT-11620).
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation Steady State where the plots in the report were compressed (TT-11550).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the ESRI Map application where the Spatial Analysis screen was hard to close (TT-11637).
The unit of ‘inches’ has been added as the default for anode diameters on applicable Cathodic Protection applications (TT-11550).
Location class has been changed to read-only on all liquid Pipeline Crossings applications (TT-11550).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in Pipeline Facilities where applications were not loading case data properly (TT-11651).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.10.31
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the entity attribute data was not getting populated into the calculations when a pipe was selected from hierarchy or map into a calculation (TT-11647)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in Pipeline crossing highway and pipeline crossing railroad where a new case would not pre-populate the soil characteristics data (TT-10744)
API Toolbox
For 570 module, Efficiency has been categorized into various standard components that user would be able to select. In addition they would be able to create their own efficiency entries
Vessel reports are updated to not show vessel type in exported report, to make data more readable
Asset management – Process vessel notes in search appear based on search being conducted for Internal or External dates
AC Mitigation PowerTool
‘Surface Potential’ has been renamed to ‘Surface Potential Rise’ in Fault Current (TT-11624)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the sections would not calculate when the pipe name had special characters (TT-11642)
Fixed an error where the distance plot would have cumulative feet data for miles (TT-11552)
Fixed an error where the station number was printed as miles in the plot (TT-11634)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.10.25
API Toolbox
Asset vessel docs’ columns has been renamed to make it more generic and vessel selection grid is updated with two columns (TT-11620)
Vessel reports are updated to now show vessel type in exported report, to make data more readable
Bug Fixes
Tab height has been increased for various calculations to display more content with need to scroll vertically less
App text name with special character causing issue has been addressed
CML page Line # field accepting up to 50 characters has been modified to accept up to 255 characters (TT-11644)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in the Hydraulics Liquid - Surge Analysis Water Hammer calculation where the results were unrealistic when user defined average adiabatic bulk modulus is selected (TT-11600)
Fixed an error in the Hydraulics Liquid - Surge Analysis Water Hammer calculation where the pressure units in the plot were showing too many decimal precision (TT-9546)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the default case would load as blank or create new case would have blank data (TT-11462)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the file would not import if the variable names character length was over 50 characters (TT-11563)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.10.18
API Toolbox
LT/ST corrosion rates implemented for API 510 module.
Bug Fixes
In copied file’s value for RL was showing from previous file in shell calc for 510 module (TT-11604).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where some of the saved cases were not showing up in the case dropdown (TT-11614).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the units for the plot were not loading which was causing the plot to display incorrect profiles (TT-11597).
Encroachment Manager
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the saved cases did not show up for the users and they were no longer able to create new encroachments (TT-11645).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.10.11
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the GIS elevation profile would not generate and the pipe entry and exit lengths were not displayed (TT-11593).
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the excel report had the pipelines missing when only mitigated results were executed (TT-11456).
Fixed an error where the section data would not be displayed on the UI upon save when the section was still being calculated (TT-11455).
Updated the units for Corrosion Growth Rate from inch/year to mpy (mil/year) (TT-11597).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where save as was corrupting the profile data (TT-11597).
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Internal bottom settlement graphs are improved to show circles in ratio to its diameter
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.10.04
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in AC Mitigation PowerTool:
The report in the Steady State application was incorrectly mapping Barnes Layer values to Apparent Layer and vice-versa (TT-11589).
The node faulted in the Fault Current application would not highlight after calculating the case (TT-11562).
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
API 510 > The tmin values are getting pulled from Shell and Head calcs on to Component life evaluation.
Asset management > PSV search result had a missing report icon, that got corrected.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.09.27
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in AC Mitigation PowerTool:
Fixed an error in the reports where the phase wire data was mislabeled as GMR (TT-11407).
Fixed an error in the report where the data was being pulled from the database and not from the UI (TT-11567).
API Toolbox
The following enhancements have been added to the API Toolbox:
510 CML page made static so users can see the header of the columns when scrolling
Horizontal Tanks calculations in API 510 now pulls in data from the base Report Builder page
Encroachment Manager
Users can now upload .pdfs, word .docs and images to their encroachments (TT-11576).
Reports run on these encroachments shows all .pdf’s attached.
The RSTRENG application has been updated with the following (TT-11248):
Wheel Count has been added to the report
Added pipe catalog for selecting industry wide standard pipes
'Remaining Life’ section of the application is now included in the report
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the wheel count value was coming from the previous case and was not saving to database while not being printed in the report (TT-10652).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.09.13
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues with tabs in API Toolbox:
Closing a tab when there are already more than 5 on the dashboard was not working properly.
Users in API 570 would incorrectly receive a pop-up stating their CML application was already open after re-opening the application.
Hydrotest PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Hydrotest PowerTool where Temperature Derating Factor on Gas analyses was not displayed properly (TT-11506).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the following Design & Stress applications where the Net Longitudinal Stress value was not calculated with 75% per the newest revision of B31.4 (TT-11549).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.09.10
HUB Platform
The Batch Run case limit in Pipeline Crossings > CEPA applications has been increased to 100.
User’s reports for the following modules now include their Sensitivity Analysis study in it if they’ve created one:
PLTB > Pipeline Crossings
HDD PowerTool > Cables & Conduits and Pull Force & Installation Stresses applications
A session timeout counter pop-up has been added for users that leave their browser session open for under 1 hour.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Surge Analysis – Water Hammer application where Results: Node Pressures would not export to Excel (TT-10993).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.08.30
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Input validations have been added to AC Mitigation Steady State to instruct the user to recalculate their sections when a user adds or deletes powerlines or pipelines to their case.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation Steady State where creating a new section would overwrite all sections with the mitigation of the first one (TT-11519).
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where users were unable to assign a date to cases (TT-11538).
The Surge Analysis – Water Hammer application has been updated to allow users to add results tables and plots for Node Pressures and Flow Rates to the report (TT-11188).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.08.23
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in AC Mitigation PowerTool – Steady State application:
The bond table in the Mitigation tab would not allow a user to scroll through (TT-517)
Calculations could not complete for sections that did not intersect Powerlines or Pipelines (TT-11527)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in calculations for API 1102 Railroads applications where k_mu reference was not properly accounted for in Stiffness Factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress (TT-11473).
Fixed an issue in Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length where Youngs Modulus of Elasticity was not converting to Metric units properly (TT-11164).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the ESRI Map application where the satellite/terrain toggle button would disappear after importing an entity (TT-11313).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.08.16
API Toolbox
Module API 570 in API Inspectors Toolbox have been updated to allow users to undo LT/ST analyses.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in calculations for API 1102 Highway applications where k_mu reference was not properly accounted for in Stiffness Factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress (TT-11473).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Level 2 calculations where Water Depth was incorrectly flagged for input validation when an existing case was calculated (TT-11491).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.08.09
API Toolbox
The notification for shared cases now contains information on Modules to which the shared reports belong to
Purging Calculations within the Testing module has been updated to include the following (TT-11392):
Added fluid directive for user to select different fluid types
Calculation was updated to use the specific gravity of the fluid selected
Custom blow-off sizes
Custom blow-off coefficients
The associated report(s) have been updated
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue AGRA & GRPA > Accidental Release through a small pipeline where the flow rate was not being calculated properly (TT-11452).
Fixed an issue in API 1102 Pipeline Highway applications where the friction force coefficient was not changing properly with change of Soil Type (TT-11473).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Level 2 calculations where the Sigma A and B coefficients were unable to be updated when JONSWAP was selected for Spectral Setting (TT-11491).
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the distributed anode ground from the first section gets copied over to other sections where mitigation is applied (TT-11482).
Fixed an issue related to pipeline and powerline data changing after mitigation and calculation (TT-11032).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.08.02
HDD PowerTool
Google Maps and GIS functionality has been consolidated into one application for all applications, where users build a borehole profile using ESRI Map.
API Toolbox
Uploaded photos now have editable names in the Appendix
API 653 now has the ability to add user defined tmins
API 570 now highlights the governing component in the Component Remaining Life report.
CML template modified to include LT/ST changes
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 653 where label changes to the Roof and Floor labels were not being properly updated in the Appendix A, CML page (TT-11468).
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where section data was incorrectly shown for all sections after the first one (TT-11470).
Reports now show the Pipe Regulatory Code chosen by a user for analysis where applicable.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue AGRA & GRPA > Accidental Release through a small pipeline where the flow rate was not being calculated properly (TT-11452).
Fixed an issue in API 1102 Pipeline Highway applications where the friction force coefficient was not changing properly with change of Soil Type (TT-11473).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.07.19
API Toolbox
The following enhancements have been added to the API 570 module:
Ability to add user defined tmins.
Enhanced calc to calculate remaining life based on LT and ST corrosion rates and modified the report to include it.
Hydrotest PowerTool
Added new input parameter called ‘Test Pressure Factor’ for cases that are in line with B31.8/B31.4 for gas and liquid.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the ‘Soil Type’ drop-down was changing values after clicking ‘Calculate’ (TT-11434).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the ESRI Map application where reopening a mapping to an entity in the import screen was clearing the screen (TT-10979).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Level 2 Batch Run where ‘Water Depth’ was able to be added to your batch (TT-11439).
Fixed issue for license related access for Level 1 and Level 2 (TT-11442).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.07.12
API Toolbox
The following changes have been done to API 510:
SH has been removed from the logic of the SH and Head calculation applications
Users are now able to disable Chamber 2 in the Final Report Builder application from going to the report if not applicable to the inspection.
The API 570 Final Report Builder application has been updated to allow users to choose the tmin values based on the piping material (CS) and (SS).
Users have been provided an option in all 3 modules (653, 510, 570) to skip printing appendix pages to final report
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the ESRI Map application where .kmz/.kml/.gdb were unable to be imported if there were special characters in the entity’s name from Google Maps or arcGIS (TT-11313).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.07.05
API Toolbox
A new pipe insulation type ‘Uninsulated’ has been added to the API 570 Final Report Builder.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 570 where users were unable to create a new report in the ASME VIII application.
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Fault Current applications’ faulted node visualization has been replaced with a highlighting of the powerline over the section where the fault occurs (TT-11345).
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool > Steel Pipe applications where Reduced Wall Thickness checkbox was not saving to the case.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite > Steel Pipe applications where Reduced Wall Thickness checkbox was not saving to the case.
Fixed an issue in API 1117 – Movement of In-Service Pipeline applications where Pipe Design Factor was not saving to the case.
Fixed an issue in CEPA Wheel Load Analysis where the Impact Factor was incorrectly overwritten with the interpolated value if the ‘Pavement Type’ was set to ‘User Defined’.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.06.28
API Toolbox
Users are now able to transfer ownership of reports in API 653, 510, and 570 modules:
Users can request ownership of reports owned by another user provided they are shared with the user requesting ownership
Users who transfer ownership of a report to another can view the transferred report but no longer make edits
The following modifications have been made to API 510:
The CML page report has been updated with grid lines to improve readability
A new pressure field ‘MAEWP’ has been added to the Report Builder main page
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Cases now have a new checkbox called ‘Disable Mitigation’ that allows users to toggle mitigation on/off on their cases without having to delete/re-do mitigation (TT-11218).
The Fault Current application now populates a powerline name if any when selecting from the list of powerlines configured (TT-11375).
Users can now save their graph settings as part of their case data (TT-11258).
When the case is loaded up again, the graph settings set before saving are now retained.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where individual plots for induced current and voltages were not included in the report (TT-11403, TT-11142).
Fixed an issue where the unmitigated plot was showing the mitigated plot in the reports (TT-11407).
Fixed an issue where the section lines wouldn't show up in the overview (sections tab) when calculate of angles and distances was clicked once and the results wouldn't update in the plot when calculate for the analysis was clicked. However, both sections and results showed up on the second click (TT-11364).
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool Steel applications where failure indicators on stress calculations were incorrectly highlighted (TT-11404).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.06.21
AC Mitigation PowerTool
The following modifications have been made to the AC Mitigation PowerTool applications:
The Induced Current and Current Density columns in the results plot have been switched to make easier interpretation of Current Density results.
The reference line used by a user for calculating sections is now saved for a user’s cases.
The Powerline section of the Steady State application’s report has been updated to offer better user experience on viewing data.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where users with more than 20 sections would see their scrollbar disappear in the Section Lines sub-tab (TT-11364).
Hydrotest PowerTool
The Hydrotest PowerTool has been updated with pipe regulatory codes for CSA Z662 in addition to the existing B31.4 and B31.8 codes.
This includes catalog changes for:
Design class and Location factor
Joint type and Joint factor
Temperature derating factor
In addition to the above, Low Vapor Pressure and High Vapor Pressure, Fluid Type were added and Test Pressure Factor.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in the following Design & Stress Analysis applications where using Reduced Wall Thickness would apply an incorrect unit conversion (TT-11367, TT-11377).
Design Pressure
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Fixed an error in Regulator & Station Piping Sizing application where the report wouldn't generate (TT-11389).
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Aspect ratio applied to images uploaded on base page of Report Builder to show images correctly with reduced size. This is done for 510, 653 and 570 modules.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.06.14
API Toolbox
Users are now able to edit/rename their reports in the 653/510/570 Final Report Builders.
New Construction Codes of API-12C and API-12F have been added to the API 653 Final Report Builder.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the ESRI Maps application where users were not able to manually draw features (pipelines, powerlines) or import kml/kmz data files(TT-11349).
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in Fault Current where the individual plots were missing some plots and legends (TT-11355).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.06.07
AC Mitigation
Released new pdf report template in the Fault Current application for a better experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where section lines couldn’t calculate if a pipe’s lat/long info was in excess of 10,000 points (TT-11357).
Fixed an issue where Fault Current applications with special characters for pipe names would not allow the calculations to complete (TT-11356).
Fixed an issue in fault current where the results would display previously calculated results with the pipe not intersecting the section lines (TT-11348).
Fixed an issue in fault current where the plot labels were incorrect (TT-11355).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.05.31
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the hierarchy panel would disappear after 20 seconds when HDD Borehole Stability calculation was opened (TT-11317).
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue related to the decimal digit being restricted to two decimals and not to the configuration of the measurable property associated for the pipeline tab and sections tab (TT-11322).
Fixed an issue where the cases were not being saved with a project name (TT-11274).
Fixed an issue related to adding new section lines via ESRI map would have default resistivity data and would not get the data from the section line above.
Fixed an issue for calculating sections lines in ESRI (TT-11050).
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Issue got fixed for API 510 for sections if left blank will add section headers as section data in write up upon import
Issue fixed in API 570 for import process with no CML data bringing in blank checklist, losing data from checklist.
API 510, corrected the tmin logic on nozzle evaluation.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.05.24
Compressor Station Piping – Pipe Wall Thickness calculation with Pipeline Compressor (PLTB -G), Pump Station Piping – Pipe Wall Thickness calculation in Pipeline Pump (PLTB – L) and Regulator & Station Piping Sizing calculation within Regulators & Meters (PLTB -G) have all been updated with pipe regulatory codes for CSA Z662, in addition to the existing B31.4 and B31.8 codes. These include catalog changes for design class and location factor, joint type and joint factor, and temperature derating factor.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Maximum Pipe Span Length calculation of Design & Stress Analysis where the validation message for operating pressure does not account for the unit of pressure, and instead just evaluates the number inputted into the calculator against the limit (TT-11254).
AC Mitigation
Released new pdf report template in the Steady State application for a better user experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue related to mitigation data not appearing in the UI when changes were updated to the case data (TT-11329).
Fixed an issue where importing an excel file with 0 in shield wire or phase wire data would save as blanks (TT-11268).
Fixed an issue in the steady state calculation where the pipe names could not be saved with blanks or with special characters (TT-11002).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with Drilling Fluids and Mud Management where the reports were not rounding dec digits in metric unit set (TT-11281).
Fixed an issue in the Installation and Stress Analysis – Vertical calculation where input data would get cleared when measured depth was saved with 0 value (TT-11264).
Fixed an issue with importing elevation profile always imports the distance as feet, regardless of the unit set selected (11249).
Fixed an issue where the reports were generating without the additional attached pdf’s (TT-11210).
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Issue fixed for checklist data not showing up upon import if CML has no data in template while importing
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.05.17
Pipeline Corrosion Gas and Liquid applications have been updated with pipe regulatory codes for CSA Z662, in addition to the existing B31.4 and B31.8 codes. These include catalog changes for design class and location factor, joint type and joint factor, and temperature derating factor.
Wall Thickness and Design Pressure applications in Design & Stress Analysis module have been updated to allow for support of Hydrostatic Design basis based on Design Temperature (TT-10935).
This is in line with the latest revisions issued by the Plastic Pipe Institute.
Choosing a Design Temperature now supports the appropriate reference or interpolated multiplicative factor in the calculation.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Pipeline Crossing applications where the results table in the report was not generating after setting the case units to PLTB_Metric (CEPA) (TT-11244).
Fixed an issue in Gas applications where the locations factors being displayed corresponded to Liquid ones (TT-11307).
AC Mitigation
AC Mitigation application result plots have been updated to show only the regions of the pipeline sections that are coupled to powerlines or towers (TT-11070).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Excel files exported from AC Mitigation Steady State applications were not being able to be opened. (TT-11238).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.05.10
Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection calculation in Pipeline Facilities Gas and Liquid applications have been updated with pipe regulatory codes for CSA Z662 in addition to the existing B31.4 and B31.8 codes. These include catalog changes for design class and location factor, joint type and joint factor, and temperature derating factor.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Pipeline Facilities Gas where the Relief Valve: Sizing for Gas or Vapor Service application was calculating the Gas Volume Lost incorrectly (TT-11292).
AC Mitigation
Added the ability for users to select the start point and orientation for drawing section lines in their analysis (TT-11050, TT-11268).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where .kml/.kmz files in AC Mitigation PowerTool applications were not importing pipelines appropriately from the ESRI map to AC map. (TT-11268).
Fixed an error where the Google Map version was not calculating sections and angles for reference lines other than pipe 1 as the reference.
PRCI Thermal Analysis
The PRCI Thermal Analysis has been updated to allow a user to run calculations for branch outer diameters less than 2 * wall thickness (TT-11212).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.05.03
Pipeline Crossing Gas and Liquid (all calculations) have been updated with pipe regulatory codes for CSA Z662 in addition to the B31.4 and B31.8 codes. These include catalog changes for design class and design factor, design class location, operating class, joint type, joint factor, and temperature derating factor.
Design and Stress Analysis Gas and Liquid have been updated with pipe regulatory codes for CSA Z662 in addition to the B31.4 and B31.8 codes. These include catalog changes for design class and design factor, design class location, operating class, joint type and joint factor, and temperature derating factor. The following calculations in Gas and Liquid were updated:
Design Pressure
Wall Thickness
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Restrained Pipeline Stress Analysis
Unrestrained Pipeline Stress Analysis
AC Mitigation
The plots in the AC Mitigation application have been updated to show the section line numbers similar to the GIS mapping sectioning to eliminate any confusion between section line number vs. section number. (TT-11268).
PRCI Thermal Analysis
The PRCI Thermal Analysis has been updated to allow a user to run calculations for metal chemistry values outside of model validations defined (TT-10683).
Users are now given all calculation input validation messages for their pipe chemical component if they tab or click out of a chemical component and it’s outside the valid input range.
If a user clicks ‘Calculate’, they are shown in one message when a case analysis is flagged as being outside the model.
Generating a report for values outside the range will now be included in the disclaimer message in the footer of the report.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.04.26
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation where a mitigated case will show warning message upon reloading the case (TT-11216).
Issue fixed where ACPT case won’t run with more than 1500 section lines (TT-11235).
Issue fixed where powerlines weren’t getting pulled into ACPT map properly (TT-10413).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in CEPA Track Load, CEPA Wheel Load and CEPA Grid Load where units on reduced wall thickness are not converted properly before calculations (TT-11217).
HDD PowerTool
UI Update
Name of Hydraulic Fracture Analysis calculation changed to HDD Borehole Stability.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.04.12
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in db Import where .kmz/.kml/.gdb files were not saving (TT-11137).
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed and issue in AC Mitigation applications where units were improperly assigned on saving of a case (TT-11124, TT-11125).
This would cause some cases to save and display values in default database units instead of US/Metric units.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the ESRI Map application where objects were unable to be saved (TT-10909).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.04.05
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in the AC Mitigation PowerTool Steady State applications:
A scroll bar was added on the drop-down menu for map section where user’s sections, powerlines, etc. are stored (TT-11413).
Distribution anode was incorrectly being deleted for a segment if parallel mitigation was removed (TT-11051).
Fixed an error where the unmitigated results were incorrectly displaying mitigated results when parallel mitigation was true with 0 resistance (TT-11115).
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the 653 Report Builder where the final report was not generating unless the user had entered in data in the Internal Notes section (TT-11187, TT-11194).
The decimal precision of wall thickness in the report has been updated to 4 decimal places in line with industry standards (TT-11101).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.03.29
New UI updates for Pipeline Pumps application to enhance the appearance and usability of the application.
New UI updates for input validations, required fields, warning and error messages for Polyethylene Pipes (Gas & Liquid) to enhance usability and intuitiveness.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Hydraulics (batch run) where a warning message was displayed in the excel results to repair the excel (TT-11158).
API Toolbox
API 653 Report Writeup has a new section to add internal notes for reference that will not go to the report.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 1102 applications where the validation for the ratio of Wall Thickness to Outside Diameter was being incorrectly calculated (TT-11147).
AC Mitigation
Released new feature where a warning message is displayed to the user when a section line is crossing the same powerline or pipeline more than once in Steady State calculation (TT-11138).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the level 3 pipe calculator section where the results in metric unit set were incorrect for ‘in air weight’ and ‘submerged weight’ (TT-11096).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.03.22
HUB Platform
New pane for Customer Support menu pane to enhance the appearance and usability.
New UI updates to the following applications to enhance the appearance and usability of the application:
Cathodic Protection
PLTB Miscellaneous
New UI updates for input validations, required fields and warning and error messages in the below applications to enhance usability and intuitiveness:
Pipeline Crossing
Pipeline Facilities
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 1102 applications where the validation for the ratio of Wall Thickness to Outside Diameter was being incorrectly calculated (TT-11147).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.03.15
New UI updates for Pipeline Corrosion applications to enhance the appearance and usability of the application.
CEPA applications in Pipeline Crossings now support a Metric unit set that is used in the standard CEPA calculations.
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Plastic Pipe applications were not loading saved data (TT-11135, TT-11141, TT-11143).
API Toolbox
Users in all API Toolbox modules are now able to share their cases with users outside of their company
AC Mitigation
Released new feature which gives the user the ability to now import mitigation data via an excel file similar to section line import in the Steady State Application
Bug Fixes
The following issues have been fixes in AC Mitigation applications:
The list of sections in the Mitigation tab were not condensed inside Section box (TT-11017).
This menu was missing a scroll bar
Distributed anode in the Mitigation tab was incorrectly deleted when a user clicked on that field (TT-11051).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.03.8
New UI updates for the following modules to enhance the appearance and usability of the application:
Pipe Blast Gas and Liquid
HDD PowerTool
Released a new calculation model in the Hydraulic Fracture Analysis application that now includes Average Delfts model (Average Soil Layer).
This considers the stress caused by soil layers above the layer in contact with the bore profile for Hydraulic Fracture Analysis.
Released Sensitivity Analysis study (Manual and Automated) for Polyethylene Pipe – Pull Force & Installation Stresses
API Toolbox
Improvement made on the Appendix page loading to cause it not to fluctuate during report generation process.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.03.01
New UI update for Polyethylene Pipe Gas and Liquid modules to enhance the appearance and usability of the application.
HDD PowerTool
Released Sensitivity Analysis study (Manual and Automated) for Polyethylene Pipe – Pull Force & Installation Stresses (Specific Radius of Curvature) for both Google and ESRI maps.
AC Mitigation
The performance of calculations for AC Mitigation applications have been improved, decreasing the time to calculate by nearly 95%.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where powerlines were incorrectly duplicated when a user repeatedly pressed the ‘Save’ button on their case (TT-11078).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.02.23
The design guide revision for HDD Lite Steel Pipe applications has been updated to the current standard (TT-11053).
Reports run from these applications now reference the following: PRCI; Installation of Pipelines by Horizontal Directional Drilling An Engineering Design Guide; 2015.
New UI look update for Regulators & Meters applications to enhance the appearance and usability of the applications.
Added new feature in Pipeline Facilities to display validations, warnings and error messages.
HDD PowerTool
Released sensitivity analysis study (Manual and Automated) for “Steel Pipe - Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical and Horizontal" for both Google and ESRI maps.
AC Mitigation
Released new feature which gives the user the ability to now import mitigation data via an excel file similar to section line import in the Steady State Application.
Released new feature where case import now supports mitigation via an excel file.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.02.16
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PLTB applications where images uploaded to a case would not show in the printed report (TT-10942).
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where images uploaded to a case would not show in the printed report (TT-10994).
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue for GIS applications where Pipe Entry and Pipe Exit were not calculating (TT-10976).
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Component TML Record would hang up loading after importing 200 + records (TT-11035).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where calculations in Metric were incorrect due to an improper unit conversion on the profile pit data (TT-11056).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.02.09
New UI look update for Pipeline Facilities Gas and Liquid modules to enhance the appearance and usability of the application.
New UI look update for Hydraulics Gas and Liquid modules to enhance the appearance and usability of the application.
API 1102 Pipeline Crossing Highway and Railroad applications in Pipeline Crossings have been updated to allow a user to run calculations outside of model validations defined by API 1102.
Users are now given all calculation input validation messages in one message when a case analysis is flagged as being outside the model.
The following options will be available to the user:
Press ‘OK’ to stop calculation and edit input data.
Press ‘Proceed Anyway’ to run the calculations outside the model
Generating a report will now include a disclaimer message is now included in the footer of the report logging all model validations flagged.
HDD PowerTool
Released sensitivity analysis study (Manual and Automated) for “Steel Pipe - Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical" for both Google and ESRI maps.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the borehole profile was displayed incorrectly when multiple curved up/down slopes were configured consecutively (TT-10868).
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the order of the powerlines was reversing in Steady State calculation.
Fixed an error where a random pipeline was added in the Fault Current configuration after saving a case.
Thermal Analysis (Hot Tap)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the ‘Pipe Content Temperature’ was being mapped to ‘Pipe Temperature’ in the PDF report (TT-10998).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue related to saving cases when required parameters were not entered (TT-10967).
Fixed an issue where images were not being added to the report via import feature (TT-10885).
API Inspectors Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the pressure calculation within Shell and Head calculation did not take ‘SH’ variable into consideration.
Fixed an issue where the ‘tnom’ values are not updating in the Component Life calculation within API 510 module (TT-10900).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.02.02
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the kml files were not importing due to the structure of the folder (TT-10866)
Fixed an error where the shape file data was not saving attributes data due to an incorrect format
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the powerline expanded tables in Steady State displayed incorrect unit in Metric unit set (TT-10946)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.01.25
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the cases were not saving in Plastic Pipe calculations where a borehole profile is defined (TT-10966).
AC Mitigation
Added new feature where the Unmitigated and Mitigated results are now exported to an excel file when applicable
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the mitigated results were not generated in the pdf report
Fixed an issue where the plot was incorrect for distance in the metric unit set
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.01.22
New UI look update for Hydraulics Gas and Liquid modules to enhance the appearance and usability of the applications
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in HDD Lite – Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical, where the angle field needs to be disabled when straight and level bend combination is selected
Fixed an error in HDD Lite – Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical & Horizontal Plane, where the angle field needs to be disabled when straight and level bend combination is selected
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error related to unit conversions in the borehole profile impacting the conversion of the units in the section results for:
Steel Pipe - Pull Force and Installation Stresses - Vertical
Steel Pipe - Pull Force and Installation Stresses - Vertical & Horizontal Plane
PE Pipe - Pull Force and Installation Stresses (Specific Radius of Curvature)
Installation of Cables in Conduits and Pipes
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the soil resistivity and mitigation data would reset in the sections tab when calculate button was clicked in the map to calculate the section angles and distances
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.01.12
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in ‘Pipeline Crossing Highway’ and ‘Pipeline Crossing Railroad’ where the plots in the results were not getting updated based on user entered values
Fixed an error in the following PE Pipe Applications where the reference impact factor was incorrectly printed for actual pipe impact factor in the report (TT-10893):
Live Load: H2O Load on Buried Pipe
Live Load: Unpaved buried PE Pipe
Live Load: Multi Wheel not over Buried PE Pipe
Live Load: Single Wheel over Buried PE Pipe
Live Load: Muti Wheel over pipe conc load
Hydrotest PowerTool
Added a new survey file import to the existing feature to select different section creation criteria
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the depth of cover table was not retaining user entered data and was resetting to the data from the pipe table
Fixed an error where the results for distance were incorrect in metric unit set
Fixed an error in fault current where a random pipe got added to a new case configuration
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2024.01.05
API Toolbox
Added a refresh button in the 510 module’s Report Appendix B calculations for shell and head calc, that will pull updated information from base page to these calcs pages.
New UI look update for Design & Stress Analysis Gas and Liquid modules to enhance the appearance and usability of the applications.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Parallel Line Explosive Charge applications where users would be incorrectly blocked on calculation if they changed their units (TT-10835).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.12.27
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the case did not execute once the case was imported and saved
Released new look and feel for the user interface of the Fault Current application while updating user experience of existing features.
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the borehole profile was being represented incorrectly in the plot when the section was configured as straight and level
Hydrotest PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where the configured sections of the pipeline were not displayed in the map
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in API Toolbox:
In API 653, the location dropdown would open when new record was created
In API 653 Nozzle, the dropdown value would change to the value that was typed in for searching and filtering
In API 570 Report Builder, renamed circuit ID to description
In Asset, added edit button for Tank and Vessel to match what Pipe has
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.12.25
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in API Toolbox:
Improved performance for 510 Report Builder where loading was time excessive
In API 570 remaining life page, the sch dropdown value would change to the value that was typed in for searching and filtering
In API 570 CML, the size dropdown value would change to the value that was typed in for searching and filtering
In API 510 CML, the size dropdown value would change to the value that was typed in for searching and filtering
In 510 shell calculations (app A), improved performance when saving was taking a long time while displaying “loading please wait” spinner
In API 510 CML, the first-row data was getting erased when entered manually
In API 510 app A, user was not able to input ‘t act’ values
In API 653, removed blank rows/cells in the tables that did not contain any data for both Word and PDF reports
In Asset, the critical sections were getting erased after editing any values
In Asset, the MOV report was not generating
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.12.20
HUB Platform
Released the following updated tab feature:
The tabs do not wrap to multiple rows
Calculation name is displayed as a tooltip when hovered over the tab
6+ tabs get stacked in a dropdown for easy access to the last tab (tab 5)
Streamlined opening and closing of tabs
AC Mitigation
Released new look and feel for the user interface of the Steady State application while updating user experience of existing features.
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in API Toolbox:
API 653 module users were unable to scroll through the records of the AST Nozzle Calculation application (TT-10737).
In API 510 module’s Report Head module, the tmin for Head 3 was not populating based on information provided on base report builder page and in head calculation (TT-10537).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool where straight level sections were not having their angle and measured lengths shown in the report (TT-10758).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.12.15
API Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where signatures were not getting uploaded into the Final Report Builder for each associated module (TT-10857).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool where applications with sections defined by the user were not saving when edited (TT-10812).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.12.08
Asset Management
Inspection date fields categorized as UT and VT Inspections dates on Piping Data is now captured
Uploaded reports and images to a company asset are now shared across users of the same company
Frequency interval now accepts decimal values as compared to earlier where it was accepting only whole numbers as years
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool where cases were not saving their input data (TT-10812).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Purging Calculations applications where the following quantities were not being calculated correctly (TT-10657):
Purge gas injection pressure
Method B calculations
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.12.01
HUB Platform
Compound bends are now available to configure in the borehole profile for drawings imported from AutoCAD.
Asset Management
Upcoming inspection company assets are now visible to all users in the company on the Asset Calendar and Event Email application.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.11.24
Hydrotest PowerTool
Released new look and feel for the user interface while updating user experience
API ToolBox - API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Shell Settlement Next Step where the ‘k’ value was not calculating (TT-10784).
Asset Management
The following enhancement have been made to Asset Management for Asset records:
Records are now editable by all users in a company
Records are ordered in ascending order by alphanumeric value
The import process for ESRI maps has been improved for .gdb/.shp/.kml/.kmz files to handle files generically (TT-10375, TT-10413, TT-10489).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.11.10
API ToolBox
API 570 – Remaining life calculation performance enhanced
API 653 – Nozzle TML data on import corrected
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.11.08
Hydrotest PowerTool
A link to the product guide has been added next to the title of all of the application.
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Heat Input in Metric units calculated from weld parameters was incorrectly outputting the US value (TT-10540, TT-10581, TT-10701).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.11.03
API ToolBox
TML performance improved for API 653. With the change users will see data getting saved and retrieved much faster and final report generation time take little less time.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.10.20
HUB Platform
Released AutoCAD import within DB Import to create a borehole profile that can be repurposed in HDD PowerTool for the calculations listed below
Cables in Conduits
Installation of Cables in Conduits and Pipes - Google Map
Installation of Cables in Conduits and Pipes - GIS
Polyethylene Pipe
Pull Force & Installation Stresses (Specific Radius of Curvature) - Google Map
Pull Force & Installation Stresses (Specific Radius of Curvature) - GIS
Steel Pipe
Pull Force & Installation Stresses - Vertical - Google Map
Pull Force & Installation Stresses - Vertical & Horizontal Plane
Pull Force & Installation Stresses - Vertical GIS
Pull Force & Installation Stresses - Vertical and Horizontal GIS
API Toolbox
CML performance improved for all three modules API 653, API 570 and API 510 PRCI OBS (On-Bottom Stability)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.10.06
HUB Platform
AC Mitigation Toolbox applications now load up ~30% faster on average.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PRCI RSTRENG where adding rows was not increasing the Profile table until after the user clicked ‘Submit’ button (TT-10415).
AC Mitigation
The edit menu for Pipelines now loads 80% faster.
API Toolbox - API 570
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the CML page where importing more rows onto a saved data set was showing “? undefined:undefined ?” (TT-10610).
PRCI OBS (On-Bottom Stability)
Released Batch Run for Level 2 calculations.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.09.29
HUB Plaform
New Case Header design for all calcs to enhance usability, look and feel. Functions such as Save As, Create New etc are grouped and accessed through menus.
The following has been added in way of performance for the Pipeline HUB:
Application load-up performance has been improved in the following areas:
PLTB applications now load up ~11% faster on average.
RSTRENG loads up ~17% faster on average.
ESRI loads up ~20% faster on average.
AC Mitigation PowerTool Steady State applications now load up ~27% faster on average. HDD PowerTool
PLTB (Gas & Liquid)
Released feature “Advanced Calculations: Sensitivity Analysis”, Manual and Automated for all 16 calculations within Pipeline Crossing module for gas and liquid.
AC Mitigation
The edit menu for Pipelines now loads 80% faster.
API Toolbox - API 570
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the CML page where importing more rows onto a saved data set was showing “? undefined:undefined ?” (TT-10610).
PRCI OBS (On-Bottom Stability)
Released Batch Run for Level 2 calculations.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.09.15
HUB Plaform
NEW UI look updated for below given modules to enhance the appearance and usability of the modules
Pipeline Toolbox > Crossing and HDD Lite modules.
Corrosion > Rstreng
The following has been added in way of performance for the Pipeline HUB:
Application load-up performance has been improved in the following areas:
PLTB applications now load up ~40% faster on average.
RSTRENG loads up ~20% faster on average.
License validation is now stored from the last session’s session and is not included in the sequence of application load-up.
Hydrotest PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Hydrotest PowerTool where the Elevation Profile was not being printed for each section in the report (TT-10133).
Issue fixed for HDD Lite/PowerTool where profile section data for measured length was getting loaded incorrectly (TT-10628).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PRCI RSTRENG where the pressure values in ‘PRCI Calculations’ section would sometimes load with units of length (TT-10486).
PRCI Thermal Analysis
A progress bar for case execution has been added based on the amount of Weld/Heat Conditions configured by the user.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PRCI Thermal Analysis where reports were not generating if the ‘Weld Description’ or ‘Heat Description’ was blank (TT-10619, TT-10621).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.09.08
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the following reports were not generating:
Accidental Release from Liquid Hydrocarbon Pipeline (TT-10595)
Purging Calculations (Gas) (TT-10580,TT-10583,TT-10586)
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PRCI Thermal Analysis where cases were not deleting (TT-10540).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.09.04
HUB Platform
Menu updated to make accessing the applications/calculations easier in the respective modules making it more user intuitive and user friendly. Nice introduction to this update is visible to users when logged in first time after this production update
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where cases with CEPA equipment analyses were incorrectly mapping the following fields in their respective reports (TT-10502):
Installation Temperature
Temperature Differential
Hydrotest PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in Hydrotest PowerTool:
Cases data was unable to be pulled up from the Hierarchy when set to ‘Modules & Cases’ (TT-6669).
The ‘Established MAOP’ was not being written to the ‘MAOP’ for the respective section (TT-6669).
The report’s Summary page was incorrectly reporting US values and texts for cases configured in Metric units (TT-10516).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in CEPA Track Load and Grid Load Analysis applications where the input of Differential Temperature into the calculation was resulting in incorrect values (TT-10505).
Fixed an issue in Surge Analysis – Water Hammer where fluids drop-down had the following choices removed that were invalid or SG < 0.63 (TT-9547):
From Attributes
User Defined
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite > PE Pipe > Pull Force & Installation Stress reports where the ‘Pull Force on Pipe at Point A:’ value had an incorrect value mapped to it (TT-10492).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.08.28
AC Mitigation
The ESRI Map in Steady State and Fault Current applications now show the names of powerlines and pipelines configured in the case instead of the format ‘Pipe No.’ or ‘TLine No.’ format for pipelines and powerlines respectively.
The following applications now default their respective ‘Include Interpolation Method’ option to ‘Yes’ on creation of a new case:
Pipeline Crossing (TT-9394): Track Load Analysis
Pipeline Testing (TT-9776):
Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semiempirical Model - Report No. 87-2 - Gas (Gas)
Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semiempirical Model - Report No. 87-2 – Sizing (Gas)
Bug Fixes
Fixed a report issue in API 1102 Pipeline Crossing Highway and API 1102 Pipeline Crossing Railroad applications where the Temperature drop-down in ‘T - Temperature Derating Factor’ section was incorrectly showing ‘121.1 or less deg F’ regardless of units chosen (TT-10562).
Fixed an issue in CEPA Wheel Load Analysis applications where the input of Differential Temperature into the calculation was resulting in incorrect values (TT-10505).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.08.18
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the AC Mitigation applications where the report footer “Prepared Using: “ message was incorrectly printing “Prepared Using: Pipeline Toolbox”.
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation - Steady State GIS application where the satellite/terrain button for the ESRI map was not visible (TT-10467).
Crossings Workflow
Crossings Workflow now defaults ‘Include Interpolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’ to ‘Yes for Track equipment cases when a pipe is added (TT-9394).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where Metric cases with CEPA Wheel Load equipment was not converting ‘Axle Separation 1’ to ‘ft’ from ‘m’ when changing the cases units to US units (TT-10435).
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in API 1102 Pipeline Crossing Railroad applications:
A confirmation message for calculations (‘Calculation complete.’) was incorrectly being shown if the user hit ‘Enter’ but their inputs were outside the model (TT-9828).
Changing ‘Rail Loading’ radio button back to ‘Cooper E-80' was not defaulting the ‘Applied Design Surface Pressure’ to 13.9 psi in US units (TT-9155).
Fixed the following issues in API 1102 Pipeline Crossing Highway applications:
Fixed an issue in API 1102 Pipeline Crossing Highway applications where the confirmation message for calculations (‘Calculation complete.’) was incorrectly being shown if the user hit ‘Enter’ but their inputs were outside the model (TT-9828).
Fixed an issue in Surge Analysis – Water Hammer where the ‘Graph: Flow Rate’ graph was not mapping the flow rate values to the unit of measure configured in the ‘Operating Parameters’ section (TT-9546).
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in RSTRENG:
The report wouldn’t generate if ‘Line ID’ had the special character ‘&’ in it (TT-10382).
The ‘Potential Impact Radius’ was removed (TT-8330).
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PRCI Thermal analysis where data inputs would load incorrectly in the values saved in the application database instead of with respect to the unit of measure saved on the case (TT-10208).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.08.11
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
Removed chatbot integration from HUB
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where Excel exports would not generate for cases that had PE Pipe equipment (TT-9719). PLTB
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Gas Lost in Section of a Full Bore Rupture where ‘Average Compressibility Factor’ was being calculated incorrectly (TT-10365).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.08.04
HUB Platform
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation - Steady State GIS application where the satellite/terrain button for the ESRI map was not visible (TT-10467).
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in Crossings Workflow for CEPA Wheel Load equipment analyses (TT-10435):
Setting ‘Pavement Type’ to ‘Flexible Pavement’ was printing ‘None’ in the report.
'Axle Separation 1’ was not being converted correctly for cases in Metric units.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in CEPA Wheel Load Analysis where ‘Pipe Regulator Code’ was not being mapped to the report (TT-10435).
Fixed the following calculations issues in PLTB-G > AGRA & GPRA applications:
Accidental Gas Release through a Small Hole in Pipeline – Gas calculations for ‘Gas Discharge Flowrate’ and ‘Gas Volume Discharged/Lost’ were being calculated incorrectly (TT-10436).
Gas Lost in Section of a Full Bore Rupture was calculating ‘Average Compressibility Factor’ incorrectly (TT-10365).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.07.28
HUB Platform
Widget structure changed to UI tabs. Users will scroll less vertically to view opened calculations and would be able to compare calculations side by side by using tab out functionality.
Canvas feature is changed to Dashboard and moved to right side of screen. All previously saved canvas will appear as dashboards.
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in HDD PowerTool:
Reports were not generating for (TT-10414, TT-10421, TT-10428):
ATL – Allowable Tensile Load for PE Pipe During Pull-in Installation
PE – Pipe – Post Installation Loads and Deflection
PE – Pipe – Pull Force & Installation Stress
Pull Force and Installation Stresses applications ‘24 Hr Modulus of Elasticity’ has been has been renamed to ‘Pullback Modulus of Elasticity (typically short-term or 10 hr)’ to be consistent with industry usage (TT-10363).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Pull Force and Installation Stresses applications where ‘24 Hr Modulus of Elasticity’ has been renamed to ‘Pullback Modulus of Elasticity (typically short-term or 10 hr)’ to be consistent with industry usage (TT-10363).
Fixed an issue in Surge Analysis – Water Hammer application where a user would be prohibited from completing a calculation if the ‘User Defined Average Adiabatic Bulk Modulus’ checkbox was checked (TT-9549, TT-10431).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.07.21
HUB Platform
Released Batch Run for the following Design & Stress Analysis Gas calculations
Bending Stress and Deflection
Bending Stress-Caused by Fluid Flowing Around Pipeline
Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Coating Requirements
Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Weights Spacing
Design Pressure - Steel Pipe
Hoop and Longitudinal Stress
Internal Pressure - % SMYS
Linear Thermal Pipeline Expansion
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Maximum lmpact Load & Penetration Depth
Pipe Anchor Force Analysis
Requirements to Move Unpressured Pipe
Restrained Pipeline Stress Analysis
Thrust at Blow-Off
Unrestrained Pipeline Stress Analysis
Wall Thickness - Steel Pipe
Released Batch Run for the following Design & Stress Analysis Gas calculations
Bending Stress and Deflection
Bending Stress-Caused by Fluid Flowing Around Pipeline
Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Coating Requirements
Buoyancy Analysis & Concrete Weights Spacing
Design Pressure - Steel Pipe ASME B31.4
Hoop and Longitudinal Stress
Internal Pressure - % SMYS
Linear Thermal Pipeline Expansion
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Maximum lmpact Load & Penetration Depth
Pipe Anchor Force Analysis
Requirements to Move Unpressured Pipe
Restrained Pipeline Stress Analysis B31.4
Unrestrained Pipeline Stress Analysis B31.4
Wall Thickness - Steel Pipe ASME B31.4
Released Batch Run for the following Pipeline Testing Gas calculations
API 1104 Weld Imperfection Assessment
Gas Pipeline Blowdown - AGA Manual - Gas
Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semiempirical Model - Report No. 87-2
Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semiempirical Model - Report No. 87-2 – Sizing (Gas)
Gas Pipeline Blowdown – Sizing – AGA Manual (Gas)
Gas Pipeline Pressure Testing - Maximum Pressure Drop
Pack in Pipeline
Pipeline Hydrostatic Testing - Gas
Purging Calculations - Gas
Released Batch Run for the following Pipeline Testing Liquid calculations
API 1104 Weld Imperfection Assessment
Gas Pipeline Pressure Testing - Maximum Pressure Drop
Pipeline Hydrostatic Testing - Liquid
Purging Calculations
AC Mitigation
Steady State
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue AC Mitigation Steady State applications where cases were not saving Parallel Mitigation Wire Placement when set to ‘true’ (TT-10391, TT-10417).
PRCI Thermal Analysis
The following reports enhancements have been released:
The ‘Weld Conditions’ section of the report has been updated to a clearer format that adjusts horizontally based on the number of associated weld records.
Heat Sink Capacity reports now include a ‘Heat Conditions’ section that adjusts horizontally based on the number of associated heat records.
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed (TT-10389):
The calculation for a case was unable to complete when the PRCI engine returned a cooling time of 0 seconds.
Cases with Geometry = ‘Branch’ were not flagging branch diameters that were greater than the pipe outer diameter.
Users now will get an input validation for branch diameters that satisfy this condition.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.07.14
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following import issues in ESRI Map:
KML files with HTML data for the attribute description was not being imported (TT-10354).
KML files with pipe segments in multiple layers were not importing (TT-10378).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Pull Force & Installation Stresses > PE Pipe applications where Pull Load and Axial Tensile Stress calculations would not complete (TT-10386, TT-10387, TT-10400, TT-10409).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where OBS DNV RP F109 – Absolute Stability Method (Level 4) was not displaying results after execution (TT-10385).
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PRCI Thermal Analysis where ‘Save-As’ was incorrectly writing data in modified US units (TT-10349).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.07.07
HUB Platform
Released Batch Run for the following HDD PT calculations
Drilling Fluids/Mud Management
Released Batch Run for Hot Tap V5
Updated icons for “Report Repository” and “Batch Run”
PRCI Thermal Analysis
The PRCI Thermal Analysis now saves the calculated Heat Input derived from Weld Parameters when a calculation is run (TT-10216, TT-10327).
The redundant ‘Calculate’ button has been removed from the Pipe Metal Chemistry section.
Entering in data now auto-calculates the carbon equivalent value for the pipe.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.06.30
HUB Platform
Released Batch Run for the following HDD PT calculations
Cables in Conduit
Drilling Fluids/Mud Management
Plastic Pipe
Steel Pipe
Released Batch Run for Hot Tap V5
Released Sensitivity Analysis for Crossings Wheel Load V1.5
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Shell Settlement Next Steps where setting the case units to Metric was performing incorrect conversions (TT-10321).
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where the report wouldn’t generate when the case name contained special characters (TT-10357).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossings Railroad where Effective Stress was being incorrectly marked as ‘PASS’ in the report (TT-10364).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.06.23
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the PRCI Thermal Analysis application where the validation message for Linear Flow Rate was incorrectly called if a user entered in 0 ft/s (or applicable unit) (TT-10208, TT-10267).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.06.16
HUB Platform
Released Batch Run for the following Hydraulics calculation in PLTB Gas
A.G.A. Fully Turbulent Flow (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
Upstream Pressure (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
Colebrook – White (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
FM - Fundamental Equation (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
IGT Distribution Equation (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
Mueller - High Pressure (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
Mueller - Low Pressure (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
Panhandle – A (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
Panhandle – B (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
Pittsburgh (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
Spitzglass (Downstream Pressure and Flow rate)
Weymouth (Downstream Pressure, Flow rate and Internal Diameter)
PRCI OBS (On-Bottom Stability
PRCI OBS application has been released
PRCI Thermal Analysis v4.2
Bug Fixes
The following mapping issues were resolved in the PRCI Thermal Analysis report:
‘Liquid Type’ chosen for liquid pipe contents.
Temperature and Ambient Temperature from the Joint Details > Pipe Operating Parameters sub-section.
Fixed an issue in the PRCI Thermal Analysis application where the validation message for pipe wall thickness was incorrectly called if a user entered in a higher value for ‘Reduced Wall Thickness’ (TT-10270).
The report in PRCI Thermal Analysis has had the following fields added in the Welding Conditions section for each welding record (TT-10216):
Arc Efficiency
Conditions assumed (Weld Options or Heat Options)
The PRCI Thermal Analysis v4.2 application has been updated to allow a user to run calculations outside of model validations defined by the model (TT-10267):
Users are now given all calculation input validation messages in one message when a case analysis is flagged as being outside the model.
The following options will be available to the user:
Press ‘OK’ to stop calculation and edit input data.
Press ‘Proceed Anyway’ to run the calculations outside the model
Generating a report will now include a disclaimer message is now included in the footer of the report logging all model validations flagged
PRCI Thermal Analysis v5
A Beta version of the PRCI Thermal Analysis v.5 application has been released.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.06.09
HUB Platform
Batch run active for:
API 1102 - Pipeline Crossing Highway Gas and Liquid
API 1102 - Pipeline Crossing Railroad Gas and Liquid
CEPA Wheel Load Gas and Liquid
CEPA Track Load Gas and Liquid
CEPA Grid Load Gas and Liquid
Links to product guides have now been added next to the title of all of HDD PT module calculations.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where parameters in Steel Pipe Equipment Analyses were being incorrectly mapped to the compiled report (TT-10196, TT-10201).
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in the PRCI Thermal Analysis report:
Hardness values were not changing in the report (TT-10216).
Plot was not generating for cases when pipe metal chemistry components had a large amount of significant figures (TT-10246).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.05.26
HUB Platform
Batch run active for:
Wheel Load Gas and Liquid
Track Load Gas and Liquid
GPTC Guide Appendix G192-15 – Design of Uncased – Liquid Pipeline Crossing
GPTC Guide Appendix G192-15 – Design of Uncased – Gas Pipeline Crossing
CEPA Wheel Load Gas and Liquid
CEPA Track Load Gas and Liquid
CEPA Grid Load Gas and Liquid
Sensitivity Analysis
Wheel Load Gas and Liquid
Hydrotest PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Hydrotest PowerTool report where the report footer “Prepared Using: “ message was incorrectly printing “Prepared Using: Pipeline Toolbox” instead of “Prepared Using: Hydrotest PowerTool”.
Links to product guides have now been added next to the title of all of PLTB (G &L) > Pipeline Crossing module calculations.
PRCI Thermal Analysis
The following enhancements have been made to the PRCI Thermal Analysis application:
A link to the product guide for PRCI Thermal Analysis has now been added next to the title of the application.
‘Maximum Inner Pipe Temperature’ values in the ‘Results’ section of the report are now highlighted green when the value is below the safe inside surface temperature limit.
Links to product guides have now been added next to the title.
Bug Fixes
The following issues have been resolved in the PRCI Thermal Analysis report:
The safe inside surface temperature limit flag for ‘Maximum Inner Pipe Temperature’ was incorrectly marked in the ‘Results’ section.
All failed values are now highlighted in red and a warning message is provided.
The Maximum Inner Temperature was printing 1 dec digit of precision compared to 2 dec digits of precision in the desktop application.
The report footer “Prepared Using: “ message was incorrectly printing “Prepared Using: Pipeline Toolbox” instead of “Prepared Using: PRCI Thermal Analysis”.
The report was incorrectly printing ‘Sleeve’ instead of the Geometry selection made in the application (TT-10131).
The ‘Joint Details’ section of the report was not printing inputs related to Branch problems.
The ‘Results’ section was overlapping the second page of the report (TT-9614).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.05.12
HUB Platform
The Case Header on Pipeline HUB applications now opens and closes for the user automatically on creation and saving of a case.
The HUB bot now routes to the Training HUB Product Learning Library and Training Schedule links available in the Support menu.
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation PowerTool applications where case data was incorrectly loaded and caused users to encounter the following message after hitting the ‘Calculate’ button: “Input Data Error Detected. Please verify the data and try again.”
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 510
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Report Head application where an incorrect value for Interpolation Design Temperature was being used for the calculation of Head 3.
Fixed an issue in Report Shell Calc application where the calculation for S in the Internal Pressure – Minimum Thickness Calculations was incorrectly using the temperature from Shell 2 area.
Asset Management
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Asset Management where notes on a vessel were being overwritten.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where PE Pipe Equipment Analyses were incorrectly getting unit conversions applied on save (TT-10016).
This affected the following parameters on an Equipment Analysis:
Wheel Load
Wheel Imprint Contact Area
The Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection applications in Pipeline Facilities have been updated to allow a user to run calculations outside of model validations defined by ASME B31.8 and ASME B31.4.
Users are now given all calculation input validation messages in one message when a case analysis is flagged as being outside the model.
The following options will be available to the user:
Press ‘OK’ to stop calculation and edit input data.
Press ‘Proceed Anyway’ to run the calculations outside the model
Generating a report will now include a disclaimer message is now included in the footer of the report logging all model validations flagged
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Polyethylene Pipe where the Pipe Material Designation was missing the PE Pipe choices from tables available from the Plastic Pipes Institute (TT-9689):
This affected the following applications:
Design Pressure
Wall Thickness – Polyethylene Pipe
The following values are now available:
PE 1404
PE 2406
PE 2708
PE 3408
PE 3608
PE 3710
PE 4608
PE 4708
PE 4710
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.04.28
HUB Platform
The Case Header on Pipeline HUB applications now opens and closes for the user automatically on creation and saving of a case.
The HUB bot now routes to the Training HUB Product Learning Library and Training Schedule links available in the Support menu.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where case analyses would not execute calculations.
Links to product guides have now been added next to the title of all Wheel Load Analysis applications.
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in the following Design & Stress Analysis applications (TT-9780):
Design Pressure
Wall Thickness
Unrestrained Pipeline Analysis
Restrained Pipeline Analysis
Gas application titles were updated to reflect the ASME B31.8 code.
Liquid application report references were updated to refer to CFR 195 and ASME B31.4.
The following issues were fixed in Polyethylene Pipe applications:
For all applicable Live Load applications, “Reference: Typical Impact Factors for Paved Roads” is now a greyed-out field out to indicate to the user that the value is a reference value for Impact Factor data input into the Impact Factor field located in the Live Load data section (TT-9719).
Live Load: AASHTO H20 Load on Buried PE Pipe - Unpaved or Flexible Pavement has been updated to address the following issues when a user inputted a Soil Height Above Pipe Crown outside the range 1.5 ft to 10 ft (TT-9778):
Vertical Pressure Due to Earth Load would incorrectly be inhibited from calculating.
A validation message has been added for values below 1.5 ft that informs the user they are outside the acceptable depth range for the model.
A new validation message now appears if a user enters in a value below 10 ft that says the Vertical Pressure due to H20 Live Load is negligible.
Upon clicking ‘OK’ in the validation message, the user’s value for Vertical Pressure due to H20 Live Load will now be populated with 0.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.04.14
HUB Platform
Widgets now load a user’s last modified case (TT-5766).
If the user has not created a case, the demo case is loaded instead.
Bug Fixes
The TTI Support Wiki no longer loads with an error message (TT-9514).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in CEPA calculations where Longitudinal Stress components would print “NaN” when the Bedding Angle was set to 0 (TT-9924).
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite Steel Pipe > Pull forces & installation stresses where the report would fail to generate if a user deleted their “Level: Straight Section” in their profile configuration (TT-9861).
PRCI Sleeve End Fillet Weld (SEFW) has been released to the Welding module.
The calculation allows welding engineers to calculate Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs) for the following cracking scenarios:
Weld Toe
Weld Root
Sleeve End
These calculations are based on research by PRCI from the report “PR-214-174517-WEB Sleeve End Fillet Weld Stress Intensity Factor Solutions”, August 2019.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.03.31
HUB Platform
The Training HUB has been integrated with Pipeline HUB platform users.
2 links have been made available to users in the Support menu at:
Training Schedule
Product Learning Schedule
Clicking of the links logs users into the Training HUB and gives them access to training materials/schedules and gives instructional videos available on how to use the Pipeline HUB.
The Batch Run feature has been added to the Case Header.
Users can import up to 50 cases of data to be calculated and saved in the application.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.03.14
Hydraulics reports have been enhanced with a new template:
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report.
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.03.10
HUB Platform
The following updates have been made to the application platform layout:
Support and User menu titles have been changed to modern icons.
The application ribbon has had a format and color change
Technical Toolboxes logo has been added on the ribbon
Navigator and Widget ribbon colors have been changed to match new color template
Adding a new widget to the canvas will now automatically scroll the user down to the location of the widget they’ve added.
The Case Header is now a combo-box that allows a user to search for a case (TT-5766).
Added an interpolation value for CF value in the following Pipeline Testing > Gas Blowdown calculations (TT-9776):
Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semiempirical Model - Report No. 87-2 - Gas (Gas)
Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semiempirical Model - Report No. 87-2 – Sizing (Gas)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PLTB > Miscellaneous where API 1117- Movement of In-Service Pipeline wasn’t accounting for the Reduced Wall Thickness if the user included it in the calculation (TT-9886).
The following reports issues were fixed:
Pipe Blast reports were not highlighting ‘Blasting Conditions for Combined Stress Level’ properly when values were ‘Acceptable’ or ‘Not Acceptable’
Pipeline Corrosion Gas and Liquid reports had inconsistent alignment
Regulators & Meters reports had inconsistent organization of parameters in Operating Parameters
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the following Pipeline Testing > AGA Blowdown calculations where the data table lookup for CF was causing an incorrect calculation of blowdown time (TT-9776):
Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semiempirical Model - Report No. 87-2 - Gas (Gas)
Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semiempirical Model - Report No. 87-2 – Sizing (Gas)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.02.24
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in Shell Settlement (TT-7816):
The Shell Settlement graph was getting inverted if a user clicked ‘Generate Graph’ after saving the report.
R^2 and Smax were not changing in value when the widget units were changed from US to Metric.
Crossings Workflow
Added a component of Soil Overburden to the Hoop Stress for all CEPA equipment analyses.
Added in all CEPA widgets a component of Soil Overburden to the Hoop Stress.
PLTB-G > Design & Stress Analysis reports have been enhanced with a new template:
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PLTB reports where the Notes and References sections of reports was overlapping the footer (TT-9753, TT-9781).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PLTB-G Colebrook-White widgets where the Base Pressure was being incorrectly mapped in the calculation of the Compressibility factor (TT-9732).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Surge Analysis – Water Hammer where a user was unable to save a case (TT-9814).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.02.10
Data Tools
db Import now supports the import of Hot Tap desktop cases (TT-8887).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in ESRI Map import where kml files who had an attribute with a special character (e.g. &) were not being imported (TT-9615).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 1102 widgets where comparisons between values for input validations were incorrectly being done with their values on the widget (TT-723, TT-9755).
Fixed an issue in Purging Calculations reports where Results fields were being mapped with incorrect values (TT-9595, TT-9735).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Gas Pipeline Blowdown – AGA Manual - Gas report where values were not mapped correctly to the ‘Pipe Description’ section (TT-9595, TT-9735, TT-9791).
Fixed an issue in Reinforcement of Branched Weld Connection – ASME B31.8 (Revision 10.0.0) (Gas) report where values were not mapped correctly to the ‘Branch Pipe Data’ section (TT-9748).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.01.27
Pipeline HUB Platform
The following windows have been updated with the new Technical Toolboxes company logo:
Login landing page
Change Password menu
Crossings Workflow
Added a ‘User Defined’ option to ‘Pavement Type’ that allows a user to define an Impact factor to use in an Equipment case for all CEPA crossings calculations.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in Crossings Workflow:
Cases that included PE Pipe equipment analyses were not printing reports (TT-9729).
Cases for Steel Pipe that included CEPA Crossings equipment analyses were incorrectly calculating the same results (TT-9632).
Impact factor is now applied and configured for each Equipment Analyses applied to each pipe.
Impact Factor in the following equipment analysis types was being incorrectly applied to all pipes configured by the user for the following analyses:
Wheel Load
Track Load
CEPA Crossings
Data Tools
The option ‘DOC’ is no longer pre-populated in the Source Table when importing KML/Shape/GBD/Excel files (TT-8372).
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in db Import:
Importing Pipe specification data was being prevented if the import file had a Fluid attribute defined in the import file (TT-9517).
The attribute mapping was incorrectly pre-populating the following even if not present in the import file:
Nominal Pipe Diameter
Outside Diameter
Wall Thickness
Scheduled Number
All Design & Stress Analysis pipeline length data fields now have ‘inch’ as a unit of measure available (TT-9673).
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following reports issues:
Pull Force & Installation Stress report in HDD Lite PE Pipe was not generating.
The following reports in HDD Lite Steel Pipe were not generating (TT-9669, TT-9708, TT-9728):
Pull force & installation stresses – Vertical
Pull force & installation stresses – Vertical and Horizontal Plane
Fixed the following issues In Polyethylene Pipe reports:
Column alignment between the Gas and Liquid reports was inconsistent.
Calculations with diagrams in them didn’t have the corresponding image in the report aligned correctly with the respect to the center between the header and the Reference Data sections of the report.
Input data fields in the Reference Data section of the report were ordered in an incorrect manner.
Operating Parameters sections did not have proper bolding for the following sub-sections:
Pipe Soil Envelope Data
Live Data
‘E’n/E’ was incorrectly titled as ‘E’n/E in the Results section
Design Pressure reports were incorrectly displaying the Nominal Pipe Diameter when the user chose Fiberglass as their Pipe Type
Live Load: AASHRO H20 Load on Buried PE Pipe – Unpaved or Flexible Pavement reports:
Multiple fields were not mapped into the report:
Impact Factor for Paved Road: Cover Depth
Impact Factor
‘Vertical Pressure Due to H20 Live Load’ was incorrectly titled ‘Vertical Pressure due to Aircraft Load’
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.01.17
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PRCI Thermal Analysis where clicking the 'Calculate' button on the Case Header on any case would generate the engine failure message "Engine Couldn't Complete the Calculation. Please click Validate to verify input data!" (TT-9666, TT-9668, TT-9677).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2023.01.16
API Toolbox
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Shell Settlement where the graph would appear inverted after saving a case.
Added a ‘User Defined’ option to ‘Pavement Type’ in all CEPA crossings calculations that allows a user to input an Impact Factor of their choice. This applies to:
CEPA Track Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Wheel Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Grid Load Analysis (Gas)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 1102 Pipeline Crossing Railroad and Highway Gas where the unit of measure for an input was not being considered in input validations.
E.g. A user would select Outside Diameter of 12.75 inch and Wall Thickness of 7.925 mm (.312 inch). The input validation for Wall Thickness/Outside Diameter being between 0.01 and 0.08 would incorrectly be calculated as 0.498 and the user would be prevented from running the calculation.
Fixed the following issues in Cathodic Protection reports:
Values and units of were not being wrapped on the same row.
Power Consumption of Cathodic Protection Rectifier (Gas) data points with ‘KWH’ were being displayed inconsistent from the widget UI.
Rudenbergs Formula For the Placement of an Anode Ground Bed (Gas) was displaying an extra row after the widget title in the report.
Added a ‘User Defined’ option to ‘Pavement Type’ in all CEPA crossings calculations that allows a user to input an Impact Factor of their choice. This applies to:
CEPA Track Load Analysis (Liquid)
CEPA Wheel Load Analysis (Liquid)
CEPA Grid Load Analysis (Liquid)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API 1102 Pipeline Crossing Railroad and Highway Liquid where the unit of measure for an input was not being considered in input validations.
E.g. A user would select Outside Diameter of 12.75 inch and Wall Thickness of 7.925 mm (.312 inch). The input validation for Wall Thickness/Outside Diameter being between 0.01 and 0.08 would incorrectly be calculated as 0.498 and the user would be prevented from running the calculation.
Fixed the following issues in Cathodic Protection reports:
Values and units of were not being wrapped on the same row.
Power Consumption of Cathodic Protection Rectifier (Liquid) data points with ‘KWH’ were being displayed inconsistent from the widget UI.
Rudenbergs Formula For the Placement of an Anode Ground Bed (Liquid) was displaying an extra row after the widget title in the report.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.12.30
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow report where cases that had Track Load or Wheel Load analyses were displaying the following in incorrect decimal precision:
‘Cd Load Coefficient’
'Percent of SMTS (S/SMYS) * 100’
This issue would be seen if any of the following analyses were included in the case:
CEPA Track Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Wheel Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Grid Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Track Load Analysis (Liquid)
CEPA Wheel Load Analysis (Liquid)
CEPA Grid Load Analysis (Liquid)
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow reports where cases with CEPA equipment analyses had 'Total Hoop Stress at MOP’ and ‘Equivalent Stress at MOP’ were labelled inconsistently in the report ‘Results’ section as ‘Total Hoop Stress @ MOP’ and ‘Equivalent Stress @ MOP’ respectively.
This issue would be seen if any of the following analyses were included in the case:
CEPA Track Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Wheel Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Grid Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Track Load Analysis (Liquid)
CEPA Wheel Load Analysis (Liquid)
CEPA Grid Load Analysis (Liquid)
PLTB-G reports in the following modules have been enhanced with a new template:
Pipeline Facilities
Pipeline Compressors
PLTB Miscellaneous
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report.
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in CEPA widgets where the 'Total Hoop Stress at MOP’ and ‘Equivalent Stress at MOP’ were labelled inconsistently in the widget:
This change affects the following widgets:
CEPA Track Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Wheel Load Analysis (Gas)
CEPA Grid Load Analysis (Gas)
In the ‘Results’ section of the widget, the ‘Results’ previously displayed these fields as:
‘Total Hoop Stress @ MOP’
'Equivalent Stress @ MOP’
In the report’s ‘Results’ section, the table previously displayed these fields as:
'Total Hoop Stress @ MOP’
‘Equivalent Stress @ MOP’
PLTB-L reports in the following modules have been enhanced with a new template:
Pipeline Facilities
Pipeline Pump
PLTB Miscellaneous
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report.
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in CEPA widgets where the 'Total Hoop Stress at MOP’ and ‘Equivalent Stress at MOP’ were labelled inconsistently in the widget:
This change affects the following widgets:
CEPA Track Load Analysis (Liquid)
CEPA Wheel Load Analysis (Liquid)
CEPA Grid Load Analysis (Liquid)
In the ‘Results’ section of the widget, the ‘Results’ previously displayed these fields as:
‘Total Hoop Stress @ MOP’
‘Equivalent Stress @ MOP’
In the report’s ‘Results’ section, the table previously displayed these fields as:
‘Total Hoop Stress @ MOP’
‘Equivalent Stress @ MOP’
Fixed an issue in the Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection - ASME B31.4 (Liquid) widget where the ‘Select: Branch Properties’ sub-tab had inconsistent appearance with the Gas counterpart widget.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.12.23
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool where widgets that contain a Profile were causing the upward curve of the borehole profile to incorrectly render points below their actual elevations (TT-9245).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite Steel Pipe widgets that contain a Profile were causing the upward curve of the borehole profile to incorrectly render points below their actual elevations (TT-9245).
Fixed the following issues in Cathodic Protection reports:
‘Pipe Description’ section was renamed to ‘Input Parameters’.
Entity Name was not being printed in the ‘Input Parameters’ section.
Fixed the following issues in HDD Lite PE Pipe reports:
ATL – Allowable Tensile Load for Pe Pipe During Pull-In Installation report:
Value of ‘Outside Diameter’ was not being mapped.
Entity Name was not being printed in the ‘Input Parameters’ section.
‘Unit Weight of Soil’ was not being mapped to the PE Pipe – Post Installation Loads and Deflection report.
PE Pipe - Pull Force & Installation Stress report:
Values of fields in the ‘Reference: ASTM F 1962-05; Table X1:1’ section were not being mapped.
‘Backreamed Borehole Diameter’ was mapped to the wrong section.
‘Axial Tensile Stress at Point B’ – ‘Axial Tensile Stress at Point D’ was not being mapped to the Results section.
Fixed the following issues in HDD Lite Steel Pipe reports:
Pull force & installation stresses – Vertical report:
The borehole profile plot was not being printed.
SMYS was not being mapped.
Pull Load values in the Results section had too much spacing between their values and the unit of measure.
Eg. ‘1181.8 lb’ was being printed as ‘1181.8 lb’.
Pull force & installation stresses – Vertical and Horizontal Plane report:
The borehole profile plot was not being printed.
Pull Load values in the Results section had too much spacing between their values and the unit of measure.
Eg. ‘1181.8 lb’ was being printed as ‘1181.8 lb’.
Fixed the following issues in Polyethylene Pipe reports:
Widgets with a ‘Reference: ASTM F 1962-05; Table X1:1’ section were not having Duration Time the values be mapped.
Entity Name was not being printed in the ‘Reference Data’ section.
Widget diagrams were not being printed.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite Steel Widgets widgets that contain a Profile were causing the upward curve of the borehole profile to incorrectly render points below their actual elevations (TT-9245).
Fixed the following issues in Cathodic Protection reports:
‘Pipe Description’ section was renamed to ‘Input Parameters’.
Entity Name was not being printed in the ‘Input Parameters’ section.
Fixed the following issues in HDD Lite PE Pipe reports:
Outside Diameter was not being mapped to the ATL – Allowable Tensile Load for Pe Pipe During Pull-In Installation report.
Fields in the ‘Reference: ASTM F 1962-05; Table X1:1’ section were not being mapped to the PE Pipe - Pull Force & Installation Stress report.
Fixed the following issues in HDD Lite Steel Pipe reports:
Entity Name was not being printed in the ‘Input Parameters’ section of the Operation Stress – Steel Pipe report.
Pull force & installation stresses – Vertical report:
The borehole profile plot was not being printed.
Pull Load values in the Results section had too much spacing between their values and the unit of measure.
Eg. ‘1181.8 lb’ was being printed as ‘1181.8 lb’.
Pull force & installation stresses – Vertical and Horizontal Plane report:
The borehole profile plot was not being printed.
Pull Load values in the Results section had too much spacing between their values and the unit of measure.
Eg. ‘1181.8 lb’ was being printed as ‘1181.8 lb’.
Fixed the following issues in Polyethylene reports:
Widgets with a ‘Reference: ASTM F 1962-05; Table X1:1’ section were not having Duration Time the values be mapped.
Entity Name was not being printed in the ‘Reference Data’ section.
Widget diagrams were not being printed.
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
The following issues have been fixed in Hot Tap:
F.E.A results are removed from the final report once a user clears their input (TT-9246).
Calculations now run if the user creates a new case but doesn’t save it (TT-9396).
Previously, a user would filling in all required inputs and clicking ‘Calculate’ would not populate results and give a generic message “Engine executed successfully”.
Calculation results are now saved once a user saves a case (TT-9246, TT-9391).
Previously, a user would generate calculation results and click ‘Save’ on the case.
After doing this and calling back up the case, the results and plots would show as empty.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.12.16
API Toolbox
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Report Config Appendix 653 where there was an extra MRT calculations drop-down choice titled 'MRT Calculations' in the Appendix B section.
Now when creating a new case, users will only have 'AST Floor MRT Calculations' as a selectable option.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow where 'Include Interpolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)' was not calculating an Ic value (TT-9556).
This occurred for calculated m/n Influence factor values such that either m or n was an existing table value.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Track Load Analysis (Gas) where 'Include Interpolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)' was not calculating an Ic value (TT-9556).
This occurred for calculated m/n Influence factor values such that either m or n was an existing table value.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Track Load Analysis (Liquid) where 'Include Interpolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)' was not calculating an Ic value (TT-9556).
This occurred for calculated m/n Influence factor values such that either m or n was an existing table value.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.12.09
API Toolbox
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the Report Config Appendix 653 widget where user data saved in Floor MRT Evaluation would not be generated in the report.
Previously, a user would create a report in the Floor MRT Evaluation, save it and, configure the drop-down in Appendix B to include MRT Calculations.
Generating the final report however would not show the MRT Calculations in the appendix.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in Crossings Workflow that occurred on creation of a new case (TT-9480):
If a Wheel or Track Load Analysis was included, ‘Depth of Cover’ was defaulting to 6.667 ft.
Changing the ‘Soil Type’ drop-down to a value besides the default value ‘Granular Materials without Cohesion’ was reverting back after hitting ‘Calculate’.
PLTB-G reports in the following modules have been enhanced with a new template:
Meters & Regulators
Pipe Blast
Pipeline Corrosion
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in PLTB-G reports:
Input and Results fields in Cathodic Protection reports were being displayed in decimal precision that did not match the widget.
HDD Lite PE Pipe > Pull Force & Installation Stresses report was unable to be generated (TT-9531,TT-9536).
API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway (Gas) Results table had extra fluid properties rows in it.
API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Railroad (Gas) Results table had extra fluid properties rows in it.
The title of ‘Total Longitudinal Stress @ MOP’ in the Results table for CEPA Crossings widgets was updated to ‘Total Longitudinal Stress at MOP’ to be consistent with titles of results fields in the widget.
PLTB-L reports in the following modules have been enhanced with a new template:
Pipe Blast
Pipeline Corrosion
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in PLTB-G reports:
Input and Results fields in Cathodic Protection reports were being displayed in decimal precision that did not match the widget.
HDD Lite PE Pipe > Pull Force & Installation Stresses report was unable to be generated (TT-9531,TT-9536).
API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway (Gas) Results table had extra blank fluid properties rows in it.
API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Railroad (Gas) Results table had extra blank fluid properties rows in it.
The title of ‘Total Longitudinal Stress @ MOP’ in the Results table for CEPA Crossings widgets was updated to ‘Total Longitudinal Stress at MOP’ to be consistent with titles of results fields in the widget.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.12.02
HUBPL Platform
The login page for HUBPL has been updated in the following manner:
Page is displayed under a new layout design
New links to have been added to the following sites:
Technical Toolboxes company website
Technical Toolboxes Jira Support
Technical Toolboxes Training
HUBPL users are now managed by Okta’s user directory and can expect the following:
Self-service registration to gain immediate access to HUBPL
Free ability to manage passwords in their accompanying Okta user dashboard
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in Crossings Workflow:
The calculation method ‘Include Extrapolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’ in the ‘Wheel & Track Load’ section was incorrectly named (TT-9394).
The calculation option has now been named to ‘Include Interpolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’.
The ‘Above/Below Maximum Combined Stress’ message was incorrectly displaying when Percent of SMYS had a value of ‘NaN’ (TT-9449).
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HDD PowerTool where widgets that enable importing a new excel profile onto a case with an existing profile would prevent a user from running calculations or saving (TT-9357).
PLTB-G reports in the following modules have been enhanced with a new template:
Cathodic Protection
HDD Lite Plastic Pipe
HDD Lite Steel Pipe
Pipeline Testing
Polyethylene Pipe
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in Purging Calculations – Gas where the ‘For standard blow-off size’ drop-down value would not change if a user changed the unit of measure (TT-9444).
E.g. If the user changed the unit of measure from ‘inch’ to ‘cm’ for a value of 2, the value would not change to 5.08.
The following issues were fixed in Track Load Analysis (Gas):
The calculation method ‘Include Extrapolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’ was incorrectly named (TT-9394).
The calculation option has now been named to ‘Include Interpolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’.
The ‘Above/Below Maximum Combined Stress’ message was incorrectly displaying when Percent of SMYS had a value of ‘NaN’ (TT-9449).
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite Steel Pipe where Pull force & installation stresses widgets enable importing an Excel file of a profile onto a case with an existing profile would prevent a user from running calculations or saving (TT-9357).
(#2395) Fixed an issue in Wheel Load Analysis (Gas) where the ‘Above/Below Maximum Combined Stress’ message was incorrectly displaying when Percent of SMYS had a value of ‘NaN’ (TT-9449).
PLTB-L reports in the following modules have been enhanced with a new template:
Cathodic Protection
HDD Lite Plastic Pipe
HDD Lite Steel Pipe
Pipeline Testing
Polyethylene Pipe
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in Purging Calculations – Gas where the ‘For standard blow-off size’ drop-down value would not change if a user changed the unit of measure (TT-9444).
E.g. If the user changed the unit of measure from ‘inch’ to ‘cm’ for a value of 2, the value would not change to 5.08.
The following issues were fixed in Track Load Analysis (Liquid):
The calculation method ‘Include Extrapolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’ was incorrectly named (TT-9394).
The calculation option has now been named to ‘Include Interpolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’.
The ‘Above/Below Maximum Combined Stress’ message was incorrectly displaying when Percent of SMYS had a value of ‘NaN’ (TT-9449).
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite Steel Pipe where Pull force & installation stresses widgets where importing a new excel profile onto a case with an existing profile would prevent a user from running calculations or saving (TT-9357).
Fixed an issue in Wheel Load Analysis (Gas) where the ‘Above/Below Maximum Combined Stress’ message was incorrectly displaying when Percent of SMYS had a value of ‘NaN’ (TT-9449).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.11.25
Crossings Workflow
The Crossings Workflow widget has been enhanced to add a calculation option of ‘Include Extrapolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’ inside the ‘Wheel & Track Load’ section when a user has a Track Load Analysis in their case (TT-9394).
HDD PowerTool
Added KSF (kpsi) as one of the available unit of measure choices to pressure fields in HDD PowerTool (TT-4884).
PLTB-G reports in the following modules have been enhanced with a new template:
Accidental Gas Release Full Bore Pipeline Rupture
Accidental Gas Release through a Small Hole in Pipeline
Gas Lost in Section of a Full Bore Rupture
Natural Gas Pipeline Rupture – Width, Radius, and Depth of Crater
Potential Impact Radius (PIR) - Gas
Pipeline Crossings:
GPTC Guide Appendix G192-15- Design of Uncased – Gas Pipeline Crossing
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
The Track Load Analysis – (Gas) widget has been enhanced to add a new calculation option for Influence Coefficient (Ic) (TT-9394):
The current calculation of Ic is done by doing a table lookup of solution values of Holl’s and Newmark’s Integration of the Boussinesq Equation for Vertical Stress for m & n-Influence closest matching those calculated by the widget.
The new calculation consists of linearly interpolating values between neighboring m & n-Influence Factors:
A new section ‘ Include Extrapolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’ has been added to the widget where the user can choose to include this calculation step
E.g. If m & n-Influence Factors are calculated to be 0.254 & 1.381 respectively, the Influence Coefficient is linearly interpolated to be 0.29 from the nearest Ic table solutions at:
Ic table value = 0.229 for (m,n) = (0.2,1.2)
Ic table value = 0.333 for (m,n) = (0.3, 1.2)
Ic table value = 0.238 for (m,n) = (0.2, 1.5)
Ict table value = 0.345for (m,n) = (0.3, 1.5)
The ‘Loading Parameters’ section of the report has been updated to add this calculation choice by the user
The Excel export now reflects the calculation choice chosen by the user
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Cathodic Protection widgets that contained unit of measure drop-down choices for ‘Anode Diameter’ that weren’t practical (TT-9482):
‘mile’ has been changed to ‘mm’
‘km’ has been changed to ‘in’
PLTB-L reports in the following modules have been enhanced with a new template:
Accidental Release from Liquid Hydrocarbon Pipeline
Pipeline Crossings:
GPTC Guide Appendix G192-15- Design of Uncased – Liquid Pipeline Crossing
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Pipe Description
Operational Parameters
Fluid Properties
Results that are highlighted in the widget (e.g. Pass or Fail) are now highlighted on the report.
If a widget has a plot, it is now included on the report
Widgets with “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user now have a specific note added.
The Track Load Analysis – (Gas) widget has been enhanced to add a new calculation option for Influence Coefficient (Ic) (TT-9394):
The current calculation of Ic is done by doing a table lookup of solution values of Holl’s and Newmark’s Integration of the Boussinesq Equation for Vertical Stress for m & n-Influence closest matching those calculated by the widget.
The new calculation consists of linearly interpolating values between neighboring m & n-Influence Factors:
A new section ‘ Include Extrapolation Method (for Influence Coefficient)’ has been added to the widget where the user can choose to include this calculation step
E.g. If m & n-Influence Factors are calculated to be 0.254 & 1.381 respectively, the Influence Coefficient is linearly interpolated to be 0.29 from the nearest Ic table solutions at:
Ic table value = 0.229 for (m,n) = (0.2,1.2)
Ic table value = 0.333 for (m,n) = (0.3, 1.2)
Ic table value = 0.238 for (m,n) = (0.2, 1.5)
Ict table value = 0.345for (m,n) = (0.3, 1.5)
The ‘Loading Parameters’ section of the report has been updated to add this calculation choice by the user
The Excel export now reflects the calculation choice chosen by the user
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Cathodic Protection widgets that contained unit of measure drop-down choices for ‘Anode Diameter’ that weren’t practical (TT-9482):
‘mile’ has been changed to ‘mm’
‘km’ has been changed to ‘in’
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.11.18
API Inspectors Toolbox
Asset Management
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Asset Management where creating records for tank design documents would show up as blank.
Crossings Workflow
The Crossings Workflow widget now includes an integration with the following CEPA Pipeline Crossings calculations released in PLTB > Pipeline Crossings modules for Steel Pipe analyses:
CEPA Track Load
CEPA Wheel Load
CEPA Grid Load
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where calling up the ESRI Map widget was causing the user to be prompted for a login they couldn’t click out of.
The user would receive the following message: “Please sign in to access the item on https://api.pipelineengineeringsoftware.com/api/GISProxy (PROD/PipeService)”.
CEPA Pipeline Crossings calculations have been released in the PLTB-G > Pipeline Crossings module.
The following calculations are now available:
CEPA Track Load
CEPA Wheel Load
These calculations are based on: "Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) “Development of a Pipeline Surface Loading Screening Process and Assessment of Surface Load Dispersing Methods", October 2009
CEPA Pipeline Crossings calculations have been released in the PLTB-L > Pipeline Crossings module.
The following calculations are now available:
CEPA Track Load
CEPA Wheel Load
These calculations are based on: "Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) “Development of a Pipeline Surface Loading Screening Process and Assessment of Surface Load Dispersing Methods", October 2009
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in PRCI RSTRENG where the Non-PRCI Calculations section was incorrectly titled as ‘Non-PRCI Calculations for ECDA’ (TT-5917).
PRCI Thermal Analysis
The reports in Hot Tap have been enhanced in the following manner:
The Hot Tap report now stacks the Heat Input and Hardness plots on top of each other on a common scale for Cooling Time.
The Hot Tap Review Input report now includes Arc Efficiency for associated weld records.
Bug Fixes
The following issues have been fixed in Hot Tap:
The user would not receive a validation message that their inputs failed to execute a calculation (TT-9246, TT-9349, TT-9391).
Previously, the user would instead receive the message: “Engine executed successfully”.
Now the user is informed of failures on two levels:
Model input error: The user is now informed that an input on their case is out of range.
E.g. If the user inputs a sleeve temperature of 800 F, they get the following message: “Joint Temperature out of range. Acceptable Range is: -50 to 400 deg F”
F.E.A engine failure: If the user encounters a case scenario such that the F.E.A Results calculation fails, they will receive the following message: “Engine Couldn’t Complete the Calculation. Please click Validate to verify input data!”
The ‘Check/Correct’ button has had its name updated to ‘Validate’.
The Reduced Wall Thickness was not being inputted into the calculations for Hot Tap (TT-9246).
All unsaved weld records were incorrectly deleted if the user selected ‘Delete Record’ (TT-9246).
E.g.: Previously, if a user’s case has 3 weld records saved and they create 2 new unsaved ones, then selection of ‘Delete Record’ on the 4th record would delete records 4 and 5.
The Review Input report had the following errors:
Electrode Type for Weld Records on the report was incorrectly spelled as ‘Electrade Type’ (TT-9246).
Molybdenum in the Pipe Chemistry section was incorrectly spelled as ‘Malybdenum’ (TT-9390).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: 2022.11.04
AC Mitigation
The following enhancements have been added to all AC Mitigation widgets:
The Generate Report button in the case header has been enhanced to allow a user to choose what sections appear in the report.
When the user clicks the Generate Report button, they will be presented with a menu that allows them to check which of the following sections appear in the generated report:
Towerline Info
Pipeline Info
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 653
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in the Shell Settlement widget:
The ‘R^2’ was not changing if the user modified their case data.
The ‘R^2’ value and Elevation Profile graph were not consistent with each other.
Fixed an issue on the Shell Settlement: Next Step where the widget units displayed were displayed incorrectly for the ‘Si’ and ‘Smax’ columns.
Crossings Workflow
An ‘Export To Excel’ button has been added to the Crossings Workflow widget (TT-8327).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where KML/KMZ/Shape files were not being saved for entities when importing (TT-9335).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the Potential Impact Radius (PIR) (Gas) where potential impact radius was incorrectly being calculated with a user inputted specific gravity instead of the factor for natural gas, 0.69, in line with PHMSA Code, section 192.903 (TT-8330).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the PRCI RSTRENG where potential impact radius was incorrectly being calculated with a fluid specific gravity instead of the factor for natural gas, 0.69, in line with PHMSA Code, section 192.903 (TT-8330).
PRCI Hot Tap Toolbox
The Hot Tap report has been upgraded with the following enhancements:
Report has been enhanced with a new template:
Input fields are now grouped into common tables such as:
Joint Details
Base Chemistry
Weld Conditions
Pipe Content
Plots of Heat Input and Hardness are included in their own section
If the “Reduced Wall Thickness” entered by the user, a specific note has been added.
The report has been enhanced to consolidate the following reports into the new template (see note above):
Review Input’
‘Graph Results’
‘F.E.A Result’
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.10.21
HUBPL Platform
Implemented security enhancements related to SOC2 compliance (16 issues).
Added TTI Training Schedule to Support menu option.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where users could not include special characters in case names (TT-8138, TT-8817).
Fixed an issue in the Pipe Class directive where Longitudinal Join Factor and Joint Type were not being changed after modifying a created case.
AC Mitigation
The following enhancements have been made in all AC Mitigation module widgets (TT-6668):
The validation message for GMR in the Steady State module > Power Lines tab has been updated to communicate to the user that GMR cannot be equal to 0 or blank.
Previously, a user would receive the message “Input Data Error Detected. Please verify the data and try again”.
Now, the user is given the specific message “GMR value can’t be 0 or empty!”.
The validation message for GMR in the Fault Current module has been updated to communicate to the user that GMR cannot be equal to 0 or blank.
Previously, a user would encounter the message “Input Data Error Detected. Please verify the data and try again”.
Now, the user is given the specific message “GMR value can’t be 0 or empty!”.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issues in AC Mitigation widget reports:
Layout issues with font and bonders
Map title was absent if there no image of the ESRI Map location
API Inspectors Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the Bottom Edge Settlement report where the ‘Diameter’ field’s value was not changing from its US Field value when the widget’s units were set to Metric units.
The following issues were resolved for Horizontal Tank Evaluation widget:
The unit drop-down for ‘SG’ has been removed.
The unit has been removed from the associated report.
On the report:
The following headings for ‘File No.’ were inconsistently displayed on each report page:
‘File No.’
‘Report No.’
The following fields were incorrectly displaying in Field units when the widget was set to Metric unit.
Fixed the following issues in the Seal Inspection widget:
Unit text for ‘Tank Liq Level’ and ‘Diameter’ was inconsistently displayed compared to the rest of the report.
The heading for ‘Secondary Seal Inspection Recommendations’ was incorrectly spelled as ‘Secondary Seal Inspection Recommensations’.
Formula texts in the report were incorrectly displaying US units when the widget’s unit setting was set to Metric.
The following issues were fixed in Fillet Welded Patch Calculations report:
‘Year Built’ was incorrectly spelled as ‘Year Bulit’
The value for ‘Year Built’ displayed incorrectly.
E.g. If the year is 2022, the report would display this as ‘2202’.
The following issues were fixed in the APP V Evaluation report:
The following was inconsistently displayed on the first page compared to the rest of the report:
Report title
The unit text for ‘Temp’
There was overflow of values for the following fields:
‘W/C’ and ‘OZ’ in the ‘Design External Pressure’ section
‘Hts’ and ‘cr’ in the ‘Unstiffened Shell’ section
Numerous values and field unit text were displaying US unit values when the widget unit preference was set to Metric units.
Crossing Workflow
PE Pipe integration has been released for the Crossings Workflow widget.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in HUB platform level unit set preference where the selection made for unit set was not reflected in the crossing application.
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed calculation issues in all Steel Pipe > Pull force & installation stresses widgets where ‘Unity Check: Tensile Bending and External Hoop Unit’ was incorrectly being multiplied by 1.5 in the calculation steps (TT-8973).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API-1102 Pipeline Crossing Railroad (Gas) where the validation message did not handle pipe depth range of 6-14 ft per API 1102 (TT-8336):
Previously, a user would receive the message “Numerical value for pipe depth should be between 3-10 [ft].”
Fixed calculations issue in ANSI B31G-1991 Evaluation of MAOP Corroded Areas (Gas) where Maximum Safe Pressure and Design Pressure were using saved values of Longitudinal Joint Factor instead of values entered in by the user.
Fixed calculation issues in all Steel Pipe > Pull force & installation stresses widgets where ‘Unity Check: Tensile Bending and External Hoop Unit’ was incorrectly being multiplied by 1.5 in the calculation steps (TT-8973).
Enhanced the Surge Analysis – Water Hammer calculation to handle lighter fluids (TT-7596).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in API-1102 Pipeline Crossing Railroad (Liquid) where the validation message did not handle pipe depth range of 6-14 ft per API 1102 (TT-8336):
Previously, a user would receive the message “Numerical value for pipe depth should be between 3-10 [ft].”
Fixed calculations issue in ANSI B31G-1991 Evaluation of MAOP Corroded Areas (Gas) where Maximum Safe Pressure and Design Pressure were using saved values of Longitudinal Joint Factor instead of values entered in by the user.
Fixed calculation issues in all Steel Pipe > Pull force & installation stresses widgets where ‘Unity Check: Tensile Bending and External Hoop Unit’ was incorrectly being multiplied by 1.5 in the calculation steps (TT-8973).
PRCI Hot Tap Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where a button had been labeled “Print Graph” rather than “Graph Result.”
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.10.07
HUBPL Platform
Added inches of water (inH2O) as a unit of measure for pressure in Operating Parameters (TT-6691).
The following performance enhancements have been made to the TTI Support Wiki:
Site load-up is now 42 % faster on average
Access of pages inside site now take less than 2 seconds on average
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where users were having their reports timeout and receiving a 504/404 error if the report took 20 seconds or longer to generate (TT-9099).
Fixed an issue where the 1/8 inch Nominal pipe size had a wall thickness higher than the outside diameter value in the API 5L steel pipe type (TT-9015).
Fixed the following issues with the Pipe Class section of HUB widgets (TT-9225):
The ‘Joint Type’ drop-down would incorrectly load as the value ‘Seamless’ if a user had saved a created case with a different value.
Changing the drop-down value of ‘Joint Type’ to ‘Electric Fusion Welded’ would overwrite any saved value.
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 510
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Horizontal Tanks where report data was not being saved.
Previously, a user would not be able to save the Horizontal Tank Evaluation calculation created through the API 510 Report Builder and would receive a message ‘Sorry, This report no. already exists.’
Reloading the case would show empty data for the report because it was not getting saved.
API 570
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in the API 570 Report Builder widget where reports were not generating for individual widgets: Write Up or Checklist (TT-9084).
Fixed an issue in Pipe Remaining Life Evaluation where CML row data was not being brought in if the accompanying row in Pipe CML Record had no ‘Material-Grade’ data in it.
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the API 653 Report Builder where the Final Report was being generated in the active tab of HUBPL rather than appearing in a new one.
Previously, the user was being forced tore-load session after pressing back in the report browser tab.
Fixed an issue in Component Remaining Life Evaluation where RL records were calculating incorrectly in Metric units.
This was happening for single digit ‘tmin’ values in metric units.
Fixed an issue in Component Remaining Life Evaluation where RL records would show as ‘0’ in the report table if the widget’s units were set to Metric units (TT-7816, TT-9211).
Fixed an issue in Pipe CML Record where importing of new rows onto an existing case was being prevented (TT-9126).
Fixed an issue in the Shell Settlement report where the ‘R^2’ value was not being populated on the widget UI and hence would appear blank on the report. (TT-7816, TT-9198. TT-9210)
Fixed an issue in the Tank Shell Minimum Thickness and Remaining Life Calculations report where the formula text for ‘FHc’ would show up incorrectly if the widget’s units were set to Metric units (TT-7816, TT-9209).
Previously, the formula text would show as ‘SEtact/4.9DG+1’ and this has been updated to display ‘SEtact/4.9+0.3’.
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Cables and Conduits where the ‘Clearance’ value was not being properly calculated when the Cable Configuration was set to ‘Three Cables - Triangular’ (TT-8926).
The issue was isolated to the condition check when Cable Configuration was selected as “Three Cables – Triangular”
Fixed an issue in the PE Pipe > Post Installation Loads and Deflection widget where the input field ’Live Load’ was incorrectly mapped (TT-9185).
The following unit mappings were changed:
US field mapping updated to lb/ft2
Metric field mapping adjusted to kg/m2
Note: This issue had no impact on calculations.
Fixed an issue in PE Pipe > Pull force & installation stresses where the ‘Ovality Compensation Factor’ was not calculated in accordance with the changes made to “Percentage of pipe deflection.” (TT-9193).
Fixed calculation issues for Steel Pipe > Pull force & installation stresses widgets for the following quantities (TT-8973):
‘External Hoop Stress’
‘Unity Check: Tensile Bending and External Hoop Unit’
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the PE Pipe > Post Installation Loads and Deflection widget where the input field, ’Live Load’ was incorrectly mapped (TT-9185).
The following unit mappings were changed:
US field mapping updated to lb/ft2
Metric field mapping adjusted to kg/m2
Note: This issue had no impact on calculations.
Fixed an issue in PE Pipe > Pull force & installation stresses where the ‘Ovality Compensation Factor’ was not calculated in accordance with the changes made to “Percentage of pipe deflection”. (TT-9193).
Fixed calculation issues for Steel Pipe > Pull force & installation stresses widgets for the following quantities (TT-8973):
‘External Hoop Stress’
‘Unity Check: Tensile Bending and External Hoop Unit’
Fixed an issue in ANSI B31G-1991 Evaluation of MAOP in Corroded Areas (Liquid) where the ‘Maximum Safe Pressure – Corroded Area’ was incorrectly being calculated with the value of ‘1’ for ‘Longitudinal Joint Factor’ instead of the user data selection (TT-9224).
Fixed an issue in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway (Gas) where the following validations would show a validation message when a user inputted a value between –28.9 - 232.2 deg C (TT-8336, TT-9271).
Installation Temperature
Operating Temperature
Fixed an issue in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Railroad (Gas) where the following validations would show a validation message when a user inputted a value between –28.9 - 232.2 deg C (TT-8336, TT-9271).
Installation Temperature
Operating Temperature
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the HDD Lite Plastic Pipe > PE Pipe -Post Installation Loads and Deflection widget where the input field ’Live Load’ was incorrectly mapped (TT-9185).
The following unit mappings were changed:
US field mapping updated to lb/ft2
Metric field mapping adjusted to kg/m2
Note: This issue had no impact on calculations.
Fixed an issue in HDD Lite Plastic Pipe > PE - Pull Force & Installation Stress where the ‘Ovality Compensation Factor’ was not calculated in accordance with the changes made to “Percentage of pipe deflection”. (TT-9193).
Fixed calculation issues for HDD Lite Steel Pipe > Pull force & installation stresses widgets for the following quantities (TT-8973):
‘External Hoop Stress’
‘Unity Check: Tensile Bending and External Hoop Unit'
Fixed an issue in Pipeline Corrosion > ANSI B31G-1991 Evaluation of MAOP in Corroded Areas (Liquid) where the ‘Maximum Safe Pressure – Corroded Area’ was incorrectly being calculated with the value of ‘1’ for ‘Longitudinal Joint Factor’ instead of the user data selection (TT-9224).
Fixed an issue in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway (Liquid) where the following validations would show a validation message when a user inputted a value between –28.9 - 232.2 deg C (TT-8336, TT-9271).
Installation Temperature
Operating Temperature
Fixed an issue in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Railroad (Liquid) where the validation of Installation Temperature would show a validation message when a user inputted a value between –28.9 - 232.2 deg C (TT-8336, TT-9271).
Installation Temperature
Operating Temperature
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.09.16
HUBPL Platform
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where a user was able to modify their ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ in the Preferences menu (TT-8374).
AC Mitigation
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in AC Mitigation PowerTool Fault Current:
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation PowerTool Fault Current where vertical lines on Output > Individual sub-tab would not disappear if a user unchecked the ‘Section’ checkbox (TT-8796, TT-8853).
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation PowerTool Fault Current where the voltage values were not refreshing when TLineNo was changed accessing the Power Line drop-down (TT-8590, T-8874).
The following issues were fixed in AC Mitigation PowerTool Steady State:
The y-axis units for current density in reports was incorrectly labelled as ‘amp’ instead of ‘amp/m2’. (TT-8590, TT-8869).
An extra Metric conversion factor was applied to the Pipeline Depth data after switching the widget units to Metric and exporting (TT-8796).
AC Mitigation Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation Toolbox Steady State where the y-axis units for current density in reports was incorrectly labelled as ‘amp’ instead of ‘amp/m2’ (TT-8590, TT-8869).
AC Mitigation Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in AC Mitigation Workflow Steady State where the y-axis units for current density in reports was incorrectly labelled as ‘amp’ instead of ‘amp/m2’ (TT-8590, TT-8869).
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 570
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in the Pipe CML Record widget where users were unable to specify ‘Reducer’ as a pipe description option in the ‘Comp Desc’ drop-down on each CML record (TT-8899).
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in the AST Venting Evaluation report where a field in the ‘Emergency Venting Requirements’ section of the report incorrectly said ‘Tank roof attached with frangible joint?’ instead of ‘Tank roof attached with flangible joint?’.
Fixed an issue in APP F Evaluation report where the field unit label and values were being printed in US units when the widget units setting was set to Metric.
Fixed an issue in the App F Evaluation report where the title of section F.4.3 incorrectly said ‘F.4.3 - MAWP limits based on Frangible Joint’ instead of ‘F.4.3 – MAWP limits based on Flangible Joint’.
Fixed an issue in the report for the Seal Inspection widget where the units label for the ‘Sum/Dia’ field would incorrectly show ‘Sq. In/ft’ when the widget settings were set to Metric.
Fixed an issue where “tmin” was displaying an incorrect value on the Tank Shell Minimum Thickness and Remaining Life Calculations Report (TT-7816, TT-8875)
Fixed an issue where Shell Remaining Life Calculations Report displayed incorrect FHc formula (TT-7816, T-8876)
The following issues were fixed in the Shell Settlement report when the widget unit setting was set to Metric:
‘Smax’ value was displayed incorrectly in US units (TT-7816, TT-8877).
Formulae symbol definitions were incorrectly labelling the units system in US units.
‘R^2’ calculated value was incorrectly showing US field value.
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the following input fields were not converting from US values to Metric values when the widget unit setting was set to Metric from US units (TT-9111).
Weight per Unit of Backfill
Modules of Elasticity of the Top Layers
Modulus of Elasticity of the Soil Cover
Added centimeter (cm) as one of the available units to the following widget calculation fields in Track Load Analysis (Gas) (TT-5692):
‘B - Trench Width’
‘H - Vertical Depth of Cover’
Added centimeter (cm) as one of the available units to the following widget calculation fields in Wheel Load Analysis (Gas) (TT-5692):
‘B - Trench Width’
‘H2 Depth of Soil Cover’
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where ‘Resistance to Earth of Multiple Horizontal Anodes (Gas)’ was incorrectly titled as ‘Resistance to Earth of a Multiple Vertical Anodes (Gas)’.
Fixed an issue where ‘Resistance to Earth of Multiple Vertical Anodes (Gas)’ was incorrectly titled as ‘Resistance to Earth of a Multiple Vertical Anodes (Gas)’.
Fixed an issue in Track Load Analysis (Gas) where the following input fields were not converting from US values to Metric values when the widget unit setting was set to Metric from US units (TT-9056).
Weight per Unit of Backfill
Fixed an issue in Wheel Load Analysis (Gas) where the following input fields were not converting from US values to Metric values when the widget unit setting was set to Metric from US units (TT-9058).
Weight per Unit of Backfill
Modules of Elasticity of the Top Layers
Modulus of Elasticity of the Soil Cover
Fixed an issue in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Railroad (Gas) where the widget was missing calculation validation checks on the following input fields in line with API 1102 (TT-8336):
Operating Pressure
Operating Temperature
Outside Diameter
Wall Thickness
Pipe Depth
Bored Diameter
Installation Temperature
Fixed an issue in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway (Gas) where the widget was missing calculation validation checks on the following input fields in line with API 1102 (TT-8932):
Operating Pressure
Operating Temperature
Outside Diameter
Wall Thickness
Pipe Depth
Bored Diameter
Installation Temperature
Added centimeter (cm) as one of the available units to the following widget calculation fields in Track Load Analysis (Liquid) (TT-5692):
‘B - Trench Width’
‘H - Vertical Depth of Cover’
Added centimeter (cm) as one of the available units to the following widget calculation fields in Wheel Load Analysis (Liquid) (TT-5692):
‘B - Trench Width’
‘H2 Depth of Soil Cover’
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where ‘Resistance to Earth of Multiple Horizontal Anodes (Liquid)’ was incorrectly titled as ‘Resistance to Earth of a Multiple Vertical Anodes (Liquid)’.
Fixed an issue where ‘Resistance to Earth of Multiple Vertical Anodes (Liquid)’ was incorrectly titled as ‘Resistance to Earth of a Multiple Vertical Anodes (Liquid)’.
The following issues were fixed in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway (Liquid):
A user would receive a validation message for minimum required wall thickness that incorrectly referenced CFR 192 instead of 49 CFR 195.106 (TT-6867).
Previously, when a user’s pipe wall thickness was less than the minimum required wall thickness, the message would be received after hitting ‘Calculate’: “Insufficient pipe wall thickness for given operating conditions. In accordance with CFR 192, “minimum required wall thickness” should be greater than ….”.
The widget would incorrectly display the ‘Location Class’ drop-down (TT-6844, TT-8994).
The ‘Design Factor’ field was not defaulted to 0.72 in line with API 1102 (TT-6844).
The widget was missing calculation validation checks on the following input fields in line with API 1102 (TT-8932):
Operating Pressure
Operating Temperature
Outside Diameter
Wall Thickness
Pipe Depth
Bored Diameter
Installation Temperature
The following issues were fixed in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Railroad (Liquid):
A validation message to the user for minimum required wall thickness was missing (TT-6867).
The widget would incorrectly display the ‘Location Class’ drop-down (TT-6844, TT-8994).
The ‘Design Factor’ field was not defaulted to 0.72 in line with API 1102 (TT-6844).
The widget was missing calculation validation checks on the following input fields in line with API 1102 (TT-8336):
Operating Pressure
Operating Temperature
Outside Diameter
Wall Thickness
Pipe Depth
Bored Diameter
Installation Temperature
Fixed an issue in Track Load Analysis (Liquid) where the following input fields were not converting from US values to Metric values when the widget unit setting was set to Metric from US units (TT-9056).
Weight per Unit of Backfill
Fixed an issue in Wheel Load Analysis (Liquid) where the following input fields were not converting from US values to Metric values when the widget unit setting was set to Metric from US units (TT-9058).
Weight per Unit of Backfill
Modules of Elasticity of the Top Layers
Modulus of Elasticity of the Soil Cover
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where users selected carbon steel pipe data, but the generated report displayed duplex stainless steel as pipe material. (TT-8792)
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: A-2022.08.12
HUBPL Platform
Implemented the following performance enhancements (TT-8652):
Reduced the timeout of the “Please Wait” loading wheel onscreen.
Implemented data caching.
Implemented data on demand for rendering.
Added password controls to HUBPL user passwords that now consist of:
Passwords are required to have a minimum of 16 characters.
Passwords are required to have one of each of the following:
Special symbols
Upper case
Lower case
A user will be locked out of their account if there are 3 invalid login attempts.
Passwords cannot be the same as any of the previous 5.
The Notifications widget has been restored to the application and a URL to the external release notes Confluence site has been added inside this widget.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where users were unable to access the TTI Support Wiki from the Support menu (TT-8901).
AC Mitigation
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Added Save validation to AC Mitigation PowerTool Steady State and Fault Current to inform the user of being unable to save if no Pipelines or Powerlines are configured in their case.
Added Pipelines, Powerlines, Sections, and Mitigation input to Steady State and Fault Current reports (TT-6836).
Added ability to name and save Powerlines and Pipelines (TT-7030).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in Fault Current where Pipeline Length Depth values weren’t updating after hitting Calculate on the widget; this would affect Excel exports and reports generated (TT-8854).
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 510
Bug Fixes
The following errors were fixed in the API-510 Inspection and Evaluation widget:
Clicking on a new subpage wasn’t going automatically to the top of the page.
The latest revision codes were missing.
The following errors were fixed in the API 510 Report Builder:
PDF reports had names in coming in with the format ‘reportname_xxxx’; the ‘_xxxx’ characters have been removed from the downloaded report name.
Calculations were not functioning properly.
Copying of reports was not bringing in Logo or Company Name data into PDF reports.
The Report Appendix widget was missing the value below for the ‘Extraneous Calculations’ pull down:
Flanges – App 2 Calcs
Expansion Joints
The Executive Summary wasn’t properly indenting in the first paragraph.
Fixed an error where there was white space on the Horizontal Tank Evaluation widget; the ‘Stiffening Ring(s) Installed?’ and associated drop-down have been placed next to the ‘K8’ cell.
Fixed an error in the Hydro Testing widget where the Pressure Test Records menudisplayed a drop-down menu for all file test records instead of displaying the record associated with the file in the widget.
Fixed an issue in the Floating Cover widget where printing a report after choosing ‘Shellside Calculations’ would incorrectly put ‘Exchanger Floating Head Cover TS Calculations’ instead of ‘Exchanger Floating Head Cover SS Calculations’.
The following issues were fixed for the Formed Head widget:
Running a PDF report of a Hemispherical calculation was causing the variable ‘Ro’ to not be printed to 3 decimal places.
Running a PDF report of an Ellipsoidal calculation was causing data to be missing in the first box.
Running a PDF report of a Torispherical calculation was causing the following:
The variable ‘r’ being incorrectly printed as ‘R’.
The variable ‘M’ having incorrect formatting.
Running a PDF report of a Torispherical calculation was causing the 1st box on the report to be missing data.
Titles of input fields weren’t aligned over the center of the input field.
E.g. The variable ‘B’ would appear to the left of the input field instead of over it aligned to the center.
The positioning of the variable ‘B’ wasn’t aligned over the center of the input field.
Running a PDF report was causing the ‘SH’ field to show as empty in the report if the user entered ‘0’.
Fixed an issue in Material Spec where generating a report with ‘Print Individual Spec’ was not generating the Material Grade value at the top of the 2nd page.
Fixed an issue in the MDMT PDF report where the variable ‘tr’ was being printed beyond 3 decimal places of precision.
The following issues have been resolved for widgets under Weld Procedure Evaluation:
The Procedure Qualification GTAW QW-256 widget was incorrectly showing SAW information.
The Procedure Qualification GMAW / FCAW QW-255 widget was incorrectly showing SAW information.
The following issues were fixed in the Welder WPQ Evaluation widget:
The ‘ASME Sec IX’ button has been removed.
The ‘Print’ button has been fixed to support Word and PDF exports.
The ‘Welder Variables’ button has been fixed.
The ‘Notes’ buttons on each row have been fixed.
Fixed an error in the PV Component Remaining Life Calculations widget where values for ‘Shell 1’ and ‘Head 3’ were being interchanged.
The following issues were fixed in the PV Inspection Forms widget:
The PV Boiler Plate Dwg. Horz. report had incorrect formatting.
The PV Boiler Plate Dwg. Vert report had incorrect formatting.
The drawing in the 2nd page of the PV Boiler Plate Dwg Horz. report had an incorrect horizontal tank template.
The Pressure Test Form and MFE reports comments sections were not left justified.
The following issues were fixed in the Reinforcement Pads widget:
White space between ‘Element Groove Weld?’ text and drop-down to its right under ‘Weld Loads and Strength Paths’ section has been corrected.
‘Path 3-3’ field under ‘Strength Path Check’ section has been corrected to show the calculation result as a whole number.
Fixed an error in the Shell Calcs widget where running a PDF report was causing the ‘SH’ field to show as empty in the report if the user entered ‘0’.
API 570
Bug Fixes
The following issues were fixed in the API-570 Inspection and Evaluation widget:
Definitions and April 2018 Errata 1 weren’t up to date.
Information in Piping Inspection sub-tab needed updates to inspection code info.
Switching between tabulated windows wasn’t correctly starting at the top of each page.
Fixed an issue in the API 570 Report Builder where downloaded reports were coming in with the format ‘reportname_xxxx’; the ‘_xxxx’ characters have been removed from the downloaded report name.
Fixed an error in Bolting Specifications where data points displayed in ft/lbs weren’t being displayed as whole numbers; these data points were the following:
Trq 30k
Trq 45k
Trq 60k
30k Cmp
45k Cmp
60k Cmp
Fixed an issue in Conversion widget’s ‘Volume, Dry’ section where ‘bushels, IMP’ had incorrect values calculated from the input by the user.
E.g. If the user put in 1 cu ins, ‘bushels, IMP’ would be incorrectly calculated to 0.00052 IMP and 0.00054 bushels US. The correct conversion for either should've been 0.0005243 bushels IMP and 0.0005411 bushels US respectively.
Fixed an error in CS Pipe Sizes where data in API Standard Line Pipe section where data was being shown incorrectly at 3 decimal places of precision.
Decimal precision of data in this section has been updated to 1 decimal place.
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error in the Component Remaining Life Calculation report when using Metric units where incorrect values for tprev and tact were being used in the calculation of remaining life (RL) (TT-7816).
Fixed an issue in APP F Evaluation where the 'See Moment Values' window was not appearing when clicked (TT-8750).
Crossings Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where a user was unable to input Pipe Characteristics and Equipment Characteristics when creating a new case. Previously, these sections would appear blank when a new case was created (TT-8953, TT-9005).
Encroachment Manager
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where creating a new encroachment prevented users from saving unless they configured a pipeline.
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where plots were not generating (TT-8927).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue Reinforcement of Welded Branched Connection – ASME B31.8 where Provided Area (AP) > Required Area (A3) was incorrectly calculating the branch connection as ‘NOT ACCEPTABLE’ (TT-8435).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection – ASME B31.4 where the widget name was incorrectly titled ‘Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection – ASME B31.8’ and the report incorrectly referenced ‘ASME B31.8 and 49 CFR’ (TT-8958).
This error also caused the Excel export to have an incorrect title of ‘Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection – ASME B31.8’
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: A-2022.07.07
HUBPL Platform
Updated icons in the Case Header Directive for “Report Repository.”
Case headers now have a format of "Pipe Name - OD - From – To."
Implemented a new feature which enables user to see cases set as collaborative in the Hierarchy Panel under “shared by me.”
Implemented a new Notifications section for Release Notes which will now launch the Confluence Page.
A new Desktop build was released to be concurrent with the latest Cloud version.
Bug Fixes
Investigated performance issues related to the “loading please wait” message (TT-8652). We are identifying a solution that will be implemented in the next release cycle
API Inspectors Toolbox
API Inspection data has been migrated from the Process skyBox to HUBPL.
Attached files, logos, signatures, cover images and picture data have been migrated from the Process skyBox to the HUBPL.
API 653
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error that caused the Report Builder Nozzle TML record data to not populate on import (Excel).
Fixed an error related to Product Data on the base page in which the Service field pull down needed to be replaced by the original data from the MS Access program. It is now secure and un-editable.
The following issues were fixed in APP A:
Fixed an error in Comp CML Data where deleting a value out of a CML row did not remove the previous value from the Tact column.
Fixed an error in Comp CML Data that, when building a new report, caused Size and t nominal values to be incorrect after saving (reloading error).
The following issues were fixed in APP B:
Fixed an error in Shell Calcs causing the component CMLs to sometimes function improperly when deleting and using the copy button.
Fixed an error in Shell tmin/RL calcs where RL FHc generated calculated data though all required variables had been entered by the user. When data is missing in the tprev cell, RL FHc is now blank in the form and report.
Fixed an error in the Roof Calcs wc field causing incorrect values to be displayed for Material Category selections.
Fixed an error in Roof Calcs that caused Material Category to not be displayed in generated reports.
Fixed an error in AST Shell VDP Calcs causing RL to display values when the “tact” variables were missing. If these variables are missing, it will now be blank in the form and the report.
Changed the name of Venting Calc to AST Venting Evaluation.
Fixed an error in AST Venting Evaluation where Design Pressure needed to be rounded to the third decimal place in the Outbreathing Requirements section.
The following errors were fixed for AST App. M Evaluation:
Fixed an error causing Crs 8 Calc Fill Height to be incorrect.
Fixed an error causing the D text to not appear red when text displayed “Annular Ring Required.”
“Manway” Size and “Flush Clean Out” Size needed to be rounded to the third decimal place.
The cell next to Flush Clean Out was missing header text. It now says “Size” so the user knows what data should be entered.
“Org treg” needed to be rounded to the third decimal place.
Fixed an error in APP E Inspection Photos that prevented users from printing the Photo page separately from the report.
Fixed an error causing the Report Checklist to not copy over when making duplicate reports.
Fixed an error in the AST Mod Report Writer where printing the report as a PDF generated a file name with irrelevant data.
Fixed an error in the AST Mod Base Page Tabulated Windows. Now, when clicking into a new subpage, users will automatically be taken to the top of the page
API 570
Bug Fixes
Hydro/NDE Inspection Forms now print on full pages rather than less than 50% of a page.
Fixed an error causing the APP B drop down to be missing Patch Calcs.
Fixed an error in the APP B Pipe Structural Support Eval where red had been applied to the %Stressed field any time the value was more than 100%.
Fixed an error in APP E that inhibited printing Inspection Photos.
An option is now provided to include or exclude the checklist from the full report.
AC Mitigation Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where clicking on Calculate would automatically check the fault current option and either the result for fault would calculate, or an error message would appear saying that insufficient data has been entered.
PRCI Thermal Analysis
Bug Fixes
Introduced validation checks and data range checks for all input fields (TT-8774).
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.05.27
HUBPL Platform
Implemented a new functionality where the user can now delete logos in preferences.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Pipe Catalog data had incorrect outside diameter and wall thickness values in the dropdown.
Fixed an issue where the reports were not generated across all modules in HUBPL if a logo was not uploaded in the preferences section (TT-8324).
Identified an issue not supported in HUBPL and updated the same in TTI Support Wiki for KML/KMZ files that is not supported by our ESRI solution when one single layer contains multiple features.
Fixed an issue where Data Availability would not load any data upon selection due to a loading error.
Fixed an issue where Ad-hoc - Company data (shared entity and case data) was not plotting.
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the powerline info table listed a maximum of 10 powerlines even though the number of powerlines configured was beyond 10 in the Google map version (TT-8745).
Fixed an issue where the powerline data was not loading in old steady state cases.
AC Mitigation Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the users could not add pipes/power lines from hierarchy and map.
Fixed an issue where the steady state case was not displaying results when calculate was clicked.
AC Mitigation Toolbox
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Fault Current module was not loading as expected, which was restricting the users from entering data in order to analyze a case.
Pipeline Crossing Workflow
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the number of reports generated was incorrect and usually less than the cases configured (TT-8288, TT-8610).
Hydrotest PowerTool
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the tool tip needed grammar correction from "Is" to "Are" when hovered over “Are there any Components included in the Hydrotest.”
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 510
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue related to loading widgets when new files were created and saved on user choice of the metric unit set.
Previously, the wait/load time was large and when loading was complete, not all columns would properly display data.
Fixed an issue in Horizonal Tank Calculation where 1st Box, Variables K1 & K8 are incorrect for Stiffened Shell, and should default to a value of 3.14 when selecting Stiffing Ring Installed at the very bottom Orig.
Renamed label to Tower Loads in Loads (Wind, Press, Wt).
The following issues were fixed in the Tower Piping Work Sheet:
The existing definition field has been updated with the original definitions from references.
The missing 2nd block has been added to PDF Reports.
The shear value used in calculations in this sheet has been corrected.
The M3 value has been placed on the sheet.
The Mt value has been corrected.
On the bottom of the 1st page of the PDF report, the stress due to wind value has been corrected from the "Yes" value that was given before.
Fixed an issue where APP A Table (top right) was not recording the lowest reading when one CML row was empty and would not let users delete from Table cell, which should be editable and only filled when closing the CML Data Input record.
Fixed an issue in APP A which is coming without the applicable box checked. When putting a check into it duplicates subject (identical) with some PDF docs.
Fixed an issue in APP A where building the CML records and inputting the data caused a significant slowing of the process.
Fixed an issue in APP B – Flange Calculation where in ASME Sect VIII, Div 1, APP 2, several Factors were incorrect:
“y” variable was coming in with a default value but should have been empty.
“Ca” value was not retaining “0” value when exiting.
Fixed an issue in APP B Formed Head calculation where the tmin value could be less than 0.063.
Fixed an issue in APP B – Report Formed Head Calcs where the next inspection (Yn) has an incorrect value for inspection with < ½ life remaining.
The following issues were fixed for APP B – Report Nozzle Calculation:
The calculation at the bottom - E, P, OD, & User Defined tmin user overrides were not holding, and the t value was not being used in the tmin algorithm.
Incorrect stress values resulted in incorrect tmin.
Calculations were coming in at the very bottom and needed to be moved up to ¾ of the view to track the individual CML points.
Fixed an issue in APP B Non-Round Flat Cover where the PDF report was not printing the welded report, instead it printed only the bolted report even when “Welded” was selected for the print status.
Wm1 & Wm2 need to be integers.
Fixed an issue in APP B – API-510 Remaining Life where, if External was selected for “Inspection Type,” the Next Inspection - Internal cell should display “NA."
Fixed an issue in APP B – Report Shell Calcs & Report Formed Heads Calcs where Ca & RL showed false values when the tprev and tact had no values to calculate those variables.
Fixed an issue in APP B Shell Calculation/Simple & Complex Vessel where the REMAINING LIFE AND NEXT INSPECTION DUE DATES – Vessel Shell & Jacket head were showing false values when all the variables are not entered. When all variables are not entered, these should be blank.
Fixed an issue in APP B – Tube Sheets Calculation where the button [Gasket Data (y,m,G,b)] – G value was incorrect. G value in the PDF report must be corrected to 3rd decimal.
Fixed an issue in PV Nozzle Evaluation where Ca and Cr Values were not populating data.
Fixed an issue in PV Report Print – where print report no. was incorrect, Horz Calcs - Tangential Shear Stress/Sum of Stress in Head / Ratio limit to 3rd decimal and stress value is corrected.
Fixed an issue in the final report with Complex Vessel where Table A had incorrect tmin & RL values.
Fixed an issue in the full PDF report that resulted in it not displaying remaining life if 0 years was selected in some components.
Fixed an issue in BASE 1 Material 7Cr 1/2Mo, 90 Cu-10Ni_70 Cu-30Ni, 9Cr 1/2Mo, Alloy 1100_3003, Alloy 5052, C_Mn (>70K), C_Mn (to 70K), Carpenter 20 Cb3, Hastelloy B2, Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy C4, Incoloy 800_825, Incoloy 801_802. All Preferred Gases were incorrect and/or missing some data.
Fixed an issue in BASE 1 Materials - 2_2 25Cr 1/2 1Mo, C_Mo, 304 (> 1000F), 304 (to 1000F), 304L, 309, 310, 310Cb, 310Mo, 316, 316L, 317, 317L, 321_347, 405_409, 410, 410S, 430, 5Cr 1/2Mo, to Preferred Gas Material missing value.
Fixed an issue in Preferred Gas where full descriptions could not be displayed.
Fixed an issue in Floating Cover where the flange allowable Stress, Sfo, Sbo, & Sho values for both 98 and 00 values were incorrect. They should be based on the greater temperature between T-SS & T-TS.
Fixed an issue in Floating Cover where the TS Calculation “Flange t Req w/ Ca” had incorrect values in the PDF report (Corresponding to “Flange Design t min” in form).
The following issues were fixed in Nozzle Reinforcement:
The middle evaluation (for the repad) A41 had incorrect values which resulted in an incorrect calculation.
The Elem Groove Weld tension (Tegw & STegw) & Noz Groove Weld tension (Tngw & STngw) should not have been calculating when “No” was selected for “Elem Groove Weld?” & “Noz Groove Weld?” should have “0” in their cells.
Fixed an issue in Tubes where the differential pressure cell was empty in the report when “0” was entered on the UI.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: 05/06/2022
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes:
An error was fixed in the AC Mitigation Steady State module wherein the calculation would fail to execute if the execution time lasted longer than 230 seconds. It was generating an input data error message related to Azure configuration.
AC Mitigation Toolbox
Bug Fixes:
An error was fixed in the AC Mitigation Steady State module wherein the calculation would fail to execute if the execution time lasted longer than 230 seconds. It was generating an input data error message related to Azure configuration.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: 04/20/2022
HUBPL Platform
Upgraded JQuery version from v1.7 to v3.6
Pipe Catalog Template was updated to support concurrent entry of multiple pipe types.
Bug Fixes:
Issued a fix for a save bug tied to Company Logo import.
Issued a fix for a save bug tied to the Upload Image feature, whereby the uploaded image was not getting embedded or attached to the generated report.
API Inspectors Toolbox
Bug Fixes and Improvements:
API 653 Report Data Builder
APP A / Nozzle CML Data – Fixed a bug related to importing data via Excel, where the Nozzle CMLs were not auto-calculating the ‘tact’ based on the lowest value per CML unless users input data in each CML line.
APP B / Horizontal Tank Calcs – Fixed a bug where K1 & K8 were not defaulting to 3.14 when “Yes” was selected for the “Stiffing Ring(s) Installed” cell at very bottom right unless users closed and re-opened the widget.
APP B / Venting Calc – Fixed a bug where the “Ao” value was incorrect, and the “Pt” variable needed to go to the 2nd decimal place. These errors were leading to an incorrect RC value.
APP B / Venting Calc – Issues fixed causing Equation 2 to not show ‘Venting Req. value’ until users selected “Eval” at bottom of the box. Additionally, the ‘F Factor’ variable value was not appearing, the “Q” variable was calculated incorrectly, and “Venting Req for Eval 2” was also calculated incorrectly.
APP B / Wind Loads Calc – Fixed a bug causing Carbon Steel to not appear in the generated report if it was not manually entered, and instead simply left as the default in the Material Category field. Variable “P” is now rounded to the 3rd decimal place. The Dome Radius cell is now blank when a new case is created.
APP B / Wind Loads Calc – The “Select Roof Type” field was coming in with Self Supported Cone selected by default. This was causing the “Rc” variable to not calculate until the user re-selected the roof type. With this update, the “Select Roof Type” field comes in empty, and “Rc” will now automatically load based on the Roof Type. Additionally, a bug causing the “Xa” and “EstAstiff” fields to not calculate has been fixed in the current update. The “X” variable is now rounded to the 3rd decimal place.
APP B / Nozzle Calcs – Previously, CMLs with missing data from the tprev loaded with a default value. The default value was then carried over to the report. This has been changed so that the field is now blank by default when the required input data is not entered. Additionally, an issue has been fixed that caused report checklists to not carry over when making duplicate reports.
API 510 Report Data Builder
Generate Report and Save – Issues related to report generation and updating/saving logos are now fixed.
Copy Report – Issued fix to have the write-up and the Company Logo carry over when duplicating reports.
Excel Template Upload – The edits in the write-up and checklist were not populating when the import excel feature was used. We have issued a fix to resolve this.
APP B / Pipe Remaining Life Eval – Previously, when the application loaded initially, it was displaying the stress [S] value incorrectly. Users had to click Reset to load the correct value. A fix has been implemented to ensure that the data is loaded correctly when the widget initially loads.
APP B / Pipe Structural Support Eval – Previously, the Insulation “Tk” value was pre-populated with a default value from the base page. Now, this field is left blank and so that users can manually enter the input here.
APP B / Pipe Remaining Life Eval– Fixed a bug that occurred when a CML excel template is used in APP A that caused the RL calcs in APP B to initially load as “0.”
APP B / Flange Calcs – ASME Sect VIII, Div 1, App 2: “y” variable was coming in with a default value. This has been fixed. Additionally, the “Ca” value was not retaining a “0” value when users existed the widget. A fix has been issued for this. Also, in the PDF Report print, the Ratio Act/Max values on the last page in the FLANGE STRESSES box will now be rounding off to 3rd decimal place.
Engineering Data
Pipe Standards > Class Ratings / Flange Sizes - All Class Rating have been updated with the latest Code revisions from 2009.
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes:
Issued a bug fix related to report generation that had prevented users from selecting the number of columns to be generated in the report.
Issued bug fix tied to case saving when the case data was imported in through Excel template.
Encroachment Manager
Bug Fix:
Fixed a bug related to associating entities using the Hierarchy.
HDD PowerTool / HDD Lite
Bug Fixes and Changes:
Issued bug fix to avoid widget ID duplication for widgets that have option to load in either Google maps or ESRI Map.
HDD widgets with ESRI and Google Map integration opened using the Hierarchy will now load with ESRI Map by default.
Fixed issues causing HDD bore hole stability reports to not generate when the input entry fields were not fully populated.
In Hydraulic Fracture Analysis, when multiple soil characteristic data was entered, the validation check for Soil Data Entry was missing in the previous version. This has been fixed and updated in the current version.
Average Radius of Curvature calculation in “PE Pipe – Pull Force and Installation Stress” was fixed and updated in HDD PT and HDD Lite.
PRCI Thermal Analysis for Hot Tap Welding
Bug Fixes:
Hot Tap metric unit conversion issue has been resolved.
Fix issued for report generation. Previously, occasionally printed reports were being generated without input and output data.
Fixed a bug causing a calculation execution error whereby the results were not generated for the case configuration.
Calculation mismatch when compared against the legacy version (Hot Tap 4.2) has been fixed.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.02.04
Dear Valued Customer:
The cloud version of the HUBPL maintenance that was scheduled between 10:00 PM Central, 02/03/2022 through 08:00 AM, 02/04/2022 has been completed. Changes made during this production maintenance period include:
Initial Application Releases:
Encroachment Manager – A new application released in the HUBPL to simplify encroachment management and analyses in an integrated data environment.
Bug Fixes:
API – Inspectors Toolbox
API 653 Report Data Builder:
Fixed saving issue on base page placeholders whereby cover text was not being updated.
Appendix B:
Fixed error whereby Edge settlement Evaluation calculation not saving since Appendix B information was not migrating to the calculation.
Seal Inspection – text label was revised to reflect correct seal inspection.
AST Shell VDP Calculations – Fixed error whereby base page header information was not being loaded from prior saved information.
API 570 Report Data Builder:
Appendix A:
Updated logic to automatically show greatest of calculated tmin or standard tmin.
Fixed error whereby final report would not generate with with ASME VIII calculations included in report.
API 510:
Formed Heads Calculation - Fixed error whereby calculated Variable A value is calculated properly for all conditions.
Fixed error whereby Formed Heads SH and Ca would not retain a value of 0.
Updated Flange Allowable Stress Values for text fields Sfa and Sfo for appropriate material selections.
Loads – Fixed error whereby tower piping worksheet would not save.
Loads – Changed variable label from “h” to “H”.
Report Builder:
Implemented feature on CML where data upon import will be saved automatically.
Appendix B:
Shell calculations:
Fixed dates calculation logic to correctly pull from next inspection date from report write up page.
Conical shell calculation:
Fixed error whereby input fields would not retain a value of 0.
Braced Surface:
P value warning color coding logic corrected (If MAWP > P then background turns red vs. no color).
Non-round Flat Cover:
Fixed error whereby calculation logic was corrected for values for tmin and MWAP.
Report generation:
Fixed error whereby reports would not generate with more than 8 extraneous calculations added to Appendix B. Total limit for extraneous calculations that may be added, remains at 18.
NDE Forms:
Fixed error whereby when creating group reports, all inputs selected for inclusion in the report were not being displayed final report.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance
Version: 02/03/2022
Dear Valued Customer:
We have a scheduled system maintenance for the HUBPL Cloud portal that will begin at 10:00 PM Central Time today 02/03/2022, and estimate completion time of 8:00 AM tomorrow 02/04/2022. While we anticipate this will have little to no effect on user experience during this period, some users may experience data latency issues and intermittent access to certain functionality at various times. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, and we will notify you once the maintenance period is complete.
If you have any questions or issues that need to be addressed immediately, please do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk using the following URL:
Technical Toolboxes Customer Success Team
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance
Version: C-2022.01.14
Dear Valued Customer:
The cloud version of the HUBPL maintenance that was scheduled between 10:00 PM Central, 01/13/2022 through 08:00 AM, 01/14/2022 has been completed. Changes made during this production maintenance period include:
HUBPL Platform
Feature to add custom pipe catalogs was released
Feature allow import of custom pipe catalogs through dB Import and be used in all widgets/calculations that contain the pipe directive.
API – Inspectors Toolbox Improvements
Added “Add Asset” button in the API – Through report builder section, ADD ASSET button will add equipment data to Asset management database
Added Informative message added to widget closure, so user doesn’t forget to save changes before existing the widget
Shell Settlement
User no longer required to save on next step. It will auto save it when user chooses to go to next step.
Engineering Data
Material Library
Engineering Calc
Header section rearranged for Component Weight Calc
Bug Fixes:
API – Inspectors Toolbox:
API 653 Report Data Builder
Fixed error of saving the file creates copy of existing file.
Fixed error of full report not generating when AST Venting calc in included in it.
Fixed error whereby the reports won’t generate in word file format.
Fixed report layout issues identified in word and pdf reports.
Fixed error whereby the reports won’t generate in word file format.
Fixed error whereby the reports won’t generate in word file format.
Component TML record
Copy and delete multiple rows feature fixed.
Engineering Data
AST Calculations
Internal Bottom Settlement
Fixed error whereby the Internal Bottom Settlement schematic was missing from the report.
Component Life Calculations
Fixed error whereby a 404 error when the report was downloaded.
APP F Evaluation
Fixed decimal digit round off error in both the module and the report.
Shell Calculation
Fixed color code logic in last row to reflect correct color based on FHc value.
Remaining life more than 1000 years will be displayed as >40.
ATM Roof Calculation
Fixed display of minimum required thickness of roof plates as per API Standards.
Fixed unit conversion issue where the ‘t min’ data was displayed incorrectly after the case was saved.
Fixed unit not getting displayed in report for Max allowed field.
Edge Settlement Evaluation
Fixed error whereby the reports won’t generate in word file format.
Horizontal Tank Evaluation
Fixed error whereby the Material Specifications table was not loading the ‘S’ value from the table.
Fixed random order of Nominal Diameter drop down values. Arranged in ascending order.
Header data not coming from base page has been fixed.
Fixed - WPT and WPL field labels change to NA now when Wear Plates is not applicable
AST Venting Evaluation
Evaluation 1 – Venting Requirements label changed to F Factor Variable to avoid confusion
Roof t nom field label changed to t nom
Pipeline Facilities
Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection – ASME B31.8
Fixed error whereby the pipe catalog data selected was not loading as expected in the pipe directive for header properties and branch properties
Pipeline Facilities
Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection – ASME B31.4
Fixed error whereby the pipe catalog data selected was not loading as expected in the pipe directive for header properties and branch properties
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance
Version: 01/13/2022
Dear Valued Customer:
We have a scheduled system maintenance for the HUBPL Cloud portal that will begin at 10:00 PM Central Time today 01/13/2022, and estimate completion time of 8:00 AM tomorrow 01/14/2022. While we anticipate this will have little to no effect on user experience during this period, some users may experience data latency issues and intermittent access to certain functionality at various times. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, and we will notify you once the maintenance period is complete.
If you have any questions or issues that need to be addressed immediately, please do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk using the following URL:
Technical Toolboxes Customer Success Team
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: C-2022.01.07
Dear Valued Customer:
The cloud version of the HUBPL maintenance that was scheduled between 10:00 PM Central, 01/06/2022 through 08:00 AM, 01/07/2022 has been completed. Changes made during this production maintenance period include:
Initial Application Releases:
PRCI Thermal Analysis (Hot Tap) – Initial release of v4.2 in HUBPL environment.
AC Mitigation PowerTool
AC Mitigation Steady State
Changed widgets to table format in Power Line, Pipeline and Mitigation tabs.
Incorporated pagination for Power Line and Pipeline tabs with ability to select number of rows to display.
AC Mitigation Fault Current
Changed widgets to table format in Pipeline and Mitigation tabs
Incorporated pagination for Pipeline tab with ability to select number of rows to display.
AC Mitigation Steady State GIS
Changed widgets to table format in Power Line, Pipeline and Mitigation tabs.
Incorporated pagination for Power Line and Pipeline tabs with ability to select number of rows to display.
AC Mitigation Fault Current GIS
Changed widgets to table format in Pipeline and Mitigation tabs.
Incorporated pagination for Pipeline tab with ability to select number of rows to display.
HUBPL Platform
Added Wiki based user guides under Support section of www.pipelineengineeringsoftware.com domain.
All Widgets
Changed label for tool tip for Settings to Units in case header.
Upgraded ESRI API from v 3.24 to v 4.20 which includes:
Improved workflow for editing features/entities.
Improved workflow for adding features/entities.
Improved identification of feature/entity names when hovering over features/entities.
AC Mitigation Steady State
Redirected cases launched from Hierarchy to open ArcGIS (ESRI) widget vs. legacy Google Map widget.
AC Mitigation Fault Current
Redirected cases launched from Hierarchy to open ArcGIS (ESRI) widget vs. legacy Google Map widget.
Bug Fixes:
AC Mitigation PowerTool
AC Mitigation Steady State
Fixed error whereby Pipeline depth profile would not import if units selected was metric.
AC Mitigation Fault Current
Fixed error whereby nodes between Section lines and Power Lines/Pipelines were not displayed after calculation.
Fixed error whereby Pipeline depth profile would not import if units selected was metric
AC Mitigation Steady State GIS
Fixed error whereby name for Section number, Power Line, and Pipeline.
Fixed error whereby pipelines with multiple segments selected imported to ArcGIS Map from KML/KMZ/Shape files could not and be used as a single pipeline.
Fixed error whereby Pipeline depth profile would not import if units selected was metric.
AC Mitigation Fault Current GIS
Fixed error whereby nodes between Section lines and Power Lines/Pipelines were not displayed after calculation.
Fixed error whereby Pipeline depth profile would not import if units selected was metric.
Crossing Workflow
Fixed error whereby report would not generate.
Fixed error whereby metric values for SMYS were not showing up in report correctly.
dB Import
Edited label for Excel upload to remove “Non Spatial”.
Fixed error whereby Retain Existing Attribute Values and Overwrite Existing Attribute Values options were not functioning properly upon data import.
Incorporated change whereby data mapping fields were added for all entities when importing Excel files.
Fixed error whereby dB Import would not allow re-import of data after it is exported using the Export functionality.
HDD PowerTool
Cables in Conduit
Installation of Cables and Conduits and Pipes – GIS
Fixed error whereby certain types of KML/KMZ/Shape files could not be uploaded to ArcGIS Map.
Steel Pipe
Pull Force & Installation Stresses – Vertical GIS
Fixed error whereby certain types of KML/KMZ/Shape files could not be uploaded to ArcGIS Map.
Pull Force & Installation Stresses – Vertical and Horizontal Plane GIS
Fixed error whereby certain types of KML/KMZ/Shape files could not be uploaded to ArcGIS Map.
Drilling Fluids/Mud Management
Hydraulic Fracture Analysis
Fixed error whereby Single Point analysis would not execute upon selection of calculate.
Hydrotest PowerTool
Fixed error whereby certain types of KML/KMZ/Shape files could not be uploaded to ArcGIS Map.
Fixed error whereby Pipe Description and Pipe Class case input values would not print in report.
Pipeline Crossing
API 1102 Liquid Pipeline Highway Crossing
Revised report format to improve readability and reduced to single page.
Fixed error whereby Safety Factor for Effective Stress, Girth Weld, and Longitudinal Welds did not show on the report.
API 1102 Liquid Pipeline Railroad Crossing
Revised report format to improve readability and reduced to single page.
Track Load Analysis – Liquid
Revised report format to improve readability and reduced to single page.
Fixed error whereby the Influence Coefficient was not being selected correctly given the “M” and “N” factors.
Wheel Load Analysis – Liquid
Revised report format to improve readability and reduced to single page.
Design & Stress Analysis
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Fixed error for units of Average Unit Weight of Steel whereby conversion from lb/ft (US Field) to kg/m(Metric) was incorrect.
Pipeline Crossing
API 1102 Gas Pipeline Highway Crossing
Revised report format to improve readability and reduced to single page.
Fixed error whereby Safety Factor for Effective Stress, Girth Weld, and Longitudinal Welds did not show on the report.
API 1102 Gas Pipeline Railroad Crossing
Revised report format to improve readability and reduced to single page.
Track Load Analysis – Gas
Revised report format to improve readability and reduced to single page.
Fixed error whereby the Influence Coefficient was not being selected correctly given the “M” and “N” factors.
Wheel Load Analysis – Gas
Revised report format to improve readability and reduced to single page.
Design & Stress Analysis
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Fixed error for units of Average Unit Weight of Steel whereby conversion from lb/ft (US Field) to kg/m(Metric) was incorrect.
Pipeline Testing
Pack in Pipeline
Fixed unit conversion error whereby Pack in Gas Pipeline result value was overstated by a factor of 1000 if unit of MCF was selected.
Map Entity Selector
Fixed issue whereby use of the Map Entity Selector icon in case header would not allow the case to be associated to pipe entities via selection on the Map.
Fluid PowerTool
Fixed error whereby case data would not load into the widget.
Pipe PowerTool
Fixed error whereby case data would not load into the widget.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: 10/14/2021
Initial Application Releases:
API 570 – API Inspectors Toolbox 570 for Process Piping Inspection
API 510 – API Inspectors Toolbox 510 for Pressure Vessels Inspection
Asset Management Database (Supports API 653/570/510)
HUBPL Platform
Incorporated revised application menu ribbon to organize applications/modules and calculations by functionality.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed error whereby cases would not be listed under Project in Hierarchy preventing case launching from the Hierarchy.
Fixed error whereby user defined MAOP value was not being saved to the case correctly and was being overwritten by pipe attribute data upon reopening.
Colebrook-White - Internal Diameter
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was inadvertently included in inputs and Internal Diameter was not included in results.
Colebrook-White - Upstream Pressure
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was omitted from inputs and Upstream Pressure was not included in results.
Darcy-Weisbach- Internal Diameter
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was inadvertently included in inputs and Internal Diameter was not included in results.
Darcy-Weisbach - Upstream Pressure
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was omitted from inputs and Upstream Pressure was not included in results.
Hazen-Williams - Internal Diameter
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was inadvertently included in inputs and Internal Diameter was not included in results.
Hazen-Williams - Upstream Pressure
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was omitted from inputs and Upstream Pressure was not included in results.
Heltzel - Internal Diameter
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was inadvertently included in inputs and Internal Diameter was not included in results.
Heltzel - Upstream Pressure
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was omitted from inputs and Upstream Pressure was not included in results.
T.R.Aude - Internal Diameter
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was inadvertently included in inputs and Internal Diameter was not included in results.
T.R.Aude - Upstream Pressure
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was omitted from inputs and Upstream Pressure was not included in results.
Shell/MIT - Internal Diameter
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was inadvertently included in inputs and Internal Diameter was not included in results.
Shell/MIT - Upstream Pressure
Fixed error whereby Pipe Directive was omitted from inputs and Upstream Pressure was not included in results.
Pipe Blast
Angled Grid Explosive Charge
Corrected error whereby widget would not launch upon selection.
Angled Grid Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Angled Line Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Parallel Grid Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Parallel Line Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Single Point Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Regulators and Meters
Orifice Meters - AGA 3, Method I
Fixed error whereby by case would save by selecting calculate.
Orifice Meters - AGA 3, Method II
Fixed error whereby by case would save by selecting calculate.
Regulator and Station Piping Sizing
Fixed error whereby by case would save by selecting calculate.
PLTB Miscellaneous
Adiabatic Bulk Modulus for Hydrocarbons
Corrected issue whereby report would not generate.
Pipe Blast
Angled Grid Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Angled Line Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Parallel Grid Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Parallel Line Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Single Point Explosive Charge
Renamed application launch title in menu.
Pipeline Compressor
Centrifugal Compressor - Required Polytropic Horsepower
Fixed error whereby "BHP - Adiabatic Brake Horsepower" field was not calculating in results.
Centrifugal Compressor - Required Adiabatic Horsepower
Fixed error whereby "BHP - Adiabatic Brake Horsepower" field was not calculating in results.
Centrifugal Compressor - Fan Laws (Gas)
Fixed error whereby widget would not display results any results upon calculation.
Reciprocating Compressor - Cylinder/Equivalent Capacity & Horsepower
Fixed error whereby "Cylinder Brake Horsepower Required" field was not calculating in results.
Compressor Station Piping - Pipe Wall Thickness
Fixed error whereby widget would not display results any results upon calculation.
Steel Pipe
Operational Stress
Fixed reporting error where the following input values were not displayed in the report: pipe type, nominal pipe diameter, outside diameter, wall thickness, pipe grade, and SMYS.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical
Fixed reporting error where the following input values were not displayed in the report: pipe type, nominal pipe diameter, outside diameter, wall thickness, pipe grade, and SMYS.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical and Horizontal Plane
Fixed reporting error where the following input values were not displayed in the report: pipe type, nominal pipe diameter, outside diameter, wall thickness, pipe grade, and SMYS.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical (GIS)
Fixed reporting error where the following input values were not displayed in the report: pipe type, nominal pipe diameter, outside diameter, wall thickness, pipe grade, and SMYS.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical and Horizontal Plane (GIS)
Fixed reporting error where the following input values were not displayed in the report: pipe type, nominal pipe diameter, outside diameter, wall thickness, pipe grade, and SMYS.
Hydraulic Fracture Analysis
Drilling Fluids/Mud Management
Hydraulic Fracture Analysis
Corrected issue whereby if unit set was metric, result data would change upon calculation with no input data changes.
Corrected excel data export to include and height inputs (ground surface, water table, standing water, and entry point) where previously they were missing.
Profile Data
Changed input characteristics for Pipe Nomenclature field to accept Alpha-numeric input vs. numeric only.
Interaction with Hierarchy
Fixed error whereby cases would not be listed under Project in Hierarchy preventing case launching from the Hierarchy.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Completed
Version: 10/14/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
The cloud version of the HUBPL maintenance that was scheduled between 10:00 PM Central, 10/13/2021 through 08:00 AM, 10/14/2021 was completed as of 08:00 AM 10/14/2021. A list of all changes made will be available within 24 hours and may be located at any time by selecting your username in the blue applications ribbon bar, followed by Notifications.
We thank you for your patience during this period and invite our customers to create a
service desk ticket if any support need arises.
The Technical Toolboxes Support
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance
Version: 10/13/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
We have a scheduled system maintenance for the HUBPL Cloud portal that will begin at 10:00 PM Central Time today 10/13/2021, and estimate completion time of 8:00 AM tomorrow 10/14/2021. While we anticipate this will have little to no effect on user experience during this period, some users may experience data latency issues and intermittent access to certain functionality at various times. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, and we will notify you once the maintenance period is complete.
If you have any questions or issues that need to be addressed immediately, please do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk using the following URL:
Technical Toolboxes Customer Success Team
Title: HUB Cloud Platform Access Resolved
Version: 10/6/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
Some users may have experienced technical difficulties which resulted in intermittent or no access the HUBPL Cloud Platform for a short period of time (40 minutes) this afternoon. We wish to inform you that access was restored as of 14:30 Central Time. We have identified the root cause of the issue and have implemented preventative warning measures that will help to avoid this moving forward. If you have any problems with your service(s), or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance, please contact customer support by creating a support ticket. We appreciate your patience during this time and welcome any feedback.
Technical Toolboxes apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we thank you for being a continued valued client.
The Technical Toolboxes Support Team
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: 6/23/2021
Bug Fixes:
Fixed error whereby Cases would not load to canvas after selection from Hierarchy.
Fixed error whereby after Cases were launched from Hierarchy, Case Data would not update in widget upon selection of a different Case in Hierarchy.
HUBPL Applications Affected by Fixes:
Steady State
Fault Current
Steady State
Fault Current
AC-TB Workflow
Steady State
Fault Current
Crossings Workflow
Drilling Fluids/Mud Management
Plastic Pipe
Steel Pipe
Cables In Conduits
Hydraulic Fracture Analysis
Hydrotest PowerTool
Investigative Dig PowerTool
All Modules
All Modules
Report Builder
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes
Version: 6/9/2021
Initial release of Investigative PowerTool – Semi automate the comparison of up to 3 successive ILI run data, evaluate corrosion grow rate, schedule next inspection intervals.
Changed the number of Canvases allowed from 30 to 45 and warning message when maximum number is reached, and a new canvas is attempted to be added.
Bug Fixes:
Spatial Analysis
Fixed transformations calculated intersection points such that intersections are correctly displayed.
Cables and Conduit
Fixed unit conversion error whereby pull force and installation stress results were incorrectly calculated upon successive case saves.
Fixed issue whereby Compound Sections were not calculating/saving correctly upon editing of an existing case.
Fixed issue whereby a widget setting change to metric would cause incorrect conversions in borehole profile values upon switching back to US Field for any given input value.
Plastic Pipe
Specific Radius of Curvature
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data displayed as "0" for the entire profile even though the KML/KMZ file contained elevation data.
Fixed KML/KMZ import issue whereby Imperial based files were not correctly converted to metric leading to incorrect profile lengths.
Fixed issue whereby a widget setting change to metric would cause incorrect conversions in borehole profile values upon switching back to US Field for any given input value.
Fixed unit conversion error whereby pull force and installation stress results were incorrectly calculated upon successive case saves.
Steel Pipe
Pull Force and Installation Stress – Vertical
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data displayed as "0" for the entire profile even though the KML/KMZ file contained elevation data.
Fixed issue whereby Compound Sections were not calculating/saving correctly upon editing of an existing case.
Fixed KML/KMZ import issue whereby Imperial based files were not correctly converted to metric leading to incorrect profile lengths.
Fixed issue whereby a widget setting change to metric would cause incorrect conversions in borehole profile values upon switching back to US Field for any given input value.
Changed label for "Code Design Factor" field to "Installation Stress Factor".
Fixed unit conversion error whereby pull force and installation stress results were incorrectly calculated upon successive case saves.
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data
Added functionality that allows the borehole profile to be viewed as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Added functionality that allows the stress analysis to be calculated as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Fixed error in Report whereby Allowable Elastic Hoop Buckling was omitted from printing.
Fixed error in Report whereby External Hoop Stress field printed twice.
Revised decimal place displayed to be consistent with global Unit’s settings.
Pull Force and Installation Stress – Vertical and Horizontal
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data displayed as "0" for the entire profile even though the KML/KMZ file contained elevation data.
Fixed issue whereby Compound Sections were not calculating/saving correctly upon editing of an existing case.
Fixed KML/KMZ import issue whereby Imperial based files were not correctly converted to metric leading to incorrect profile lengths.
Fixed issue whereby a widget setting change to metric would cause incorrect conversions in borehole profile values upon switching back to US Field for any given input value.
Changed label for "Code Design Factor" field to "Installation Stress Factor".
Fixed unit conversion error whereby pull force and installation stress results were incorrectly calculated upon successive case saves.
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data.
Added functionality that allows the borehole profile to be viewed as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Added functionality that allows the stress analysis to be calculated as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Fixed error in Report whereby Allowable Elastic Hoop Buckling was omitted from printing.
Fixed error in Report whereby External Hoop Stress field printed twice.
Revised decimal place displayed to be consistent with global Unit’s settings.
API 1104 Weld Imperfection Assessment
Removed additional vertical scroll bar within widget.
All Widgets Containing Pipe Directive
Removed duplicate X60 Pipe Grade from input selection menu for Nominal Pipe Diameters 6 5/8" and 30"Operational Stresses Steel Pipe.
HDD Lite Steel – Steel Pipe
Pull Force and Installation Stress – Vertical
Fixed issue whereby a widget setting change to metric would cause incorrect conversions in borehole profile values upon switching back to US Field for any given input value.
Changed label for "Code Design Factor" field to "Installation Stress Factor".
Fixed unit conversion error whereby pull force and installation stress results were incorrectly calculated upon successive case saves.
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data
Added functionality that allows the borehole profile to be viewed as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Added functionality that allows the stress analysis to be calculated as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Fixed error in Report whereby Allowable Elastic Hoop Buckling was omitted from printing.
Fixed error in Report whereby External Hoop Stress field printed twice.
Revised decimal place displayed to be consistent with global Unit’s settings.
Pull Force and Installation Stress – Vertical and Horizontal
Fixed issue whereby a widget setting change to metric would cause incorrect conversions in borehole profile values upon switching back to US Field for any given input value.
Changed label for "Code Design Factor" field to "Installation Stress Factor".
Fixed unit conversion error whereby pull force and installation stress results were incorrectly calculated upon successive case saves.
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data.
Added functionality that allows the borehole profile to be viewed as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Added functionality that allows the stress analysis to be calculated as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Fixed error in Report whereby Allowable Elastic Hoop Buckling was omitted from printing.
Fixed error in Report whereby External Hoop Stress field printed twice.
Revised decimal place displayed to be consistent with global Unit’s settings.
API 1104 Weld Imperfection Assessment
Removed additional vertical scroll bar within widget.
All Widgets Containing Pipe Directive
Removed duplicate X60 Pipe Grade from input selection menu for Nominal Pipe Diameters 6 5/8" and 30"Operational Stresses Steel Pipe.
HDD Lite Steel – Steel Pipe
Pull Force and Installation Stress – Vertical
Fixed issue whereby a widget setting change to metric would cause incorrect conversions in borehole profile values upon switching back to US Field for any given input value.
Changed label for "Code Design Factor" field to "Installation Stress Factor".
Fixed unit conversion error whereby pull force and installation stress results were incorrectly calculated upon successive case saves.
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data
Added functionality that allows the borehole profile to be viewed as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Added functionality that allows the stress analysis to be calculated as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Fixed error in Report whereby Allowable Elastic Hoop Buckling was omitted from printing.
Fixed error in Report whereby External Hoop Stress field printed twice.
Revised decimal place displayed to be consistent with global Unit’s settings.
Pull Force and Installation Stress – Vertical and Horizontal
Fixed issue whereby a widget setting change to metric would cause incorrect conversions in borehole profile values upon switching back to US Field for any given input value.
Changed label for "Code Design Factor" field to "Installation Stress Factor".
Fixed unit conversion error whereby pull force and installation stress results were incorrectly calculated upon successive case saves.
Fixed error whereby elevation profile data was imported with elevation data.
Added functionality that allows the borehole profile to be viewed as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Added functionality that allows the stress analysis to be calculated as sections are added allowing for improved user experience for borehole design.
Fixed error in Report whereby Allowable Elastic Hoop Buckling was omitted from printing.
Fixed error in Report whereby External Hoop Stress field printed twice.
Revised decimal place displayed to be consistent with global Unit’s settings.
API 1104 Weld Imperfection Assessment
Removed additional vertical scroll bar within widget.
All Widgets Containing Pipe Directive
Removed duplicate X60 Pipe Grade from input selection menu for Nominal Pipe Diameters 6 5/8" and 30"Operational Stresses Steel Pipe.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Completed
Version: 6/9/2021
Dear Valued
The cloud version of the HUBPL maintenance that was scheduled between 08:45PM, 6/9/2021
through 02:00AM, 6/10/2021 was completed as of 11:00PM 6/9/2021. A list of all changes made will be available within
24 hours and may be located at any time by selecting your user name in the blue
applications ribbon bar, followed by Notifications.
We thank
you for your patience during this period and invite our customers to create a
service desk ticket if any support need arises.
The Technical Toolboxes Support
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - 6/9/2021
Version: 6/9/2021
Valued Customer:
The cloud
version of the HUBPL is currently undergoing a maintenance upgrade
that effects HDD PowerTool during the period between 08:45PM, 6/9/2021 through 02:00AM,
6/10/2021. We anticipate little to no effect
on user experience and will send a follow up notification upon completion.
apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, and invite our
customers to create a service desk ticket if any support need arises.
Technical Toolboxes Support Team
Title: Production Schedule Maintenance - Completed 4/29/2021
Version: 4/29/2021
Hydraulic Fracture Analysis
Maximum Allowable and Minimum Required Mud Pressure
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Height of Standing Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Renamed legend title from “Minimum Allowable Mud Pressure” to “Minimum Required Mud Pressure” in Borehole Stability Analysis plot.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Plastic Pipe
Pull Force and Installation Stress
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Updated Maximum Pressure During Pullback calculation to exclude internal pressure.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses (Specific Radius of Curvature)
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Fixed error whereby line features created in Google Maps GIS were not rendering in ESRI ArcGIS similar widgets.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Fixed error whereby the last straight upslope section of the borehole profile was sometimes rendered as a curved section.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
ATL-Allowable Tensile Load
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Post Installation Loads and Deflection
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Steel Pipe
Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Fixed error whereby line features created in Google Maps GIS were not rendering in ESRI ArcGIS similar widgets.
Updated borehole profile user interface dropdown selections and nomenclature for clarity.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Fixed error whereby the last straight upslope section of the borehole profile was sometimes rendered as a curved section.
Revised pull force calculations to use smallest/tightest bend.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses - Vertical and Horizontal Plane
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Fixed error whereby line features created in Google Maps GIS were not rendering in ESRI ArcGIS similar widgets.
Updated borehole profile user interface dropdown selections and nomenclature for clarity.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Fixed error whereby the last straight upslope section of the borehole profile was sometimes rendered as a curved section.
Revised pull force calculations to use smallest/tightest bend.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Operational Stresses Steel Pipe
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Weight of Water/Mud” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Cables in Conduits
Updated borehole profile user interface dropdown selections and nomenclature for clarity.
Drilling Fluids/Mud Management
Updated borehole profile user interface dropdown selections and nomenclature for clarity.
Fixed error whereby the last straight upslope section of the borehole profile was sometimes rendered as a curved section.
Pump Output (Duplex and Triplex)
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Settlement Analysis
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Added unit of measure for volume per length as in^3/in in Corrected Volume of Annulus result units fields.
Drilling Fluids-Frictional Pressure Loss
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Updated Frictional Pressure Loss calculation to point the result parameter ID to the correct calculation parameter.
Drilling Fluids/Mud Management
Drilling Fluid Quantity Requirements
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
HDD Lite Plastic Pipe
ATL-Allowable Tensile Load
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Post Installation Loads and Deflection
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Pull Force and Installation Stress
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Updated Maximum Pressure During Pullback calculation to exclude internal pressure.
HDD Lite Steel Pipe
Operational Stresses Steel Pipe
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Weight of Water/Mud” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Added lb/gallon as unit of measure for Weight of Water/Mud parameter.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Updated borehole profile user interface dropdown selections and nomenclature for clarity.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Fixed error whereby the last straight upslope section of the borehole profile was sometimes rendered as a curved section.
Revised pull force calculations to use smallest/tightest bend.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Fixed error whereby invalid results (NAN for SMYS) would display after report generation, changing inputs and then re-calculating.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses - Vertical and Horizontal Plane
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Updated borehole profile user interface dropdown selections and nomenclature for clarity.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Fixed error whereby the last straight upslope section of the borehole profile was sometimes rendered as a curved section.
Revised pull force calculations to use smallest/tightest bend.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Fixed error whereby invalid results (NAN for SMYS) would display after report generation, changing inputs and then re-calculating.
HDD Lite Plastic Pipe
ATL-Allowable Tensile Load
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Post Installation Loads and Deflection
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Pull Force and Installation Stress
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Updated Maximum Pressure During Pullback calculation to exclude internal pressure.
Operational Stresses Steel Pipe
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Weight of Water/Mud” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Added lb/gallon as unit of measure for Weight of Water/Mud parameter.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses – Vertical
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Updated borehole profile user interface dropdown selections and nomenclature for clarity.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Fixed error whereby the last straight upslope section of the borehole profile was sometimes rendered as a curved section.
Revised pull force calculations to use smallest/tightest bend.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Fixed error whereby invalid results (NAN for SMYS) would display after report generation, changing inputs and then re-calculating.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses - Vertical and Horizontal Plane
Fixed error introduced in 3/12/2021 maintenance for the addition of new field “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” whereby a validation check was added to ensure proper calculation of previously saved cases.
Extended save functionality to include all tabs of widget upon a single click.
Updated borehole profile user interface dropdown selections and nomenclature for clarity.
Fixed error whereby case would not save with minimum information (Case Name and Date).
Fixed error whereby the last straight upslope section of the borehole profile was sometimes rendered as a curved section.
Revised pull force calculations to use smallest/tightest bend.
Included validation check for null input values to be filled in prior to calculation.
Title: HUB PL Cloud Platform Access Resolved
Version: 4/23/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
Some users may have experienced
technical difficulties which resulted in no access the HUBPL Cloud
Platform for a short period of time yesterday morning.
We wish to inform you that access was
restored as of 11:45 CST yesterday. We
have identified the root cause of the issue and will be implementing changes
that prevent this moving forward. If you
have any problems with your service(s), or if you have any questions regarding
the maintenance, please contact customer support by creating a support ticket.
We appreciate your patience during this time and welcome any feedback.
Technical Toolboxes sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience
this may have caused you and we thank you for being a continued valued
The Technical Toolboxes Support
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Completed
Version: 3/26/2021
Pull Force and Installation Stress
Added new input parameter “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” in the calculation.
Operational Stresses Steel Pipe
Updated calculation to accommodate weight of water/mud.
HDD Lite
Pull Force and Installation Stress – Vertical and Horizontal Plane
Added new input parameter “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” in the calculation.
Operational Stresses Steel Pipe
Updated calculation to accommodate weight of water/mud.
HDD Lite
Pull Force and Installation Stress
Added new input parameter “Percentage of Pipe Filled with Water” in the calculation.
Operational Stresses Steel Pipe
Updated calculation to accommodate weight of water/mud.
Bug Fixes:
Crossings Workflow
Fixed error whereby an entity association to a case could not be removed (only entity additions were allowed).
Fault Current
Fixed error whereby Powerlines, Pipelines and Section data was missing from the Map viewer.
Fixed graphing alignment error introduced in previous update.
Pull Force and Installation Stress
Fixed calculation rounding errors that occurred in horizontal and compound bends.
Pipeline Facilities
Reinforcement of Welded Branch – ASME B31.4
Fixed error introduced in previous update where visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding was not identifying/displaying all attribute data correctly.
Pipeline Crossings
Fixed error whereby case association with point entity could only be made if entity was associated with a pipe entity.
Pipeline Pump
Fixed error whereby case association with point entity could only be made if entity was associated with a pipe entity.
Pipeline Compressors
Fixed error whereby case association with point entity could only be made if entity was associated with a pipe entity.
Pipeline Facilities
Fixed error whereby case association with point entity could only be made if entity was associated with a pipe entity.
HDD Lite
Pull Force and Installation Stress
Fixed calculation rounding errors that occurred in horizontal and compound bends.
Pipeline Facilities
Reinforcement of Welded Branch – ASME B31.8
Fixed error introduced in previous update where visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding was not identifying/displaying all attribute data correctly.
Pipeline Testing
API 1104 Weld Imperfection Assessment
Added expand/collapse case header icon.
Pipeline Crossings
Fixed error whereby case association with point entity could only be made if entity was associated with a pipe entity.
Pipeline Pump
Fixed error whereby case association with point entity could only be made if entity was associated with a pipe entity.
Pipeline Compressors
Fixed error whereby case association with point entity could only be made if entity was associated with a pipe entity.
Pipeline Facilities
Fixed error whereby case association with point entity could only be made if entity was associated with a pipe entity.
HDD Lite
Pull Force and Installation Stress
Fixed calculation rounding errors that occurred in horizontal and compound bends.
Report Builder
Added “Save” icon to case header.
Fixed error whereby collaborative feature was inconsistently sharing cases.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance
Version: 3/25/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
We have a scheduled system maintenance for the HUBPL Cloud portal that will begin at 8:00 PM Central Time today 3/25/2021, and estimate completion time of 8:00 AM tomorrow 3/26/2021. While we anticipate this will have little to no effect on user experience during this period, some users may experience data latency issues and intermittent access to certain functionality at various times. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, and we will notify you once the maintenance period is complete.
If you have any questions or issues that need to be addressed immediately, please do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk using the following URL:
Technical Toolboxes Customer Success Team
Title: HUB PL Cloud Scheduled Maintenance - Completed
Version: 3/17/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
We wish to inform you that all HUBPL services have returned to normal operation as of 1:30am US Central. If you have any problems with your service(s), or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance, please contact customer support by creating a support ticket using the link below:
We appreciate your patience during this time and welcome any feedback.
The Technical Toolboxes Support Team
Title: HUB PL Cloud Maintenance Notification
Version: 3/16/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
The cloud version of the HUBPL is experiencing technical issues and the application will be offline starting at 5pm US Central time today for maintenance. We are working diligently to troubleshoot the issue such that fixes can be incorporated as soon as possible. The current estimated resolution time is 1am (or before) US Central time tomorrow, March 17. If you have an expedited need to access any of the applications that were available on the HUBPL Cloud, a HUBPL desktop version is available for your installation and use by contacting our Service Desk at the link provided below.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, and will notify you when the fixes have been implemented and application services are restored to normal.
The Technical Toolboxes Support Team
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Completed
Version: 3/12/2021
Report Builder
Initial Release
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Enabled display of entity name in case header when:
point is dropped in map to associate case to entity.
association is made from hierarchy (pipe &/or crossing point).
Added visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding when cases are associated to midstream entities:
if case is not associated to an entity, box has grey border.
if there is no field in the entity attributes for the given input, box has grey border.
if the input and the attribute value agree, box has green border.
if the input and the attribute value disagree, box has orange border.
Fixed error whereby mitigation data resets when changes are made in pipeline tab (edit existing pipe resistivity &/or add new pipe)
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Move launcher from "Workflows" drop-down to "AC-Mit" dropdown in top ribbon
Implemented standard case header directive.
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Added "Select from hierarchy" icon and ability to add entities from Navigator/Hierarchy.
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Changed the "Select from Map" icon.
Enabled display of entity name in case header when:
point is dropped in map to associate case to entity.
association is made from hierarchy (pipe &/or crossing point).
Added visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding when cases are associated to midstream entities:
if case is not associated to an entity, box has grey border.
if there is no field in the entity attributes for the given input, box has grey border.
if the input and the attribute value agree, box has green border.
if the input and the attribute value disagree, box has orange border.
Added error message when case is not correctly snapped to pipe after selecting case map selector icon.
Fault Current
Added selection for "all" in Bonded Connections sub-tab.
Moved launcher to “Other PowerTools” dropdown
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Enabled display of entity name in case header when:
point is dropped in map to associate case to entity.
association is made from hierarchy (pipe &/or crossing point).
Added visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding when cases are associated to midstream entities:
if case is not associated to an entity, box has grey border.
if there is no field in the entity attributes for the given input, box has grey border.
if the input and the attribute value agree, box has green border.
if the input and the attribute value disagree, box has orange border.
Moved launcher to “Data Tools” dropdown
Data Availability
Moved launcher to “Data Tools” dropdown
DB Import
Moved launcher to “Data Tools” dropdown
Importer updated to recognize duplicates entities in database and enable options to skip/overwrite duplicates.
Enabled dynamic segmentation function between begin location and end location.
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Enabled display of entity name in case header when:
point is dropped in map to associate case to entity.
association is made from hierarchy (pipe &/or crossing point).
Added visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding when cases are associated to midstream entities:
if case is not associated to an entity, box has grey border.
if there is no field in the entity attributes for the given input, box has grey border.
if the input and the attribute value agree, box has green border.
if the input and the attribute value disagree, box has orange border.
Hydraulic Fracture Analysis
Added a schematic that clarifies the different height input parameters.
Added a new parameter, "Height of Standing Water", to the calculation.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses
Ability to enter Combined Bend Angle and Combined Radius of Curvature/ Combined Measured Length as input parameters outside of the existing auto-calculation feature.
Add option for pipe filled with water.
Hub Platform
Added option in profile preferences for widgets to universally change from US Field to Metric & added option to set as default or for this session only.
Hydrotest PowerTool
Moved launcher to “Other PowerTools” dropdown.
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Enabled display of entity name in case header when:
point is dropped in map to associate case to entity.
association is made from hierarchy (pipe &/or crossing point).
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Added visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding when cases are associated to midstream entities:
if case is not associated to an entity, box has grey border.
if there is no field in the entity attributes for the given input, box has grey border.
if the input and the attribute value agree, box has green border.
if the input and the attribute value disagree, box has orange border.
Reduced Begin/End Station to 3 decimal places.
Renamed "Height of Test Location Relative to Surface" to "Height of Test Apparatus Relative to Ground"
Renamed "Test Point Elevation Relative to Surface" to "Ground Elevation at Test Point Location"
Enabled new capability to perform automated identification of intersections between pipes and roads/waterways/railways.
Enabled attribute fields for created-by, edited-by to show first & last name instead of userid.
Change snapping functionality from "Click to add point. Press Ctrl to enable snapping" to "Click to add point. Auto-snaps when cursor is near entity, change zoom-level as needed."
Added data field for Material to point feature attributes.
Added data fields for Surface Elevation, Feature Elevation, Water Elevation, Elevation Offset for point feature attributes that can be edited by users.
Added data fields for Calculated Feature Elevation, Calculated Surface Elevation for point feature attributes that can be populated by 3D Analyst tool.
Updated road feature attributes to give users a dropdown for road type in plain English (primary, secondary, minor, etc.) and convert to MTFCC/RTTYP.
Automatically show Widget & Case sub-levels upon selection of Module in Hierarchy settings, removed Cases as a selectable level.
Add date imported as Hierarchy option.
Added data field for Material to point feature attributes.
Added data fields for Surface Elevation, Feature Elevation, Water Elevation, Elevation Offset for point feature attributes that can be edited by users.
Added data fields for Calculated Feature Elevation, Calculated Surface Elevation for point feature attributes that can be populated by 3D Analyst tool.
Updated road feature attributes to give users a dropdown for road type in plain English (primary, secondary, minor, etc.) and convert to MTFCC/RTTYP.
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Added the “Select from Hierarchy” icon to the case header, removed “Hierarchy mapping” from case settings.
Enabled display of entity name in case header when:
point is dropped in map to associate case to entity.
association is made from hierarchy (pipe &/or crossing point).
Added icons for “Save”, Save As”, “Calculate”, and “Generate Report” in the case header.
Added visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding when cases are associated to midstream entities:
if case is not associated to an entity, box has grey border.
if there is no field in the entity attributes for the given input, box has grey border.
if the input and the attribute value agree, box has green border.
if the input and the attribute value disagree, box has orange border.
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Added error message when case is not correctly snapped to pipe after selecting case map selector icon.
Added option to save unit preferences as default (or for this session only) per widget in the widget settings.
Design & Stress Analysis
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Enabled "Average Unit Weight of Steel" field to be populated with values corresponding to units of weight/unit length. E.g. lb/ft, kg/m.
HDD Lite
Pull force and installation stresses - Added option for pipe filled with water.
Pipeline Facilities
Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection - ASME B31.8
Reformatted the border of widget tabs.
Added a validation check to exclude negative areas.
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Added the “Select from Hierarchy” icon to the case header, removed “Hierarchy mapping” from case settings.
Added icons for “Save”, Save As”, “Calculate”, and “Generate Report” in the case header.
Enabled display of entity name in case header when:
point is dropped in map to associate case to entity.
association is made from hierarchy (pipe &/or crossing point).
Added visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding when cases are associated to midstream entities:
if case is not associated to an entity, box has grey border.
if there is no field in the entity attributes for the given input, box has grey border.
if the input and the attribute value agree, box has green border.
if the input and the attribute value disagree, box has orange border.
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Added error message when case is not correctly snapped to pipe after selecting case map selector icon.
Added option to save unit preferences as default (or for this session only) per widget in the widget settings.
Design & Stress Analysis
Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length
Enabled "Average Unit Weight of Steel" field to be populated with values corresponding to units of weight/unit length. E.g. lb/ft, kg/m.
HDD Lite
Pull force and installation stresses - Added option for pipe filled with water.
Pipeline Facilities
Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection - ASME B31.4
Reformatted the border of widget tabs.
Added a validation check to exclude negative areas.
Implemented standard case header directive.
Reduced the minimum fields required to save a case (now case name & date).
Added “Image Upload” icon for integrating case-specific images and PDF’s with Report Builder module.
Updated icons for “Save As”, “Generate Report”, and “Calculate”.
Enabled case header to display who created cases, as well as who changed it and when.
Enabled display of entity name in case header when:
point is dropped in map to associate case to entity.
association is made from hierarchy (pipe &/or crossing point).
Added visual aid for validating calculation inputs vs. data in the Asset Database (Attributes) via color-coding when cases are associated to midstream entities:
if case is not associated to an entity, box has grey border.
if there is no field in the entity attributes for the given input, box has grey border.
if the input and the attribute value agree, box has green border.
if the input and the attribute value disagree, box has orange border.
Added validation check if remaining wall is imported for pit depth selection in corrosion profile.
Moved launcher to “Data Tools” dropdown.
Enabled saving of cases when case name is longer than 25 characters.
Fault Current
Fixed error whereby distance values increased upon calculation repetitively while units are set to Metric.
Fixed visualization error to ensure that the bottom of the widget content is visible, regardless of widget size & scrolling options
Fixed error to ensure correct pipe attribute data is loaded from navigator/map.
Fixed error to ensure proper units are applied to values loaded from navigator/map.
Drilling Fluids/Mud Management
Fixed calculation error for "Viscosifier Consumed".
Hydraulic Fracture Analysis
Fix calculation error caused by incorrect coefficient.
Add inch as an additional unit of measure for Settlement Trough Depth at Centerline and Corrected Settlement Trough Depth at Centerline.
Pull Force and Installation Stresses
Fixed error in Specific Radius of Curvature pull-force calculation.
Fixed error whereby report is incorrectly rendered using Radius of Curvature vs. Measured Length Value when Horizontal, Curved, Upslope is selected for profile inputs.
Ensure that Hydrokinetic Force is calculated correctly at the first point.
Updated recommended friction factor labels:
from "Coefficient of Friction at the Surface" to "Coefficient of friction between pipe and soil (typically 0.4)".
from "Coefficient of Friction within Borehole"" to “Coefficient between pipe and slurry (typically 0.25)".
Hydrotest PowerTool
Fixed error whereby elevation breaks at begin/end station while bringing in multiple pipes from hierarchy are not calculated correctly by 3D analyst tool.
Fixed error whereby value changes were not properly carried when units for total length is changed and toggling between sections.
Fixed plotting error whereby overall elevation profile sometimes shows individual sections in reverse.
Fixed add/edit node for polyline editing workflow.
Fixed “save all” in entity attributes GUI.
Fixed error whereby Fluid Model is not always saved when editing attributes of a pipe.
Fixed inconsistencies between case list in widgets and case list in Hierarchy.
Fixed error whereby Fluid Model is not always saved when editing attributes of a pipe.
Fixed visualization error whereby new case, delete case, settings, collaborative and download icons would not wrap upon horizontal collapse of widget.
Fixed visualization error whereby widget vertical scroll bar sometimes would not allow scrolling the full extent of widget thereby cutting off access to Save, Save As, Report and Calculate icons.
HDD Lite
Fixed error to ensure correct pipe attribute data is loaded from navigator/map.
Fixed error to ensure proper units are applied to values loaded from navigator/map.
Fixed error in Specific Radius of Curvature pull-force calculation.
Fixed error whereby report is incorrectly rendered using Radius of Curvature vs. Measured Length Value when Horizontal, Curved, Upslope is selected for profile inputs.
Ensure that Hydrokinetic Force is calculated correctly at the first point.
Updated recommended friction factor labels:
from "Coefficient of Friction at the Surface" to "Coefficient of friction between pipe and soil (typically 0.4)".
from "Coefficient of Friction within Borehole"" to “Coefficient between pipe and slurry (typically 0.25)".
Fixed error whereby widget case list would be blank after pipe selection in hierarchy.
Pipeline Crossing
Remove Help icon in case header.
Pipeline Facilities
Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection - ASME B31.8: Fixed error whereby download icon was covered up by tabs at top of widget frame.
Fixed visualization error whereby new case, delete case, settings, collaborative and download icons would not wrap upon horizontal collapse of widget.
Fixed visualization error whereby widget vertical scroll bar sometimes would not allow scrolling the full extent of widget thereby cutting off access to Save, Save As, Report and Calculate icons.
HDD Lite
Fixed error to ensure correct pipe attribute data is loaded from navigator/map.
Fixed error to ensure proper units are applied to values loaded from navigator/map.
Fixed error in Specific Radius of Curvature pull-force calculation.
Fixed error whereby report is incorrectly rendered using Radius of Curvature vs. Measured Length Value when Horizontal, Curved, Upslope is selected for profile inputs.
Ensure that Hydrokinetic Force is calculated correctly at the first point.
Updated recommended friction factor labels:
from "Coefficient of Friction at the Surface" to "Coefficient of friction between pipe and soil (typically 0.4)".
from "Coefficient of Friction within Borehole"" to “Coefficient between pipe and slurry (typically 0.25)".
Fixed error whereby widget case list would be blank after pipe selection in hierarchy.
Pipeline Crossing
Remove Help icon in case header.
Pipeline Facilities
Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connection - ASME B31.4: Fixed error whereby download icon was covered up by tabs at top of widget frame.
Fixed issue whereby program does not stop iterating for pipe where the entire pipe fails the pressure test.
Enabled saving of cases when case name is longer than 25 characters.
Fixed error when selecting lat/long point in the map, message did not display giving instruction to save the case, in order to retain lat/long data.
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance
Version: 3/11/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
We have a scheduled system maintenance for the HUB-PL Cloud portal that will begin at 8:00 PM Central Time today 3/11/2021, and have an estimated completion time of 8:00 AM tomorrow 3/12/2021. While we anticipate this will have little to no effect on user experience during this period, some users may experience data latency issues and intermittent access to certain functionality at various times. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and we will notify you once the maintenance period is complete.
If you have any questions or issues that need to be addressed immediately, please do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk using the following URL:
Technical Toolboxes Customer Success Team
Title: HUB-PL Cloud Platform Access Resolved
Version: 2/26/2021
Dear Valued Customer:
As notification was sent via other methods earlier today, we experience technical difficulties which resulted in no access the HUBPL Cloud Platform for a portion of the day. We wish to inform you that access has been restored as of 12:30 CST. If you have any problems with your service(s), or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance, please contact customer support by creating a support ticket. We appreciate your patience during this work and welcome any feedback.
Technical Toolboxes sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we thank you for being a continued valued client.
The Technical Toolboxes Support Team
Title: Scheduled Production Update
Version: 2020.11.03
AC Mitigation Toolbox and PowerTool
Added validation messages prompting user for confirmation prior to deleting Powerlines and/or Pipelines
Bug Fixes:
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Corrected error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby voltage, current and distance data points would not show upon hovering over output plot lines
Fixed error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby section line number and distance data point would not show upon hovering over output section lines
Corrected error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby Power Line type and voltage would change after importing new data and save over previous data if the import routine was not completed and saved
Corrected error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby aspect ratio in map for report was not the same as in the case widget
AC Mitigation Toolbox
Corrected error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby voltage, current and distance data points would not show upon hovering over output plot lines
Fixed error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby section line number and distance data point would not show upon hovering over output section lines
Corrected error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby Power Line type and voltage would change after importing new data and save over previous data if the import routine was not completed and saved
Fixed error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby new case would not be saved upon renaming an existing case with Barnes Layer selected
HDD PowerTool – Maximum Allowable Mud Pressure, Minimum Required Mud Pressure – Borehole Stability
Corrected error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby the borehole stability plot would not expand upon selection of the expand icon
Fixed error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby legend was missing upon addition of elevation profile in borehole stability plot
Corrected error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby X-Y values would not be visible upon hovering over plot lines for Min/Max Mud Pressures and Borehole profile upon the addition of elevation profile
Fixed error in borehole stability plot introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby X-Y axis were not incremented correctly showing too many tick marks and no axis label data
Corrected error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby elevation profile would not load in borehole stability plot upon selection
Fixed error introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby borehole stability plot would truncate data set for elevation profile upon selection
Corrected report introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby borehole stability plot was not aligned in the report
Fixed error in data import for soil characteristics introduced in 2020.10.23 maintenance update whereby additional rows were added inadvertently
Title: Scheduled Production Update
Version: 2020.10.23
Initial Releases:
API Inspectors Toolbox
API 653 Module for above ground storage tanks (AST)
Engineering Data Module – Calculations in support of AST calculations
Hydrotest Planning Workflow
New module for developing a comprehensive hydrotest plan and report
Pipeline Toolbox
Gas Pipeline Blowdown – Sizing – AGA Manual
Gas Pipeline Blowdown – Semiempirical Model – Report No. 87-2 – Sizing
Added volume of gas and liquid lost to relief valve calculations
HUBPL Platform
Improved plot resolution, scaling and legend readability for reports in several applications
DB Import:
Added ability to designate data as “company data” during import
Added ability to designate data as “public data” during import (Super Admin only)
Added option to overwrite or retain existing data for duplicate attributes upon import
Updated attributes for point features during import sequence of gdb/kml/shapefiles
Removed options for importing unsupported features (coupon and pig launcher/receiver)
Added MTFCC classifications for primary, secondary, and minor road attributes
Improved sorting for entities and attributes that appear in hierarchy
Added a validation message that will inform users if the license manager is not responding preventing users from logging in.
Added validation message when system resource utilization is high or site database hosting is down, affecting user experience or preventing users from logging in.
Added the ability to select/deselect multiple entities or attributes from the Hierarchy using Shift and Cntrl keys
Added several additional PODS/UPDM data fields to attributes for point features such as Pump, Compressor, Valve, etc.
Updated UI for notifications to allow each notification to be expanded or collapsed
Added Technical Toolboxes logo in the browser tab
Moved the launch support menu item from within preference window to the main canvas header ribbon
Revised the warning message for “clear canvas” function to be more concise on ramifications of the action
Moved the Map and Unit application launch buttons to left justify with others in main canvas header ribbon
Enhanced quality control of shared data by restricting access to designated company admin(s) to designate a data set as “Company Data”, thereby making it available to all users in their company.
While using “Find Crossing” map feature, crossing intersections are linked
When point features such as pumps, compressor, valves, or others are selected from the Hierarchy, the map will zoom to the point feature(s)
Added functionality whereby point features can be added to Map from within relevant PLTB calculations that involves pumps, compressors, or valves
Added coloring for map icon selection to indicate selections status as being on or off
Renamed widget and result for Direct Current Voltage Gradient to “DCVG - % IR Drop”
Added a validation check for PLTB-L Surge Analysis input values that are unrealistic
Added Tool Tip explanation when hovering over Zero-Out button
Crossing Workflow:
Included default impact factor of 1.5 for track load analysis to be consistent with PLTB default input
Bug Fixes:
HUBPL Platform
Fixed errors whereby widget names were not displaying correctly in menu bar when language preference is changed
Improved control of “Public Data” and restricted access to Super Admin
Fixed unit conversion issue whereby attribute units were displayed incorrectly
Fixed error whereby the edit and delete features of project naming were not working
Removed unsupported feature layers from Map (Coupon and Pig launcher/receiver)
Fixed error whereby a selected pipe entity within the Map is unselected when canvas is displaying multiple widgets/cases that are associated to different pipes
Fixed error whereby map selection would remain selected in the Map after deselecting in the widget
Removed compound angle capability within HDD Lite
Added “Additional Uniform Load on Pipe” value to Maximum Allowable Pipe Span report
Updated PLTB-L Surge Analysis calculation to address result loading issues
Fixed data import via template to resolve a unit conversion issue
Fixed display error whereby SMYS would show in US Field unit when metric was selected
Fixed error whereby mitigation data would be cleared when editing pipe coating R values in both steady state and fault current modules
Crossing Workflow:
Fixed error in graphs displaying incorrect units for API 1102 highway and rail calculations
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Completion
Version: 2020.09.28
Dear Valued Customer:
All scheduled system maintenance for the HUB-PL Cloud portal was completed this weekend as of 8:00 PM Central Sunday, 9/27/2020.
If you have any problems with your service(s), or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance, please contact customer support by creating a support ticket at https://technicaltoolboxes.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1.
We appreciate your patience during this time and welcome any feedback.
Technical Toolboxes Customer Success Support Team
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance
Version: 2020.09.25
Dear Valued Customer:
We have a scheduled system maintenance for the HUB-PL Cloud portal that will occur this weekend, 9/26/2020-9-27/2020 between the hours of 8:00 AM Central Time Saturday and 8:00 PM Sunday. While we anticipate this will have little to no effect on user experience during this period, users may experience some minor data latency issues and intermittent access to some functionality. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and we will notify you once the maintenance period is complete.
Technical Toolboxes Customer Success Team
Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance
Version: 2020.09.25
Dear Valued Customer:
We have a scheduled system maintenance for the HUB-PL Cloud portal that will occur this weekend, 9/26/2020-9-27/2020 between the hours of 8:00 AM Central Time Saturday and 8:00 PM Sunday. While we anticipate this will have little to no effect on user experience during this period, users may experience some minor data latency issues and intermittent access to some functionality. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and we will notify you once the maintenance period is complete.
Technical Toolboxes Customer Success Team
Title: Production Maintenance Update
Version: 2020.08.19
Bug Fixes
a. Removed duplicate “Water Bodies - Linear” layer
b. Fixed an error whereby the split pipe functionality created a duplicate pipe
a. Database enhancement for more efficient storing and rendering of primary and secondary roads
b. Enabled “Find Crossings” feature that automatically finds intersections of pipelines with water bodies, railroads, and roadways
a. Limit the variables available for graphing to those that have data populated for the selected entities
a. New controller used for Hierarchy Panel that enables groups to be expanded automatically when selections are made in the Map
Title: HUB Performance Update
Version: 2020.07.21
Dear Valued Customer:
All potential performance issues on the HUB-PL cloud portal associated with the ArcGIS Map functionality have been resolved as of 10:15am CST. If you have any problems with your service(s), or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance, please contact customer support by creating a support ticket. We appreciate your patience during this work and welcome any feedback.
Title: HUB Performance Update
Version: 2020.07.21
Dear Valued Customer:
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with HUB-PL cloud portal whereby users are unable use the ArcGIS Map functionality. Rest assured our technical team is troubleshooting this issue and will have a solution implemented shortly. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this has caused and we will notify you once the issue has been fully resolved.
Title: HUB Performance Update
Version: 2020.07.21
Dear Valued Customer:
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with HUB-PL cloud portal whereby users are unable use the ArcGIS Map functionality. Rest assured our technical team is troubleshooting this issue and will have a solution implemented shortly. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this has caused and we will notify you once the issue has been fully resolved.
Title: HUB Performance Update
Version: 2020.06.24
All potential performance issues on the HUB-PL cloud portal associated with the 3rd party DNS provider outage has been resolved as of 11:00 am CST.
If you have any problems with your service(s), or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance, please contact customer support by creating a support ticket at https://technicaltoolboxes.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
We appreciate your patience during this work and welcome any feedback.
Title: HUB Performance Update
Version: 2020.06.23
Dear Valued Customer:
As an update to our previous communication regarding potential performance issues on the HUB-PL cloud portal, we have identified the issue to be an outage with the 3rd party DNS provider and we are working with them to have the issue resolved as soon as possible. Again, we apologize in advance for any inconvenience this has caused and we will notify you once the issue has been fully resolved.
Title: HUB Performance Update
Version: 2020.06.22
Dear Valued Customer:
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with HUBPL cloud portal whereby users are unable to log in. Rest assured our technical team is troubleshooting this issue and will have a solution implemented shortly. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this has caused and we will notify you once the issue has been fully resolved.
Technical Toolboxes Support Team
Title: Production Maintenance Updates
Version: 2020.06.21
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an issue related to the performance of loading widgets where saved data and unit drop-downs would be blank
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error related to report not generating for required pump horsepower calculation
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error related to the plot where the scales were not aligned
b. Fixed an error related to HDD excel import
a. Added disclaimer in reports (PT and Lite)
Workflow - Pipeline Crossings
a. Added defaults data for new case
b. Moved impact factor from equipment section to calculation input data section
Data Availability
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed error where selection from hierarchy was not loading rolled up data
Bug Fixes
a. Added scale and label for plot axes in group-by plot
Title: Scheduled Production Update
Version: 2020.06.20
HUBPL is under maintenance, some performances may be affected. However, users can continue to use HUBPL during this time. Should any assistance be required, please contact our Support Desk @ https://technicaltoolboxes.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
Thank you for your patience.
Title: Production Maintenance Updates
Version: 2020.06.12
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error related to lat/long not displaying 6 dec digit across all modules
b. Fixed an error related to collaborative icon changing location upon on/off
c. Standardized the order in which icons were displayed in header directive
d. Fixed as error related to decimal digits of pipe wall thickness when custom pipe is selected
e. Fixed error related to data and units not loading in the widgets
Workflow – Crossing
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed error related to the alignment of the download icon in header directive
b. Fixed an error where the location class was not coming from pipe attributes
c. Fixed an error where design factor was blank if no data in pipe attributes. Added dependency for design factor on location class
d. Added dependency on design class for operating class when data not available in pipe attributes
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed error where the title displayed function as average though group by plot was disabled
b. Unit for SMYS in group by plot was incorrect
c. Fixes error where SMYS in Y-axis continued to display wall thickness
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error where the cathodic protection was not saving in Barnes layer widget
b. Fixed an error related to adding sections
c. Fixed an error related to inserting sections
d. Cannot enter negative number with one click, have to enter twice (AC mitigation – burial depth)
Title: Scheduled Production Update
Version: 2020.06.12
HUBPL is under maintenance, some performances may be affected. However, users can continue to use HUBPL during this time. Should any assistance be required, please contact our Support Desk @ https://technicaltoolboxes.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
Thank you for your patience.
Title: Production Maintenance Updates
Version: 2020.06.05
HUB Platform
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an issue where the data mapping workflow screens for DB import and map import are now similar
b. Fixed an issue where IsCompany data is missing in crossing point attributes
c. Fixed an issue where Lat/Long does not auto populate in attributes for crossing point created in the map
d. Fixed an issue where crossing features in hierarchy ties to pipes not points. On selecting the crossing point, would zoom map to pipe and not lat/long
e. Fixed an error where the pipe and road/railroad attribute box could not be edited in the crossings attributes
f. Fixed an error where IsPublicData is free text vs radio button in crossing point attributes
g. Fixed an error related to export database where the unit set was different
h. Removed pan icon from map
i. Removed Distance/Angles for AC Mitigation from Spatial Analysis option in map
j. Fixed an error related to loading canvas time
k. Fixed an error related to saving a fluid from "Simulation"
l. Fixed an error related to calculating pipe crossing water body (polygon)
m. Fixed an error related to displaying the associated pipe and road/railroad/water attributes in the crossing information pop-up
m. Activate cltr C (for copy) and cltr V (for paste)
o. Updated Ad-hoc with missing parameters (operating pressure, operating temperature, MAOP, flow rate, etc)
a. Added enhancement for validating numeric data entry fields
b. Added enhancement where comma being added in the proper location for numeric values
c. Added enhancement where Idle timeout option is added for company admin
d. Added enhancement where collaborative environment option is added for super admin
e. Added enhancement where users can access modules selection by one click so that the options listed do not auto-close in the dropdown
f. Added enhancement where JIRA link is embedded for users to generate tickets under customer support
g. Added Note to support zipped files for gdb and shape files in map and DB import
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an issue where the SMYS would change to US field value while in metric unit set
b. Fixed an error where the flow rate is not carrying over to widgets in PLTB
c. Fixed an error related to metric unit set loading in Pipeline Crossing module
d. Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length calculation changes (default data loading + UI parameter label changes) are updated
e. Fixed an issue where fluid selected from "Fluid" is not relaying the appropriate attributes
f. Separated units from the dropdown selection for API and ASTM catalog for pipes
a. Added Erosional velocity calculation to PLTB
b. Added Sonic velocity calculations to PLTB
c. Added calculation widget defaults from V 19.0
Bug Fixes
a. Improved performance issues related to hierarchy loading speed
a. Added “NO PIPE” to list all modules and cases not associated with a pipe
b. Added API TB modules and cases
DB Import
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error related to "PLTB Desktop Database" in DB Import (All mdb import files must be zipped format).
b. Fixed error in export database where some values (OD, ID, flow rate, etc) were in a different units
a. Added ability for the user to import pipe database using excel file via DB Import-> Non Spatial Data (PIPE)
Ensured that import via map, DB import and Non spatial data have the same attribute mapping and parameters available
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an issue related to remaining life calculations when automate zero out method was clicked in US and metric unit sets
b. Fixed an error where the unit for SMYS was driving the units for Modified SMYS and P design in the report
c. Fixed an error related to displaying the widget where the user had to rearrange the widget size
d. Improved performance for automate zero out method calculation for increased number of rows
AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an issue where hovering over graph section lines does not show section numbers in Fault Current
b. Fixed issue related to saving case when case is imported using excel in ACTB Steady State
c. Fixed an error related to displaying plot where it was taking a long time to display results
d. Fixed an error related to plot legends in individual plot
e. Removed feature for user to import pipe and power line via the application since the same feature is available using map and db import
f. Fixed error related to displaying data in metric unit set
a. Added ESRI Maps to AC Mitigation where user could add sections and calculate angles and distances using ESRI functions
Workflow – Crossing
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error where the operating class value clears to blank field when calculate is clicked
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed the loading issue where catenary bend calculation results were not showing correctly in the schematic.
Title: Scheduled Production Update
Version: 2020.06.05
HUBPL is under maintenance, some performances may be affected. However, users can continue to use HUBPL during this time. Should any assistance be required, please contact our Support Desk @ https://technicaltoolboxes.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
Thank you for your patience.
Title: Production Fix
Version: 2020.04.29
AC Mitigation PT
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error in importing case data where the distance for transmission lines was not coming into the system in metric unit set (Steady State)
b. Fixed an error in Fault Current calculation where the results displayed were using "TLine 1" as the selected line though a different transmission line was selected
AC Mitigation TB
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error in importing case data where the distance for transmission lines was not coming into the system in metric unit set (Steady State)
b. Fixed an error in Fault Current calculation where the results displayed were using "TLine 1" as the selected line though a different transmission line was selected
Work Flow - AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error in Fault Current calculation where the results displayed were using "TLine 1" as the selected line though a different transmission line was selected
Title: Production Maintenance Updates
Version: 2020.03.09
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error where the flow rate is not carrying over to PLTB widgets (hydraulics)
b. Fixed an error where the operating pressure is not carrying over to PLTB widget (hydraulics)
c. Fixed an error where the operating temperature is not carrying over to PLTB widgets (hydraulics)
d. Fixed an error where the saved crossing locations/points were not listed in the hierarchy
e. Resolved an issue where the Is company data is missing in crossing point attributes
f. Resolved an issue where Lat/Long does not auto-populate in attributes for a crossing point created in the map
g. Fixed an issue related to adding a crossing point via PLTB (highway/railroad) widget should create entity on the map
h. Resolved an issue where the crossings feature in hierarchy ties to pipes, not points and must zoom map to lat/long
i. Resolved an issue where post saving a road crossing location in the map, I cannot find it in the hierarchy
j. Updated Collaborative checkbox to icon and moved it to the row above where new cases are created
k. Updated IsCompany Data in attributes to be controlled via radio button yes/no from free text
l. Updated IsPublic Data in attributes to be controlled via radio button yes/no from free text
m. Sorted hierarchy settings options in dropdown to display alphabetically
n. Updated notifications to display latest notification first
a. Added a delete button/icon to delete case/entity from hierarchy selection
b. Added delete button/icon to delete an entity that’s been added to the hierarchy (entity alone or with associated cases)
c. Added an enhancement where comma was added in the proper location for numeric values
d. Added validations where numeric entry field cannot be entered with alpha-numeric data
e. Added loader in hierarchy to notify the user that hierarchy is updating
Bug Fixes
a. Wheel Load Analysis (L) widget: Fixed an error where Longitudinal Bending Stress radio button = No, must grey-out/disable the related input boxes, but these fields remain mandatory to fill out before calculation/save is clicked
b. Enabled validation check for the impact factor input in Highway and railroad crossing
c. Enabled validation check for API 1102 Highway Geometry Factor
a. Wheel Load Analysis (L & G): Updated design class and operating class catalog to be reflected in the dropdown
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
a. Made "HDD PE Plastic Pull Force Radius of Curvature" the first calculation in the selection
Bug Fixes
a. Fixed an error where negative results in remaining life calculations should be displayed as zero
b. Resolved issues where zero out table displayed incorrect results
c. Fixed error where red and yellow color codes were incorrect when automate zero out is clicked
d. Fixed an error related to importing pit depth in metric unit set where the data was loaded in incorrect unit
e. Fixed an error where PIR calculation is incorrect in metric unit set
a. Updated gas catalog in the fluid directive of RSTRENG (PIR calculation)
b. Added 80% pop-up warning on the UI for pit depth violation
c. Added error message when MAOP violates P design
AC Mitigation PowerTool
Bug Fixes
a. Updated warning message to “Coating R cannot be 0”
b. Updated an error where ArcGIS lat/long data was not updated when power lines selected from Map (ACPT and ACTB for Steady State alone)
c. Updated the design to increase case name drop-down size (SS and FC)
d. Removed share button from ACPT SS and FC since collaborative has similar functionality (SS and FC)
e. Fixed an issue where the transmission line image was not refreshing based on the transmission line selected in fault current
f. Fixed an error where save as did not work for demo/default case
g. Fixed an issue where ACPT (Fault) Hovering in combined plot did not display the section number
AC Mitigation ToolBox
Bug Fixes
a. Updated warning message to “Coating R cannot be 0” (SS and FC)
b. Updated an error where ArcGIS lat/long data was not updated when power lines selected from Map (SS)
c. Fixed an issue where the transmission line image was not refreshing based on the transmission line selected in fault current
a. Updated functionality where All checkbox for Faulted tower node must be displayed only when Barnes layer and/or variable depth is checked
Workflow – AC Mitigation
Bug Fixes
a. Updated warning message to “Coating R cannot be 0” (SS and FC)
a. Updated functionality where All checkbox for Faulted tower node must be displayed only when Barnes layer and/or variable depth is checked
Title: Scheduled Production Update
Version: 2020.03.05
HUBPL is under maintenance, some performances may be affected. However, users can continue to use HUBPL during this time. Should any assistance be required, please contact our Support Desk @ https://technicaltoolboxes.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
Thank you for your patience.
Title: Production Maintenance Updates
Version: 2020.01.27
a. Launched a new widget (application) for Work Flow – Pipeline Crossing
b. Launched a new widget (application) for Work Flow – AC Mitigation
c. Launched a new widget (application) for AC Mitigation ToolBox (ACTB) – Steady State, which runs the original PRCI AC Mitigation calculation engine
d. Launched a new widget (application) for AC Mitigation ToolBox (ACTB) – Fault Current, which runs the original PRCI AC Mitigation calculation engine
e. Launched a new widget (application) for Barnes Multi-Layer Resistivity and/or Variable Depth of Cover which can be used with AC Mitigation ToolBox (ACTB) and Work Flow – AC Mitigation, which runs the Technical Toolboxes AC Mitigation engine
Bug Fixes
a. Introduced auto scaling for the plot in ‘ASTM D 341 Viscosity - Temperature Relations For Hydrocarbons’ calculation
b. Fixed the plot loading issue for ‘Adiabatic Bulk Modulus for Hydrocarbons’ calculation
c. Moved ‘Potential Impact Radius’ calculation to AGR & GPRA module
d. Updated elevation profile to have the same scale as that of the borehole profile
a. Added capability to handle compound angle bend in HDD Lite
b. Updated borehole profile definition to handle both horizontal and vertical bend
c. Added catenary (over bend) calculation to the HDD Steel Pipe calculation
d. Introduced schematic for catenary (over bend) calculation to display the calculated results
e. Updated borehole profile plot to handle the field elevation for pipe entry and pipe exit
HDD PowerTool
Bug Fixes
a. Updated elevation profile to have the same scale as that of the borehole profile
b. Fixed unit loading in borehole stability calculation for Maximum Allowable Mud Pressure and Minimum Required Mud Pressure
c. Fixed the report for borehole stability calculation. Uom fields for Maximum Allowable Mud Pressure and Minimum Required Mud Pressure are correctly printed in the report
d. Fixed unit loading and save issue for the pipe directive in HDD Steel Pipe
e. Fixed the clearing out of KMZ/KML file in borehole profile when the calculation is executed
f. Updated the UI design to enable easy GIS shape file import
a. Added catenary (over bend) calculation to the HDD Steel Pipe calculation
b. Introduced schematic for catenary (over bend) calculation to display the calculated results
c. Added capability to handle compound angle bend in HDD PT
d. Updated borehole profile definition to handle both horizontal and vertical bend
e. Updated borehole profile plot to handle the field elevation for pipe entry and pipe exit
f. Standardize the HDD PT widgets to reflect the HUBPL design
g. Updated the UI layout for Maximum Allowable and Minimum Required Mud Pressure (multiple point)
h. In Hydraulic Fracture Analysis, included table entry for the input and results when ‘Multiple Point’ selection is made
i. Updated the Hydraulic Fracture Analysis report with the recommended references
j. Included the ability to calculate the radius of curvature from the measured length & bend angle and vice versa
k. Updated Hydraulic Fracture Analysis (multiple point) plot to include the borehole profile
l. Provided plot header for Hydraulic Fracture Analysis (multiple point) plot
m. Standardized the PDF report to the HUBPL design and layout
n. Standardized the excel export to HUBPL design and layout
Bug Fixes
a. Resolved an error related to importing the nomenclature profile in different units selected from the UI
b. Resolved an error related to importing the pit depth profile in different units selected from the UI
c. Resolved an error where the units for Potential Impact Radius (PIR) were incorrect
AC Mitigation PT
Bug Fixes
a. Fault Current
i. Resolved an error where the power line schematic did not update to related the selected power line type
ii. Resolved an error where the Steady State case data was not loading in Fault current when the steady state case was selected and “Go” was clicked
iii. Resolved an error where the Phase Wire data was not updating based on the Faulted Wire number selection
Title: Production Maintenance Update
Version: 2020.01.24
Scheduled maintenance efforts have been successfully completed as of 1/24/20 and all systems are now available. We thank you for your patience.
Title: Scheduled Production Update
Version: 2020.01.24
HUBPL is under maintenance, some performances may be affected. However, users can continue to use HUBPL during this time. Should any assistance be required, please contact our Support Desk @ https://technicaltoolboxes.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
Thank you for your patience.
Title: Production Migration Updates
Version: 2019.12.12
Bug Fixes
a. Resolved an error related to users not able to access HUBPL using Firefox browser
b. Resolved an error where the attributes of the pipe in the map were opened using the Info button, a large portion of the pop-up is blank-white-space; the text viewing portion does not scale with widget size
c. Resolved an error related a blank (Liquid) widget is added to the dashboard/canvas when clicked on a case name in the hierarchy
d. Resolved an error where “Save All” for edits were not saved for one/multiple pipes
e. Resolved an error In flow rate, where options for liquid rates were missing
f. Resolved an error In Fluid Model, where options for gas (phase) were missing
g. Resolved an error related to the attributes box where option at the top of the attribute box that shows Pipe 9 of 9, etc. disappears, along with ability to switch pipes, etc.
h. Resolved an error related to plotting Ad-Hoc data stored in the attributes for pipes
i. Resolved an error where the numbers in the attribute box are not vertically aligned
j. Resolved an error where the Attributes widget is expandable, expanding the size does not change how much data can be viewed at once
a. Implemented PIR calculation widget to PLTB (G) AGR & GPRA
b. Added DCV % IR Drop Calculation widget to PLTB (L & G) Cathodic Protection
Bug Fixes
a. Resolved error related to widget re-sizing where the data input widget size resets erroneously
b. Resolved error related to import of template when the number of rows exceeded 3000
c. Resolved an error where the deepest point in profile after calculation did not highlight
d. Resolved an error related to alignment of the profile table where the % depth switches from right justified to left justified
e. Resolved an error where the right justified has different font or bold than left justified
f. Resolved error where the profile should default with Increment 0 and depth 0, then begin with increment length
g. Resolved error where the “max depth” does not calculate on report or header
h. Resolved an error related to the Remaining Life and Reassessment Intervals calculation for the modified criterion
i. Resolved an error where only 5 data rows are shown in the profile table, regardless of how tall you make the sub-widget
a. Addition of PRCI logo
b. Separated Non-PRCI Calculations from PRCI Calculations
c. Increased wall thickness from three (3) to four (4) decimals
d. Removed redundant headers from Remaining Life Calculations
e. Remove dropdown for Record
i. Added new icon for “Save”
ii. Added new icon for “Save As”
f. Remove dropdown for Tools
i. Added new icon for “Zero Out Method”
ii. Location adjustment for the icon “Zero Out Method” can be found beside “Submit” button in the “Profile” sub-widget
iii. Added new icon for “Generate Report”
g. Remove dropdown for Preferences
i. “Inspector Data” and “Logo” can now be updated from the overall HUBPL preferences
h. Remove dropdown for “Select Reference Docs”
i. Added new icon for “Reference Documents” that opens a pop-up box that gives options to open docs
AC Mitigation PT
Bug Fixes
a. Steady State
i. Resolved an error related to saving mitigation data
ii. Resolved an error related to displaying the map in the report
iii. Resolved an error where the metric unit selection did not switch units
iv. Resolved an error where the data was not displayed while hover on plot
v. Resolved an error where the default case did not load
vi. Resolved an error where the time is incorrect in the report
vii. Resolved an error related to import of pipe depth
viii. Resolved an error related to edit of pipe depth
ix. Resolved errors related to the design of the application
x. Resolved an error related to “coating Thickness” where “mil” was displayed for “inch”
xi. Resolved an error related to units not loading
b. Fault Current
i. Resolved an error related to saving mitigation data
ii. Resolved an error related to displaying the map in the report
iii. Resolved an error where the metric unit selection did not switch units
iv. Resolved an error where the data was not displayed while hover on plot
v. Resolved an error where the frequency has to default to 60Hz
vi. Resolved an error where the display pipeline info and transmission line info were not similar to pipelineskybox
vii. Resolved an error where the results in metric are incorrect
viii. Resolved an error where the results are incorrect (the fault current calculations were generating incorrect results)
ix. Resolved an error related to import of pipe depth
x. Resolved an error related to edit of pipe depth. (Prior to the capability to edit pipe depth beyond section 11 was unavailable.)
xi. Resolved errors related to the design of the application
xii. Resolved an error related to “coating Thickness” where “mil” was displayed for “inch”
xiii. Resolved an error related to units not loading
Title: Scheduled Production Update
Version: 2019.12.11
HUBPL is under maintenance, some performances maybe affected. However, users can continue to use HUBPL during this time. Should any assistance be required , please contact our Support Desk @ https://technicaltoolboxes.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
Thank you for your patience.
Title: Maintenance Planned for 12/10/19 (11 pm CST)
Version: 2019.12.10
HUBPL is under maintenance and users may encounter performance issues and bugs. We will update to the status once all systems are readily available. Thank you for your patience.
Title: Maintenance Update
Version: 2019.11.04
Thank you for your patience. Map services are active and currently available in HUB-PL.
Title: Maintenance Schedule
Version: 2019.11.01
Map services will be disabled between 11/02/2019 and 11/03/2019 for maintenance. We will be back up and running on 11/04/2019.
Title: Updates to PLTB
Version: 2019.09.26
Naming and layout of Input parameters have been standardized in each calculation, to enhance user familiarity and to enable auto-population of input fields from an asset database, vs. manual entry. Many other enhancements have been made as a part of the HUB-PL platform that affect the PLTB user experience; more information on the HUB-PL is offered in a different document.
General Items Affecting All Modules & Widgets
Added standard pipe characteristics template to input section of UI, pre-populate with available data from application database, per user selection in Navigator &/or Map.
Added standard pipe class template to input section of UI, pre-populate with available data from application database, per user selection in Navigator &/or Map.
Added a standard fluid properties template to input section of UI, pre-populate with available data from application database, per user selection in Navigator &/or Map
Added standard pipe operational template to input section of UI, pre-populate with available data from application database, per user selection in Navigator &/or Map. Rename the following labels: Flowing Temperature to Operating Temperature, Flowing Pressure to Operating Pressure
Added capability to select location of case/analysis from a map, snapping to & associating case with a pipe/valve/compressor/crossing/other entity
Added Excel export function to dump all inputs, tabs, outputs, and graph data into separate tabs of an Excel workbook
Cathodic Protection Module
Cathodic Protection (Resistance to Earth Impressed Anode GB): Incorporated dynamic equation calculation of correction factor, replacing static factor of 1.2E-8
HDD Module
Incorporated changes to factor internal pressure into External Hoop Stress calculation
Pumps & Compressors Module
Incorporated Local Atmospheric Pressure calculation
Crossings Module
Resolved error in API 1102 burial factor graph that results in frame shift to the right
Resolved incorrect Nominal OD value for selected inlet pipe size in Wheel Load Analysis
Resolved error in the naming of soil layers H1 and H2 in Wheel Load Analysis
Resolved calculation error in longitudinal girth welds for API 1102 for railroad crossings; girth weld to reference cyclic longitudinal stress and longitudinal weld to reference cyclic circumferential stress.
Resolved calculation error in longitudinal girth welds for API 1102 for highway crossings; girth weld to reference cyclic longitudinal stress and longitudinal weld to reference cyclic circumferential stress.
Resolved error in API 1102 for railroad crossing calculation whereby the calculated girth weld stress exceeds the allowable, but the given result is PASS.
Added a 90% adjustment factor option to the API-1102 calculation to agree with ASME B31.8
Adjust cyclic longitudinal stress calculation for girth welds in track loads by adding an if statement from reference material section of API RP 1102 that will change results under certain conditions. This was missed in the 1996 PLTB build, and every version since
Resolved discrepancy between granular materials with cohesion and without cohesion in Wheel Load and Track Load calculations
10. Resolved graphing error in Crossings module, whereby metric units do not display on graphs
Testing Module
11. Resolved calculation error in API 1104 Weld Imperfection
12. Resolved saving error whereby the date entered into API 1104 cases do not get saved
13. Added API 5L to available options for Pipe Type in Pack in Pipeline calculations
14. Resolved error in calculation button for Pack in Pipeline whereby results do not appear
15. Improved input validation vs boundary conditions of Steel Pipeline Testing - Gas Pipeline Blowdown Semi-Emprical Method
16. Removed the word "Gas" from the title of Pipeline Pressure Testing - Maximum Pressure Drop application for liquid pipes
17. Resolved calculation error in blowdown calculations
Cathodic Protection Module
18. Changed the default number of decimal digits that are displayed in the Cathodic Protection Attenuation alculations
19. Resolved calculation error in Cathodic Protection - Impressed Current Anodes
20. Resolved calculation error in Cathodic Protection - Resistance to Earth for Multiple Vertical Anodes
21. Resolved calculation error in Cathodic Protection - Resistance to Earth for Single Horizontal Anode
22. Resolved calculation error in Cathodic Protection - Resistance to Earth Single Vertical Anode
23. Resolved label error in Cathodic Protection, Resistance to Earth of an Impressed Current Anode, whereby the units were changed from ohm-cm to ohms
Pumps & Compressors Module
24. Added units for Compressor Facilities - Fan Laws
25. Resolved a unit conversion error in Centrifugal Compressor Adiabatic Head calculation
26. Resolved calculation error in Compressor Diameter when units for flowrate are not selected
27. Resolved calculation error in Facilities Compressor Cylinder/Equivalent Capacity
28. Resolved a unit conversion error in Reciprocating Pump Piston Rod calculation
29. Resolved error in pump types available for selection
Facilities Module
30. Resolved calculation error in Hot Tap Branch Connection Velocity
31. Added units for Required Flow Through Valve in Relief Gas Sizing
32. Resolved calculation error in discharge flow sizing of Pipeline Facilities - API RP 520 Relief Valve Not Requiring Liquid Capacity Certification.
33. Resolved calculation error in Relief Gas Sizing for Vapor & Gas when required flow through valve is selected
34. Resolved error in proper sorting of wall thickness sizes for 14" pipe in Relief Valve Reaction Force inputs
HDD Module
35. Resolved error in HDD Pull Force Cumulative Load calculation
36. Resolved error in calculation of HDD Plastic Pipes - Allowable Tensile Load
37. Resolved error in calculation of HDD Plastic Pipes - Post-Installation Loads, Deflection and Unconstrained Collapse
38. Resolved error in HDD ballast calculations whereby external hoop stress does not account for internal pressure due to water
39. Resolved error in HDD Plastic Pipe calculation for Pull Force whereby changing pipe type from HDPE to MDPE changes units to metric
40. Resolved boundary condition conflicts with HDD calculations for PE Pipe
41. Resolved input validation error in HDD calculations for PE Pipe
42. Resolved error in boundary conditions for Young's Modulus of Elasticity in HDD Steel Pipes - Operating Stress Analysis calculation
Hydraulics Module
43. Resolved calculation error in Hazen-Williams Hydraulics calculation whereby fluid type selection affects Hazen Williams Coefficient
44. Resolved calculation error in Hydraulics - Heltzel calculations
45. Resolved calculation error in Hydraulics - Pittsburgh Flow Rate
46. Resolved calculation error in Hydraulics - T.R. Aude downstream pressure calculation
47. Resolved calculation error in Hydraulics - IGT Distribution Downstream Pressure
48. Resolved error in report generation for Darcy Weisbach Hydraulics calculations whereby units always display in US Field
49. Resolved graphing error in Hydraulics - Surge Analysis, whereby metric units do not display on Water Hammer graphs
50. Resolved run-time errors in Hydraulics calculations
51. Resolved units error in Colebrook-White Hydraulics calculations whereby results are always in US Field Units
52. Resolved calculation error in all Weymouth Hydraulics calculations
53. Resolved calculation error in Meuller High Pressure - Downstream Pressure - Hydraulics calculation
54. Resolved calculation error in Meuller Low Pressure - Hydraulics calculation
55. Resolved calculation error in Spitzglass Hydraulics calculation for Downstream Pressure
56. Changed UI label for fluid density input from "Liquid Specific Gravity" to "Liquid Density" in all PLTB - L Heltzel Hydraulics calculations
57. Changed default units for kinematic viscosity to centistokes, instead of ft^2/sec, in all PLTB - L Heltzel Hydraulics calculations
Miscellaneous Module
58. Added default values for Poisson's Ration and Young's Modulus of Elasticity in API 1117 Movement of In-service Pipe
59. Added units for input parameters of API 1117 Movement of In Service Pipelines
60. Changed the default number of decimal digits that are displayed for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion in the API 2540 - Volume Correction Factor calculation
61. Changed the default number of decimal digits that are displayed for Volume at Equilibrium (Bubble Point) Pressure in the API MPMS Compressibility Factor calculation
62. Corrected unit label mismatch in API MPMS - Compressibility Factor for Hydrocarbons - Volume at Equilibrium (Bubble Point) Pressure
63. Resolved calculation error in Pressure at Metering Conditions related to compressibility in API MPMS – Compressibility Factor of Hydrocarbons
Design & Stress Analysis
64. Resolved calculation error in Movement of Unpressurized Pipe
65. Resolved units error in Movement of Unpressurized Pipe whereby results are always displayed in US Field units
66. Changed the default units to inches for Maximum Deflection in Stress Analysis calculation for Bending Stress and Deflection
67. Changed the default units to lb/in in Bending Moment input section of Stress Analysis Restrained and Unrestrained Liquid Pipeline
68. Resolved error in Stress Analysis - Restrained Liquid Pipeline calculation
69. Changed input labels for Maximum Allowable Pipe Span Length; "Pipe Wall Thickness" changed to "Nominal Wall Thickness" and "Pipe Class" changed to "Longitudinal Joint Factor"
70. Resolved calculation error in Buoyancy & Concrete Weight Spacing, Downward Force and Concrete Weight spacing
71. Resolved calculation error in Tractive Shear Stress, Flow Based Continuity Equation and Required Area for Flume Design - Rational Method
72. Resolved calculation error in Design & Stress Analysis - Hoop & Longitudinal Stress.
73. Added input data validation for Operating Pressure such that it can't be entered if greater than MAOP
74. Added input data validation for Maximum Test Pressure indicating it must be GTE 1560 psig
75. Added input data validation for Maximum Allowable % of SMYS for Testing indicating it must be GTE 53.85%
76. Resolved error whereby date must be manually entered in Gas Design Pressure after saving
PE Pipe Module
77. Resolved calculation error in PE Pipe Static Surcharge Not Beneath Load.
78. Resolved runtime error in PE Pipe calculations
79. Resolved error in boundary conditions for minimum allowed wall thickness in PE Pipe - Design Pressure calculation
80. Resolved error in RSTRENG whereby manual entry cannot over-ride calculated MAOP
81. Resolved runtime conflict between RSTRENG and PLTB when separately installed on same machine
82. Resolved error whereby Remaining Life and Reassessment Interval are not shown for metric units
Blasting Module
83. Resolved calculation error in Barlow's formula for Design Pressure results in Evaluation of MAOP B31.8 Pressure
84. Resolved calculation error in Blast Parallel Line Explosive.
85. Resolved calculation error in Blasting - Parallel Grid
86. Resolved calculation error in Distributed Static Surcharge.
87. Resolved calculation error in GPRA Accidental Release of Liquid Hydrocaron - Peak Release Flowrate
88. Resolved error in validation checks of inputs in Pipeline Rupture - Depth of Crater
General Items Affecting All Modules
89. Resolved general unit conversion error between psig and psia
90. Resolved issue with data import from older versions whereby Pipe Type defaults to Standard Pipe when API 5L was in original case
91. Resolved report generation format error whereby results can overflow into the top of the next line of the report
92. Resolved run-time errors in report generation function that can cause the program to close
93. Resolved error in saving of cases for PLTB-Liquids, whereby the case data can be saved to the Gas portion of the database
Title: Update
Version: 12-07-2018
Map service and hierarchy has been enabled
QC for intersections is currently disabled and will be enabled tonight
Map editor is disabled and will be enabled tonight
User preference for company logo (reports) GUI has been updated (Febin to test the feature)
license config in user preference GUI is non-functional
Title: Lat - Long Update
Version: 11/16/2018
PLTB modules have been updated with an icon to select point from the map that loads lat/long point for a case (similar to RSTRENG).
Pending modules Crossing, Facility and Pump