Pipeline HUB Release Notes

Pipeline HUB Release Notes

Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes  

Version: C-2025.01.24 


API Collector 


  1. App now has the capability to calculate tmin for Shell Crs 1 for tanks 

  1. Angle ‘a’ calculation has been added to the app for horizontal tanks 



  1. Updated the UI and the report to display Pass/Fail in table format by comparing between allowable and calculated values in Polyethylene pipes gas and liquid modules for the following calculations (TT-9903

    1. PE Pipe Directly Beneath a Surcharge Load 

    2. Pipe Not Directly Beneath a Surcharge Load  

    3. Aircraft Load on Buried PE Pipe 

    4. AASHTO H20 Load on Buried PE Pipe -12” Thick Pavement 

    5. AASHTO H20 Load on Buried PE Pipe - Unpaved or Flexible Pavement 

    6. Cooper E-80 Railroad Load on Buried PE Pipe 

    7. Distributed Surface Load on Buried PE Pipe - Unpaved Road Only 

    8. Multiple Wheel Over Pipe - Concentrated Point Load 

    9. Multiple Wheel not over Buried PE Pipe - Concentrated Point Load 

    10. Single Wheel over Buried PE Pipe - Concentrated Point Load  

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed the following issues in Hydraulics Gas – Weymouth calculations: 

    1. Pressure results subtracted to base pressure are now considered to be the gauge pressure at 14.73 psia (TT-11734

    2. Velocity was incorrectly calculated (TT-11734

Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes  

Version: C-2025.01.17 

Asset Management 


  1. Data for additional fields (Cr, tmin for shell and head and pressure vessel data) is getting pushed to Asset from 510 module. This includes updating the date for type of inspections. 

AC Mitigation 


  1. Added an ability for the user to enter Cut-off Voltage and Cut-off Current in the Fault Current calculation to visualize the cutoffs in the Unmitigated and Mitigated plots. 

Bug Fixes 

  1. The following issues have been fixed in the AC Mitigation module:

    1. The 2nd section in AC Mitigation – Steady State would not delete unless the user right-clicked repeatedly (TT-11753).

      1. This occurred particularly after importing data. 

    2. The Fault Current report was not reporting the Arc Distance (TT-11749). 

Crossings Workflow 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue in Crossings Workflow with Plastic Pipe equipment cases where the Reference Impact Factor method was not being retained on calculation or saving of the case (TT-11754). 

Hydrotest PowerTool 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue where pipe entity data wasn’t imported if a pipe was selected from the Hierarchy (TT-11084). 



  1. The following applications in Design & Stress Analysis have been updated (TT-11072): 

    1. Buoyancy Analysis 

    2. Concrete Weights Spacing

    3. Labels for the following have been adjusted in naming to be in line with industry standards: 

      1. “Unit Weight of Concrete” has been named to “Density of Weight” 

      2. “Volume of Concrete Weight” has been named to “Volume of Weight” 

      3. “Concrete Weight Spacing” has been named to “Weight Spacing” 

    4. A calculation for Negative Buoyancy has been added to the applications and associated reports. 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue in Polyethylene Pipe applications where unit conversions for pipe catalogs for Modulus of Elasticity were not reporting correct values in Metric units. 

  2. Fixed an issue in the Mueller Low Pressure Hydraulics calculations where the delta pressure must be in inches of water column units (TT-9386). 

Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes  

Version: C-2025.01.10 

API Collector 


  1. The following enhancements have been added to the API Collector: 

    1. The Floor MRT calculation has been added for API 653 

    2. A search-ahead feature has been added for all drop-downs 

API Toolbox 


  1. The API 570 Final Report Builder import template has been updated to support ST & LT age columns

AC Mitigation 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed the following issues in AC Mitigation Steady State application: 

    1. Section lines were not visible while creating bonds (TT-11753

    2. Application sub-tabs were overlapped by the ESRI Map inside the application (TT-11740

HUB Platform 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue with the Hierarchy where cases could not be opened on an open calculation tab (TT-11419). 

Hydrotest PowerTool 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue in Hydrotest PowerTool where pipe entity data wasn’t overwritten on a section if a pipe was selected from the ESRI Map application or Hierarchy (TT-10133). 

Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes  

Version: C-2025.01.03 

AC Mitigation 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue where the mitigation was not displayed in maps when sections were over 1000 (TT-11736). 

  2. Fixed an issue where there was significant delay in entering data in the powerline properties (TT-11722). 


Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue where the Zero Out – Display with Table was not generating the calculated results in the table (TT-11739). 

Hydrotest PowerTool 


  1. Released a new feature which gives the user the added ability to import an Excel file for pipe and ground elevation which is displayed in the plots for a comparison between calculated elevation from the shape file vs Excel imported data (TT-11739). 

Title: Production Scheduled Maintenance - Release Notes  

Version: C-2024.12.27 

HDD PowerTool 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue where the profile would be cramped and not expand over the screen (TT-10543).

AC Mitigation 

Bug Fixes 

  1. Fixed an issue where the begin and end points would swap after case is saved (TT-11426).



  1. Updated validation for CVN and UTS in the calculation (TT-11725).