Update on the Latest Technical Capabilities of the HDDPT

Update on the Latest Technical Capabilities of the HDDPT

Steel cased crossings have been used to avoid load considerations, unstable soil conditions, third party mechanical damage or when conditions dictated by regulatory or sound engineering practices.  However, due to a variety of factors such design, installation, construction practices, materials, coatings, etc. have caused problems with protecting the carrier pipe within the casing.  Then Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) allows the installation of pipelines quickly, economically and without impacting the environment.  This drilling method with only one start and exit point, means several kilometers of pipelines can be laid beneath rivers, cities, mountains and the countryside. 

The HDD Toolbox PowerTool offers the latest technical capability and the latest calculations.  These capabilities include:

·        GIS/Shape File Importation

(Present version is limited to Sea Level – Adjustments are required for mountainous terrain.  However, progress is being made on fixing these graphs)

·        Ability to Add Multiple Sections in Borehole Profile

(This is an enhancement versus earlier version of the software)

·        Excel/KMZ/KML/SHP File Import for Elevation Profile

(This is an enhancement to accommodate all terrains)

·        Supports Horizontal Straight (w/Inclination Angle) and Curved Sections

(Due to unanticipated obstacles in the field, HDDPT can calculate these changes quickly)

·        Calculates Borehole Stability for the Borehole Profile

(Borehole stability is primary to the success of the project)

·        Generates Borehole Stability Plot

(Borehole stability or Frac Outs are one of the leading failures in HDD projects – HDDPT predicts these locations)

·        Supports Different Pipe Entries and Exit Elevations

(Due to uneven terrain, HDDPT supports these elevation changes)

·        Dynamic Borehole Design

(Complex angles are sometime required and HDDPT supports these angles)

·        Ability to share Cases between end users within the HUB

(All Technical Toolboxes software has the capability to share and integrate data through GIS)

·        Ability to customize Project Report

(Good data and reports are key to the final success of the project)