Hydraulic Fracture Analysis Geological Layers Data Input

Hydraulic Fracture Analysis Geological Layers Data Input

The article covers data ranges that could be applied for Soil Friction Angle, Soil Cohesion and Soil Shear Modulus while using the HDD PT> Hydraulic Fracture Analysis

  • Soil Friction Angle -

Some typical values of soil friction angle are given below for different USCS soil types at normally consolidated condition unless otherwise stated. These values should be used only as guideline for geotechnical problems; however, specific condition of each engineering problem often needs to be considered for an appropriate choice of geotechnical parameters.


  • Soil Cohesion -

Some typical values of soil cohesion are given below for different soil types. The soil cohesion depends strongly on the consistence, packing, and saturation condition. The values given below correspond to normally consolidated condition unless otherwise stated. These values should be used only as guideline for geotechnical problems; however, specific condition of each engineering problem often needs to be considered for an appropriate choice of geotechnical parameters.



  • Soil Shear Modulus -

The shear modulus (G) is the parameter commonly used to describe soil stiffness and to calculate shear deformations at small-to-moderate strains (γ<0.5%). The values given below correspond to normally consolidated condition unless otherwise stated. These values should be used only as guideline for geotechnical problems; however, specific condition of each engineering problem often needs to be considered for an appropriate choice of geotechnical parameters.



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