PRCI Hot Tap results not showing on reports

PRCI Hot Tap results not showing on reports

This can be attributed to one of the following reasons

  1. Calculation not executed

In this case, simply click on the calculate button. Once the execution is successful, a confirmation message will be generated to confirm the execution - “Engine executed successfully”. Now, generate the report and the report should carry the results from the execution.

Note: If the case is saved after execution, the results of the case execution will be saved with the case. Doing this will allow the user to simply load the case the next time and see the results without execution.

2. Engine Crash

Doing execution, if the validation message throws an error message outside of “Engine executed successfully”, we might have to verify and see why the validation error exist. It could be that the input data entered is outside the permissible model limit. If the crash is tied to model crash, the engine message as part of the execution should reflect that.

3. Update made to input data

If the user makes an update to the input data after the execution, the system will automatically clear the results. This is done as an additional validation check to make sure that the user executes the engine to see the latest results based on the updates made to the input data.

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