API 5L Pipe Grades and Longitudinal Seams

API 5L Pipe Grades and Longitudinal Seams

Pipeline grades covered by API 5L specifications that are A25, A, B and "X" Grades X42, X46, X52, X56, X60, X65, X70, and X80.  The two digit number following the "X" indicates the Minimum Yield Strength (in 000's psi) of pipe produced to this grade.  Below is a table of typical pipe types that are used today on mid-stream pipelines.

Regarding Longitudinal Joint Factors see table below.  

It is recommended to contact the manufacturer of the type pipe being used to obtain the latest information on specific runs of pipe.

PHMSA Alert Notices:  Low frequency electric resistance welded (LF-ERW) pipe or lap welded pipe may be susceptible to longitudinal seam failure unless an engineering analysis shows otherwise; all pre-70 LF-ERW pipe is deemed susceptible to longitudinal seam failure (reference 49 CFR 195.303(d)).   A.O.Smith in 1952 using a flash welding process for the longitudinal seam is similar to a low frequency ERW process that is involved in an alert notice advising that the pipe is deemed susceptible to seam failures unless an engineering analysis shows otherwise. 

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