Why do I get a message that says 'Reset password is not allowed at this time.'?

Why do I get a message that says 'Reset password is not allowed at this time.'?

Pipeline HUB users are registered into the application via the user management system Okta by the user doing a setup process

If a user does not click the ‘Verify Email Address’ button in the email received from okta.com, then their account will not be ‘Active’ and will be unable to setup a password and log into Pipeline HUB.

Figure 1: Email from okta.com to user for completing self-service registration


Problem: If a user then attempts to log into Pipeline HUB at https://www.pipelineengineeringsoftware.com/#/ , then they will encounter the screenshots shown in Figures 2-3 below.

Solution: Email support@technicaltoolboxes.com to send a fresh activation link (expires in 5 minutes) and click ‘Verify Email Address’.


Figure 2: Example 1 of message received at sign-in


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